10. - The War For Love

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Wawrick Castle, April 1485

Peace is hard to achieve sometimes. Men and women have ambitions that are sometimes irreconcilable with peace. Whether it be lands, money, status or the throne of a country. England could talk more than enough about people like these. With this war that has been going on for too long, ambition and self-interest need to be pushed to the side in order to give the people of England some peace and prosperity at last.

If only everyone involved in the war thought that way.

"We need him dead," Lord Wawrick announces to the room of Harry's advisors.

Harry tries to hide his emotions, the anger and fear he feels everytime Lord Wawrick and these other Lords talk about killing Harry's lover. What makes it worse is that they expect Harry to kill him.

"We do not," Harry protests with a straight face. "If you do not want me dead too, you cannot kill him."

"Your Highness, we have discussed many times-"

"You discussed it many times," Harry jumps in. "And each time I tried to oppose you, you shut me down."

Lord Wawrick scoffs. "Am I supposed to listen to your ridiculous plans of peaceful negotiation? If we arranged it, their Prince would kill you the moment you walked into the room."

"He would not," Harry says through his teeth. "For he is not a mindless killer like you."

A few of the people in the room gasp but Harry keeps his eyes set firmly on Lord Wawrick's face. The man is fuming, his blue eyes would've killed Harry already in they could.

"And how would you know that, Your Highness?" Lord Wawrick asks cruelly.

Harry hesitates for a moment, fearing that he's been exposed. "Gossip. Things our own spies tell us. It is not hard for one to figure out that the Prince wants peace too."

"Alright. How would you achieve the peace?" Lady Montagu steps in. "What would you propose at these negotiations?"

Harry looks at the fair-haired woman. She's not watching him with doubt or badly concealed hatred and annoyance like the rest of the men around the room. Her green eyes are calm, open. She is not trying to mock him with this question like Lord Wawrick would.

"I cannot give up my claim on the throne," Harry says.

"No, you cannot," Lady Montagu shakes her head.

Harry takes a deep breath, gathering the courage to voice this idea. He has been thinking about it for a few weeks already. It is risky to disclose in front of all of his advisors but he needs to take this chance. Maybe some of them will agree. Lord Wawrick will not, Harry knows this already but if he has the support of all the other Lords and Ladies, he might get through with it.

"Marriage," Harry says as he stands up from his seat. "Their Prince and I would wed. Our houses would unite under one and there will be no futher dispute about who shall sit on the throne."

The Lords start whispering in mild outrage, some of them seemingly more shocked than other. As Harry eyes their faces, some of them look like they've been waiting for this idea to be said. Lady Montagu is looking at Harry with an almost invisible smirk. Lord Wawrick, on the other hand, looks like he wants to unsheath his sword and cut Harry's head off right where he stands.

"That is insane," Lord Wawrick says at last, effectively silencing the rest of the room.

"Why would it be insane?" Harry opposes him immediately. "The Prince wants peace so there is a chance that he would agree to this. He would have an arranged marriage either way. And I can provide heirs that will have both mine and his blood coursing through their veins. Where is the insane part? I cannot see it."

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