25. - Pennyroyal

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December 1485, Windsor Castle

Zayn has been training for an hour at this point. He's been ditching training this week because he'd rather sit next to a fireplace and kiss Harry until their lips hurt than swing a sword at his trainer. But he can't let himself get out of shape. That would be the worst since while it is peace now, it doesn't have to be in two months.

"Alright, swing that sword harder," Ben says. "Use your left shoulder too. Harder. Imagine I'm a nasty Frenchman trying to take over Calais."

"Ben, I'm half French," Zayn huffs. "Shut up with that tactic before my Mother hears."

"Oh, shit, yeah," Ben nods, taking a few steps back, his sword ready. "Alright, who do you hate?"

"I do not hate anyone," Zayn chuckles. "And I do not need this kind of motivation for train-fighting. Just tell me if I'm doing something wrong so I do not repeat the same mistake when there is actually someone trying to chuck my head off."

"Alright, Your Grace, got it," Ben nods.

"Ben," Zayn laughs, letting his right arm with the sword hang along his body. "Stop calling me Your Grace when we are training. It's ridiculous."

The door open suddenly, a breathless guard appearing in the doorway. Something is wrong.

"What is it?" Zayn asks wearily, not letting go off his sword in case there's an attack on the castle. He will certainly need it then.

"It's King Harry, Your Grace," the guard says.

Zayn feels like the entire world stops spinning. "What happened? Is he alright?"

"He- He seems to have been poisoned."

"Fuck," Zayn chokes out, dropping the sword. "Is he alive?"

"He is, Your Grace," the guard nods. "But he is unconscious."

"Where is he?" Zayn asks. "Take me to him."

"He is in his chambers. Your Mother is there. She found him in the corridor in this wing."

"God," Zayn breathes out, already walking out of the door. The guard is walking quickly and Zayn matches his stride. He can't process his thoughts right now. Poisoned, who the fuck could have done that? He doesn't even know what Harry did today because they're not talking. And now Harry might die and they didn't even make up. Fuck, this is bad. Zayn just hopes Harry will survive this without any lasting consequences.

Zayn will never forget the chilling sight of Harry lying in his bed on his bad with his arms along his body. He looks like a corpse but when he's closer, Zayn sees the rise and fall of his chest. The physician is there, along with some servants and Melisende. Zayn ignores them all and goes to the side of Harry's bed, sitting on the edge carefully and gently taking Harry's hand in his. It's warm, still so warm with blood flowing through his veins and that's all that matters right now.

"What happened?" Zayn asks hopelessly, turning his eyes to the physician.

"Well, Your Grace, the King has been poisoned," he says quickly. "We are trying to find the source and what kind so we can treat him as fast as we can. The King should be alright because he seems to be stable, his breathing is not erratic and he has not broken out into a fever but we are worried about the child since there has been bleeding."

"Bleeding?" Zayn breathes out. "Then why are you all standing around doing nothing?!"

"Because they are not listening to me," Melisende says, her tone almost bored. "I told them that it was Lord Wawrick but they are searching my chambers instead. Now that nasty snake has the chance to run away."

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