Chapter 26 - "Truth"

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"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
-Arthur Schopenhauer

I get home and find my mum in the kitchen

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I get home and find my mum in the kitchen. "Hey mum", I greet her. "How was work?"

"It was actually good; it was a complain free day for once." She says and I'm happy, I'm glad she's had a good day.

I smile at her and then ask, "Oh hey, Noah invited the basketball team, Heather and Caleb over for the night, can I go?"

She thinks about for a moment then says, "sure, they're all nice boys and since Heather and Caleb are going its fine."

"Thanks mum", I say and then race up the stairs to my room. I get changed into some comfy clothes, pack a change for tomorrow and make my way back downstairs. "Bye mum" I call out and wait for her to reply. After she says bye, I make my way out and am greeted by a car. I hop in and say Hi to Heather and Julian and we make our way to Noah's house.

As we walk through the doors we walk around until we find the rest of the boys in the second lounge. They all sit on couches in a large circle. Heather, Julian and I make out way to the last couch and sit down.

"Ok so what does everyone want to do?" Josh asks and people start shouting out ideas. We finally decide on watching a movie and put on one of the popular ones. While the movie playing, I look around the silent room. My eyes stop on Lucas and when he notices someone watching him, he looks around until his eyes meet mine.

He smirks and winks at me, I blush and am grateful for the dark room. I turn my focus back on the movie and try not to think about the smirking idiot across the room. Once the movie ends everyone is hungry and we decide to order pizza.

We sit in a large circle on the ground, the room filled with crunching sounds, everyone too distracted by the food to talk. "How about we play truth or dare?" Noah suddenly suggests after the last piece of pizza is gone, and everyone agrees to play. "Alright then, who's going first?"

The game starts off lightly, people doing small dares and truths, warming up for the big stuff. "Julian, truth or dare?" Hee-chul asks while looking at Julian.

"Dare", he replies with a playful look.

"I dare you to pick up the person to your left bridal style and kiss them on the forehead." Hee-Chul says with a laugh. Julian turns to his left and groans as he meets eyes with Max. He stands up and tells Max to too. Everyone starts laughing as we watch Julian pick Max up like a huge baby, straining to hold his weight.

"Man, you're heavy, what have you been eating?" He says to max, and everyone laughs.

"Come on you gotta kiss him", Noah says and Julian sighs. He squeezes his eyes shut and pecks Max's forehead, dropping him immediately after and running off to the kitchen to wash his lips. The room is filled with snorts and heaves as we laugh at the two. Max sits on the ground rubbing his forehead like someone smacked him.

When everyone settles down Julian starts the next dare. "Damon", he starts. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare", Damon says and looks at him nervously.

"I dare you to kiss anyone in this group on the lips." And then he adds, "anyone except Heather." The boys laugh and me Heather and Caleb look at each other with a look. Damon instinctively turns to look at Caleb and everyone in the group gasps. They quickly kiss and everyone is silent, them looking around the group nervously.

"Why did you do that so naturally?" Max asks. Caleb and Damon look down at their laps for a moment before Damon speaks.

"I have something to say." He says and everyone looks at him. "I'm gay." It's silent while everyone's jaws drop open. "Also, me and Caleb are dating", he adds on and grabs Caleb's hand. The group is silent for a while before they all cheer.

They congratulate them and everyone laughs as Max shouts out, "Finally. You didn't think your own twin didn't notice you're gay?" He laughs and everyone else joins in. "Alright your turn, who are you going to ask?"

Damon looks at me, "Kaylee, truth or dare?"

I think for a moment before choosing the safe option, "truth."

That safe option turns out to be not to safe as I hear what Damon asks. "What did you whisper to Lucas at lunchtime to make his blush that hard?"

I snap my head to Lucas and laugh nervously. I look around the group am I know I'm not getting out of this. I look down and mumble quickly, "Itoldhimhelooksgoodwithnotopon."

Every looks at me and sighs. Carlos says, "what was that? No one heard you, you have to be a little louder."

I sigh and place my face in my hands before looking back up, "I told him that he looks good with no top on." I look at everyone and the room goes silent once again.

"You've seen him topless?!" Caleb says with disbelief.

"You guys haven't...?" Julian says. "Don't tell me you guys... did it?"

"Kaylee!" Heather joins in, "please don't tell me you lost your v-card."

"NO!" I shout a bit too loud. "Oh my gosh no."

"Then why have you seen him topless?" Owen asks.

I laugh awkwardly and look around the group, "you know, it just kind of happened, he needed to take a shower to wash the..." I pause and look at everyone, they probably think I'm crazy.

"You guys showered together?!" Caleb asks.

"No well yes but it's not like that" I say to them.

"So, he's seen you topless too?!" Julian asks.

"Yeah of course, wait no, no guys it's not like that, I still had a bra on." I laugh awkwardly. Lucas sighs and then face palms.

"Guys let's just say I was a little out of because something happened, and Kaylee was just trying to help." Lucas says, trying to help but not succeeding.

"What happened?" Aiden asks. "Were you on drugs or something?!"

"No!" Lucas says and sighs.

"Why did you need a shower though?" Heather asks.

"I had some... stuff on me..." He says and makes things worse.

"What kind of stuff?" Carlos asks.

Everyone looks at us expectantly when we don't reply and I burry my face in my arms. "It's hard to explain", Lucas says, and everyone sighs. "Just know we didn't do anything like you guys are all thinking."

Everyone looks at us weirdly before Hee-chul says, "well it's your turn to ask something now Kaylee."

After truth or dare we lay out mattresses all over the floor and lie down to go to sleep. Every fall asleep but I can't seem to make myself sleep, so I decide on occupying myself by counting the tiles on the ceiling. After what seems like forever, and a million tiles, I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Lucas crouching next to me. He puts a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet and pulls me up, dragging me out of the room.

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