29. - Blood Thicker Than Water?

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April 1486 - Chateau de Roquetaillade, Bordeaux, France

Harry hasn't felt the relief like he did when leaving King Pierre's court many times in his life. They spent nearly a month there and Harry's surprised he didn't punch Pierre once. Because he certainly deserved it, especially for that time he tried to rope him and Zayn into some weird sex thing he had going on.

Not everything was terrible because the Queen was actually nice and treated them like fellow royals and not mistresses as her dear husband did. The little Prince was truly adorable and Josette paid attention to him, which isn't very common with Queens and Kings. At the wild parties Pierre throws almost every night, Harry and Zayn stuck mainly to her and some other courtiers, usually those that weren't Pierre's friends.

Now, they're about to meet Melisende's family. Which, quite frankly, terrifies the shit out of Harry because Melisende had to be raised by someone to be the horrifying, brilliant woman she is. Zayn assured him that his Aunt isn't nearly as headstrong and relentless as Melisende but knowing his mother-in-law, Harry has his doubts. Even if she proved to have kindness within her that surprised but also pleased him.

Melisende's ancestral home in Aquitaine is a beautiful chateau, built in an earlier fashion than the one where the royal court is held. They're greeted by Mariota - Melisende's sister, and her husband Gamet. Harry sees the resemblance, with the long dark hair and same sharp features. Mariota smiles exponentially more than Melisende does and she greets Harry like he's been coming up for visits since he was a little boy. She gushes over how handsome the two of them look together as a royal couple and Harry only smiles because, yes they do look handsome together.

Instead of retreating to their rooms, they decide to take a ride outside because it's absolutely beautiful, the weather warm and welcoming and Harry's pretty curious about the place Melisende comes from.

"I haven't been here in so long," Zayn says when they're sometimes outside the castle walls. The nature around is indeed beautiful, with tall trees and enchanting clearings scattered throughout.

"Really? How long?" Harry asks. Their horses are galloping leisurely since they're not rushing anywhere, just trying to take in the surroundings.

"Maybe four years?" Zayn replies, his eyes watching the trees they pass by. "My Mother used to send me here every time she knew there would be a battle. And every summer just to be here and study if I weren't at an abbey or something."

"I had no clue you spent so much time in France."

"Well, my Mother kept the fact well hidden," Zayn sighs. "And I haven't really talked about it with you. Just a story here or there."

"Did you miss it?" Harry asks curiously.

Zayn's silent for a bit, still not looking at Harry. "Perhaps. It's a beautiful place."

"You know," Harry starts, trying to keep talking when he sees that Zayn's not really in a chatty mood. "When I was little, I had a cat. A fat thing that was lazy as hell. He always just slept on the window in my bedroom, flapping his tail around. But when he started running around, no one could ever catch him until he let himself be caught. One time, he scratched me so hard I cried for an hour and my Father-"

"Harry, I need to tell you something," Zayn says suddenly, finally looking at Harry again. He has a grim expression on his face and that's never a good thing.

Harry stops in his tracks, stopping his horse, his blood freezing up. His heart is beating so fast he can feel it in his throat, his hands are shaking on the horse's bridle. This can only mean bad news.

"What's going on?" Harry asks cautiously.

"We haven't talked about the line of succession if we do not have heirs," Zayn says then, his eyes dropping to his hands on the reins.

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