Chapter 10 - Floating guns

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"I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people."
-Maya Angelou

The next day my encounter with that man is still the talk of the school

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The next day my encounter with that man is still the talk of the school. I've just started getting used to my powers being a thing, so finding out there are people with such abilities in the world must be a hard thing for everyone to get used to. The school is probably still denying it and making it out to be a normal fight, but the students know otherwise.

I continue to deny believing that people can have powers when talking to my friends. At lunch it's all they talk about and although I'm proud of my accomplishment, it gets annoying to listen to it every second of the day.

"I can't believe people can have powers, I wish I had powers", Heather says dramatically.

"Why are you guys still going on about this?" I question. "I mean you can't really believe that people are capable of stopping something with their mind and floating in the air."

"Yeah, I think you've been watching too many movies", Lucas agrees.

"See! I'm not the only one who doesn't believe it, man you two really need to start thinking clearly", I tell Heather and Caleb. "I think all the talk has clouded your head."

"Come on Kaylee, people saw it all happen. Wasn't it in your class Lucas?" Caleb asks.

"The so-called power fight happened in another class, they just fought in my class." He replies.

"I wish I had powers like that person, and beat up bad guys", Heather says with a dreamy expression on her face.

I look at her with disbelief. It wasn't all that it seemed; my back really hurts today because of the fight. I shake my head with disapproval and leave as the bell rings.

I get home from school and get a text from my mum saying she'll be at work later than usual, and for me to order pizza if I don't want to cook myself something for dinner. I sigh, it is probably really hard for her to look after me all by herself.

I take this opportunity to see what's going on in the city and maybe help some people. Although I want to find the people who have powers like me, I also want to make it my goal to make a change in the city and make the police's job easier.

The one thing is that it's hard to know when and where something bad is going to go on. Maybe I should try get a radio or laptop with a connection into the police network. One thing I know is that this city has more crime than people think. Our police do a pretty bad job to be honest.

Maybe I can steal a police radio or something, they'd be too lazy to look for it after anyway. Deciding that the best option at the moment is to keep watch from a building, I put my costume on and make my way into the center of the city.

I fly to the tops of the buildings and cruise along all the alleyways and places I think people would think to do illegal things. Just as I am getting tired of flying around, I stop for a break, landing on top of a bank building. I sit on the edge with my legs hanging off, hopefully someone doesn't see me and think something else. I sigh and look down to the street below. I hope it's not going to be this boring all the time.

Just when I'm thinking of going home, and that sitting here and doing nothing was useless, I hear some screams coming from below. I look lazily down to see what the commotion is about. Coincidentally three men with guns and masks enter the very bank I am sitting on.

"This is your time to shine Kaylee, don't mess this up", I tell myself. I hope for a dramatic entrance, but it is far from dramatic, well at least not the dramatic I am going for.

In my rush to catch the guys I fly to the ground a little too fast and plonk onto the ground, stumbling forward to the bank. I fall through the doors and onto the floor at the entrance. I look up to see the silent room of people staring at me, people scattered on the ground like bugs and the men pointing their guns.

I quickly find my way to my feet and clear my throat. But before I can say anything one of the men speaks up, "who are you?"

"No need to know who I am, just know that I'm going to kick your butts if you don't leave this instance." I tell them, and they laugh.

"Look kid, don't try and be a hero, go back home and play some games. Leave the adult stuff to us." One of the other men says.

"I'm sorry mister, but this is your last warning, I would leave if I were you." I tell them, clenching my fists. I can hear them think about what to do with me but before they do anything, I use my telekinesis. Their guns fly from their hands and onto the floor in front of me. They look at me with shock and before they could do anything, I up pick the guns off the ground and point them at the men.

What is she? I can hear them think.

"I'm human, just because you were wondering", I say to them with a smirk. "Now this really is your last chance to get lost."

They scramble to get out of the door, the shock making them clumsy and uncoordinated. When they're gone, I chuck the guns into the nearest rubbish bin. I swiftly make my way back to the entrance, hostages thanking me with small and shy voices along the way. I fly off before the police get there and watch from a building as the reporters come.

I make my way to an empty public bathroom and take off my costume before going home. I change into comfy clothes just as my mum walks into the door, making it seem as if I've been lounging around since the end of school.

"How was your day?" She asks as she puts the keys on the bench. "Anything interesting happen?"

"It was good, nothing much happened, just got some work done."

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