Chapter 35 - Invisible

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"Love the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else."

I turn to the man

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I turn to the man. "What do you want us for?" I ask.

"You two not only are in The Super Secretive, but you're causing a bit of trouble around the city", he says in a mocking voice. "Stopping my supers from doing what they want."

"What they want is wrong" I spit at him. "What even is your power? Do you have one?"

He makes a deep gurgling noise as he laughs. "Why would I tell you?" He says, "You're going to have to pay for what you did."

"Kaylee, I'm back", I hear Aiden think.

"You didn't come alone like you promised", he says. And I try my best to act confused.

"What do you mean? Of course I didn't come alone", I say. "I came with Golden Bolt."

"No not him, you have someone else with you", he says and I look around the room.

"I don't see anyone", I say, I then put a scared look on my face and shuffle around. "Are you saying there's a ghost?"

"Stop acting", he says, confident in what he thinks. "You brought someone else, they must be invisible."

"I don't see anyone though." I say.

"Of course not they're invisible", he says with a dead expression.

"How do you know that if you can't see them?" I ask in shock. "You must be really powerful."

"Are you dumb?"


He rolls his eyes. "What powers do they have?"

"Who?" I ask, trying to make him annoyed.

"The person that you can't see!"

"How would I know if I can't see them?"

"You're the one who brought them with you."

"Who is it you're talking about again?"

The man looks around the room in frustration. "Aiden, stay as still as possible, don't make any noises." I think.

"Ok", he thinks back.

The man snaps his fingers and one of his men comes towards me and grabs my neck. He pushes me back until we reach the glass wall surrounding the room. I gasp under his grip and try to stay as still as possible. I see Lucas shuffle around on the ground, wanting to do something. He tries to stand but the rope around his ankles doesn't let him.

I look at the man holding me and smile. "How's your day been?" He keeps an expressionless face and holds my neck tighter. "Oh, come on, I was just trying to be nice", I manage to choke out. I gasp for air as my face goes red.

"Please stop", Lucas with anger. "Why are you doing this to us?"

"Your group is ruining my plan, with you here I wont be able to succeed in turning the world into mine", he shouts.

I start getting light headed and look at the man in front of me for anything I can do to get free. I then remember that my hands are tied in front of me and not behind, I can use that to my advantage. I try to take deep breaths to get as much air as I can but his hands keep getting tighter. Black spots start to block my vision but I look down to see anything I can grab.

"Please let her go!" I hear Lucas says, his voice far away. "You're going to kill her!"

"That's the whole point", the man laughs maniacally. "Where is the spy?"

There's a knife in his pocket. I use all the strength I can to reach my arms out. I stare into the mans eyes, hoping that somewhere inside of him he won't be able to kill me while looking straight into my eyes. Without him realising I manage to grab the handle of the knife and I slowly pull it out of his pocket.

Just as I am about to pass out I use all  my might to quickly pull up the knife and stab the man in his stomach. I feel his hands loosen on my neck and I push my body against his to push the knife further. He lets go and I fall to the ground. I watch him as he stumbles backwards, none of his fellow members even flinching. What loyal people they are.

I cough and gasp for air. Lucas looks at me with teary eyes. "Did Heather get out alright?" I ask Aiden through my thoughts. I hear him say 'yes' and I sigh. I watch as the man in the cloak starts walking to Lucas. While hes not watching I curl up into a ball, pretending to be hurt. I reach to my belt and frantically feel around.

The button should be here. When I finally find it I press it and uncurl myself. I wiggle around on the ground and wait anxiously as the man gets close to Lucas. I take deep breaths and my head starts to clear. I study the other people dressed in black. I pause at one of the men, something awfully familiar about him makes my stomach twist but I forget about it.

Just as the man gets to Lucas one of the doors to the room creaks open. Everyone goes still as they watch in silence as the door shuts again. I smile and feel Aiden in front of me and hear him think, "they're all here."

While everyone is distracted by the door Aiden swiftly undoes the ropes on my wrists and ankles. No body notices me magically being untied and brace themselves for something, looking towards the door that opened. I wait, my muscles tensed for action like a lion waiting to pounce on its prey.

Sasha and the other supers except Emily suddenly appear out of thin air. They release their held hands as Sasha makes them visible again. All at once they pounce on the followers of the black cloak man. I rush over to Lucas and untie him. I see the Man in the cloak stand in the corner, observing the fight silently.

I pull the ropes of Lucas and he grabs my face. "Are you alright?" He says and hugs me. I nod into his shoulder and pull away from him. "Let's help."

I help Aiden fight a girl as he struggles to follow her as she teleports around. I knock her out as she teleports to me and I watch as she falls to the ground. I go to help other people and as I glance at the man still standing in the corner I realise what hes doing. He is controlling them, he must be able to control someone after doing something to them.

I rush over to him while hes focused on the battle and punch him in the face. He stumbles back and I kick him in the stomach. He looks at me with frustration and dodges my next punch. He lazily pushes me aside and my head hits the wall. I groan and hold my head. I glare at him as he looks around at the fight again, throwing me aside not only physically but from his thoughts as well.

I see him look at a fight between Aiden and a tall man. Aiden flickers in and out of visibility. The man smirks as he realises who it was in the room with us since the start. I run to him again but he sees me coming and dodges. I quickly turn back to face him and use my telekinesis to try and grab him but for some reason it doesn't work, he keeps walking straight.

I try to keep up with him as he speeds up but someone blocks me off. I look at the man and fling my hand out to punch him. He dodges and I hear someone elses voice in his head. Instead of him thinking, the cloaked man is thinking for him. I see it before his fist comes flying out and I easily dodge.

Just as I am about to try to hit him again all of the people dressed in black run to the edge of the room in unison. The glass wall shatters and they step out on the balcony. Standing between them and us is the cloaked man, his grip tight on Aiden. I glare at him go to step towards him but he brings a knife up to Aiden's neck.

"I told you this night won't end without someone dying", he says with a grin. He quickly slices through Aiden's neck and throws him to the ground. Lucas runs to Aiden's side and holds his hand over the cut. The man and his followers fly away, everybody too distracted to go after them.

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