12. - So It Begins

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Wawrick Castle, May 1485

Harry wakes up early the morning of the battle. The sun is barely out but the sky is spotless and the birds are chirping like it was fairytale and not a day when thousands of people will find their futile deaths. It's almost like the weather tried to be optimistic for the people fighting.

It is still better than if it was raining. Fighting in a muddy field is terrible and the death toll is even higher due to the conditions. Rain is making the visibility worse and many men die just due to spilling in the mud and being stomped to death by horses and other people.

Harry gets up from the bed after a few minutes of staring at the ceiling and questioning everything. How many souls are going to be taken today? What is going to happen after the battle? Are he and Zayn even going to survive this? The depressing thinking is making him even sadder and more worried than he already was so he decides to do anything that will make him think of the battle.

He sits at the windowsill next to an open window, looking outside at the beautiful surroundings. He just lets his mind wander, think about positive things instead of the war while he can. In just a few hours, he's going to face the man he loves in a cruel battle and while they're not going to kill each other, their families might take care of it. They are just two men against many more and while they outrank them all, it means nothing in the grand scheme of things. There are kingmakers and ambitious Lords looking for better status and more wealth.

There is a knock on his door then. Harry gets startled by it, but still calls out for the person to come in. It's probably just servants anyways, bringing him breakfast and coming in to get him dressed.

But it is Peter, his squire, the man securing the only link of communication between him and Zayn.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Peter bows.

"Good morning, Peter," Harry replies. "You are finally here. Do you have the letter?"

Peter nods, reaching into his inner coat pocket. "I do, Your Highness."

He walks to the window Harry's sitting by, placing the letter and the rose ring in Harry's waiting hand. Harry breathes out a sigh of relief once he sees the familiar ring and the red wax seal stamped with Zayn's signet.

"Thank you very much, Peter," Harry gives him a small smile. "I will forever value your service."

"Prince Zayn says you should hurry with an answer. He is still in Nottingham and if I get on road within an hour, I can still deliver it to him," Peter says.

"Why?" Harry asks, his heart accelerating in worry. "What is going on?"

"He would not say," Peter answers. "I suppose he reveals the reason in the letter."

"Very well, then," Harry nods. "May I have some time? Could you come back to my chambers in twenty minutes?"

"Of course, Your Highness," Peter bows and turns to leave the room.

As soon as the door is closed again, Harry peels the seal and begins reading. The first words are beautiful as always but what he reads next is something shocking to say the least.

His eyes fill with tears almost immediately and a strange wave of happiness washes over him. He can feel warmth spreading in his belly and chest, his entire body tingling in elation. Tears stream down his face but they are not one out of sadness but pure joy. The dreary day of death suddenly gains a new meaning. After the battle he will be with his love again. They will be wed and their love will be out there for everyone to see.

They will need to face many obstacles and get through them without dying but the end will be worth all the peril and suffering. Harry will be with his love, joined in the eyes of God and the nation they will rule together as Kings and husbands. No puny Lords with ambition that outgrows them will be able to stop them.

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