Chapter 1 - What am I doing?

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"Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do"
-Potter Stewart

"Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do"-Potter Stewart

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I feel air brush against my face as his fist goes past, only just missing. Wow that was close. My inexperience in fighting is soon shown as he gets a punch in and I know my ribs will be bruised after.

I quickly get used to the unfamiliar movements and get a hit in at his face. He is stunned and I use that chance when he is vulnerable to hit him again, this time a lot harder, and he loses his balance. I scramble to kick him before he can get up and I cringe at the sound of his back hitting the ground again. That's gonna leave a mark.

I quickly grab the girl's arm and retreat, picking up her nearly stolen bag on the way, before I can find out how much damage my new found powers can do. After getting to a safe place I let go of her wrist and called the police. My job is done and I sprint away from her, and once I'm far enough away I make my way down an alleyway, my hands on my knees and my breathing fast. I make my way home and let the police finish the job.

You're probably wondering how I got into this mess, saving people from getting robbed was normally the police's job, so why was I doing it? Well I guess I should start from the beginning and explain the story of why I, a six-teen year old, is standing up to robbers. 


I rub my eyes, trying to clear the sleepiness from them and yell an 'okay' back to the screaming woman downstairs, AKA my Mum.

I struggle down the stairs after getting ready, still whining over not getting my much needed beauty sleep. You'd probably think it's impossible to fall over from the last step, but no it is possible if you're me. So when I'm nearly to the floor, my foot slips and I collapse onto the kitchen floor. I guess it finally woke me up but it was definitely not enjoyable. You'd think a normal Mum would come and help their daughter up and give sympathy, but no, my mum breaks into a laugh filled with snorts and giggles. Man, what a nice mum. I glare at her, get up but soon smile as I see that she has bought my favourite cereal.

My mum is a kind-looking person, brown hair, proportionate and slim face, freckles, and nice brown eyes. I would say I look like her but only slightly, I have more freckles, a lot more, darker hair and my eyes are a more cold grey colour. Me and my mum are close, almost as close as friends. I tell her anything and everything, she does the same to me as well. She knows everything about me and can read all my emotions no matter how much I try and hide them.

After scoffing down my breakfast and saying goodbye to my Mum I finally get out the door and start walking to the only prison I've been to, school. I hear the usual buzz of talking as I get closer. I walk through the doors along with the mass of students and head towards my locker and find Heather waiting for me.

Heather Jackson and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. She slapped a boy who tried to hold my hand when we were six, giving the excuse that it is 'totally unacceptable for boys and girls to hold hands at that age', and we have been inseparable since then.  Heather has good looks, gets good grades, is a sociable person and could be part of the popular group if she wanted to, but instead she chooses to stick with me. I'm not sure why as I'm quite an average person but I'm not going to complain.

From her dark wavy hair and her freckles to her green eyes and perfect shaped face everything about her is perfect. "Hey", she says as I reach her and grab my books from my locker for my first class. 

"Hey, how was your weekend"

"It was good except for the fact that my brothers decided it was a good idea to put soap on the stairs and slide down them, I guess it was kinda fun because I joined in as well but we all got grounded after", she tells me.

Heather has 6 brothers, 2 younger and 4 older. Oh and I forgot to mention, her family is quite, wait no, really wealthy, no wonder she always looks good, she actually has money to buy clothes. Well I'm not complaining, my family has money but we're not rich. All of her brothers go to a different school apart from one of her older brothers, Julian, so she always says she is glad she doesn't have to put up with most of them at school as well as home.

She continues to complain about getting grounded as we walk to class and sighs as she takes a seat at a desk at the front. When it gets time for lunch I almost sprint though the halls to get to the cafeteria, today they're serving pizza, and if you didn't know, I love food. When I say I love food it's not just like yeah I like eating and food is good, I mean I really, really, really love food. If you touch my food then you're gonna have a bruise by the next day, no one messes with my food.

As me and Heather are eating Caleb joins us, plonking down and ranting about how annoying the people in his class are. I glare at him and stuff another piece of pizza in my mouth, I like eating my food without interruptions. Caleb notices my glare and sticks his tongue out at me, knowing my love of food but being too annoying to care.

Caleb Cooper is like Heather, he could be in the popular group if he wanted but he's not. He's kind of cute, I can't lie, with his bright blue eyes, square jaw and light brown hair. He's the kind of boy who always plays the main character in movies. He's like a brother to me, one I've never had since I'm an only child.

Both my friends are so amazing and then there's me, I'm not sure why they hang out with me. Like I said before though, I'm not gonna complain, they're both amazing people and I'm lucky to actually have them as my friends. I couldn't even imagine my life if they weren't in it.

Caleb became our friend when one time when we were eight he tried to take my food, yeah so surprising now you're wondering why I don't hate him instead. Well after I hit him Heather yelled at me not to hit people (yeah after she had slapped the boy when we were six) and Caleb decided that we were nice people for some reason and asked to hang out with us. Good thing is he has never tried to steal my food again.

Once the bell rang for me to be let out of prison I walked home and did my second favourite thing to do after eating, painting. Yeah I'm one of those people who has art and photos all over their walls. Typical. But it gives me something to do when I'm bored and if I'm upset it helps me let's out my emotions.

This was all a normal school day. When I got into bed that night, after binging tv shows on Netflix of course, I would of never expected that to be the last normal day for me. I have no idea what happened overnight but one thing I do know is that my life was changed completely after.

Hiii anyone who is reading this, please don't judge my writing, this is my first ever book on here... actually it's my first book ever I guess.
Also if there are spelling or grammatical mistakes please don't kill me and just tell me and I'll fix them😂.
Anyway hope at least one person out there enjoys this book, She's Behind The Mask is just a book I thought of and wanted to share. ❤️
Also I'm not sure how long chapters are meant to be, so some in the future might be longer or shorter.
Anyway I hope you enjoy
- Super Bambi

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