Chapter 32 -Payback

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"Some people create their own storms and then get mad when it rains."

"Surprise! I decided to join the drama club

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"Surprise! I decided to join the drama club." I tell her, "I didn't tell you because I was embarrassed." I read her mind as it puts two and two together. "We have a play in a couple of weeks, so I brought my costume for it home to practice", I say, trying to convince her, but failing. "The theme is superheroes! Isn't that awesome! I've always wanted to be a superhero and now I can, on the stage too!"

"Kaylee..." Mum says and I can see that she doesn't believe me.

"Whatever you're thinking it's not like that, I'm serious", I tell her and smile awkwardly. "You can come to the play if you want..." I notice a strange look on her face that I haven't seen her make before and i drop my bag as I read her mind.

"Is that true?" I ask her and she looks at me with confusion. "Forget about me having powers, is what you just thought true?"

"What I thought?" She asks me, "Kaylee, I don't understand what you're talking about, but if you're getting into that stuff, I want you to be safe."

"Mum..." I start, but soon I get cut off.

"Kaylee, I don't know what you're going to do with that costume but don't get into fights" Mum tells me.

"Mum I-"

"Please don't do anything like those ones on the news."

"Can you ju-"

"What are their names? Golden Ghost and Golden Bolt, please don't get involved in the things that they do."

"Mum can you just li-"

"Kaylee, please just promise me you won't get into dangerous situations." She says and I sigh.

"Mum, did Dad really have powers?" I ask before she can start talking again.

"What?" She asks with a look of stun. "How did you know that?"

"I can read minds", I tell her. "Can you just answer me?"

"Yes", she says after a moment of pause. "Yes, he did."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" I ask while trying to get as much information from reading her mind as I can. "Is that the reason I have powers? Because he did?"

Yes, I hear her think. "Yes, it is", she then says.

"What powers did he have?" I then ask, determined to know everything I should've known. I can see her think about it for a moment.

"He could fly and could heal people", she says freely. I can tell that she is going to try to tell me everything she can.

"Does that..." I start but choke up. "Does that have any connection to the car crash?"

Yes, I hear her think. "No" she says.

I clench my fists, why is she lying to me?

"Do his powers have anything to do with the car crash." I say with determination.

"No, it does not", she says once again.

"Mum!" I shout, tears gather in my eyes. "Why are you lying to me?!"

"I'm not lying" she says. It will break her heart that he died like that, she then thinks.

"I can read your mind." I remind her. "I can tell that you are lying, so can you please just tell me the truth. I want to hear you say it."

She stays silent, looking into my pleading eyes. "Say it!" I yell. She looks at me and bites her lip. She doesn't want to tell me, and it breaks my heart. "Say it!"

"Ok..." she says, sighing. "Your father had some people after him."

"Who were they?" I question.

"Some awful people who didn't like what your father was doing." She answers.

"What was he doing?" I ask.

"He joined a group of people who all had powers, he helped people in trouble and stopped people who used powers for wrongful reasons." She says getting emotional with the brought-up topic, "Your father was a good person, with a kind heart. But there were people who didn't like that the group was doing that, they wanted to get rid of all of them."

"So, they tried to kill him?" I say with anger. "By causing a car crash?!"

"Kaylee, it's all in the past." She says and hold my hands, "Don't get too worked up okay?"

"How could they do that?" I ask, my voice trembling with both sadness and anger. The ones that blew up the school, the anonymous man they are the ones who killed my father. They won't be able to get away with it.

"It's fine for you to be angry", she tells me. "Just please don't do anything too rash okay? These people are dangerous and now that I know you have powers, I don't want you doing anything silly."

"Mum", I say with teary eyes. "Do you know how hard it will be for me not to do something?"

She stays silent while she thinks, not knowing my powers yet other than mind reading. "I have so many opportunities to take revenge, I can't just sit here and do nothing."

"What do you mean by that?" She asks.

"What was the group that Dad joined?" I ask, knowing well that there's only one possibility.

"The Super Secretive", she hesitates to say.

"I'm in The Super Secretive, Mum" I tell her, and she furrows her eyebrows. "My powers are mind reading, flight and telekinesis."

"But those are the powers of..." She starts to say.

"Yes, they're the powers of Golden Ghost." I confirm, "Mum, I'm Golden Ghost."

She looks at me with a worried face, "You mean you've been nearly getting yourself killed and I didn't even know about this?"

"I'm sorry Mum", I tell her and hold her shaking hands. "But they were the ones who helped me learn to control my powers, without them I'd be out in the world thinking I'm alone."

"That doesn't mean you have to go fighting people", she says in desperation.

"I started that before I joined them", I tell her. "Those bad people know who I am Mum."

"What do you mean?" she asks. "What do you mean they know you?!"

"When our school blew up... It was because they were trying to kill me and Golden Bolt." I say and I watch as she collapses to the floor in shock. I kneel in front of her as she cries, reading her mind as she processes everything. As I am calming her down, I think about how they killed my Dad and get fidgety, wanting to ask Sasha if she knew, and more importantly wanting to get out there and give them payback for what they did to my family.

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