Chapter 37 - They Need to Suffer

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"Gash-gabbit – Having a protruding chin."

"That day

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"That day..." She begins and furrows her eyebrows in thought. "I got out and a super in a blue suit escorted me out when I got to the elevator. When I was waiting for the police to come I saw that something happened when I looked at the top floor." She says.

She soon starts talking again. "I was looking from the ground so I was hard to see but it looked as if something happened to that super in the blue suit, and it looked bad. Kaylee, what if Aiden was a super?" She asks.

"What if he didn't commit suicide, but he was killed by the man that kidnapped me?" She says with a worried voice. I hear her thoughts going through her head loud and clear as she thinks of what to say next.

"Heather..." I start, and she looks at me for my reaction. "I need to tell you something."

So I tell her everything, from first getting my powers till now. I tell her about how there's an organisation for supers and how I'm Golden ghost. I don't leave out anything, it's fair that she knows as she is now involved in it. I choke up as I tell her about what happened to Aiden but I force myself to push the whole story out. She stares at me in shock as I finish telling her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner", I say and look down at my lap with guilt. I listen quietly to her thoughts and internally sigh with relief when she understands me not telling her.

"I'm glad you told me", she says. "I don't mind that you didn't tell me sooner, I'm just glad you told me at all."

We sit in silence for a moment before I recall why I came here to begin with. "Oh, by the way, where were you when those people kidnapped you?" I ask in curiosity.

"Oh..." She says and a blush forms on her checks. "I was at Asher's", she mumbles.

"Ashers?" I ask confused. I don't know Asher very well as he is new to the basketball team. Why would she be at his house...

"Yeah..." She says and fiddles with her thumbs. "I haven't told you... You were busy after school sometimes with Lucas, I now know why though. Anyways, when I couldn't hang out with you I just somehow got close to Asher, he's really nice", she says with a giggle.

I blink and a smile comes to my face, "You mean you guys are a thing?"

"No... not yet", she says. "But I like him, and he likes me, I think he'll ask me out soon."

"That's great", I say to her with a smile. "I'm glad you have someone who makes you happy."

We start to talk and I tell her I'm happy for her. As we talk though, somewhere deep down in me there's a weird feeling. Something about this is off, but I don't know what. I ignore that feeling and continue to congratulate her on her soon to be boyfriend.

While talking to her I also slip in a few questions on whether Heather saw anything of the man who took her. She tells me she doesn't remember anything other than the fact some people just came storming in with guns and knocked Asher out before taking her. Next thing she knew she was awake and being pulled out of a car and taken up the tower.

After hanging out with Heather I head back to The Super Secretive and soon find myself opening the door to the computer room. Lucas is still there, sipping a cup of coffee while watching a man type. "She was at Asher's", I tell the room and they look at me in shock when they realise I'm here.

"I'll find his address", someone says and starts typing. As we are in charge of catching the bad supers in the city the police let us have access to their database. I watch the big screens on the walls as they find the files to the street security cameras. After finding the file for the day that Heather was kidnapped they open the recordings.

I watch as they fast forward through the morning. "Stop", I say and they slow the clip down to normal speed. I watch as Heather walks up the driveway and is greeted at the door by Asher. They quickly kiss and walk inside. I see Lucas' jaw open wide in shock and he looks at me. I shrug my shoulders and we keep watching.

They fast forward it again until they get to the part where the people come in. We watch as they creep around the house and burst in the door. Soon they come out of the house, dragging Heather's unconscious body behind them. 

"Wait pause it there", I tell them and they stop the recording.

My eyes go wide at the sight and I think back to when we were in the tower.


The button should be here. When I finally find it I press it and uncurl myself. I wiggle around on the ground and wait anxiously as the man gets close to Lucas. I take deep breaths and my head starts to clear. I study the other people dressed in black. I pause at one of the men, something awfully familiar about him makes my stomach twist but I forget about it.

_____End of Flashback_____

My sight stops on the last person to walk out of the house with the group of them. The video pauses on him pulling a black cap over is head, looking around the street. 

"That son of a b*tch", I think, but realise I've said it out loud when all the heads in the room turn to me in shock.

"I agree", Lucas says and his fists clench. There, walking with the group that kidnapped Heather and killed Aiden, is the very person that Heather thought she could trust. The person that I thought could make her happy while I'm busy. Her 'soon to be'  boyfriend, Asher.

My face goes red with anger and I punch the table beside me. The things on the table shake with the impact and I quickly hold the table to stabilize it. "Sorry", I whisper to it and turn back to face the screen.

"I'm going to kill him", I say.

"Not if I kill him first", Lucas says and storms out of the room. I hurry after him and stop him in the hallway. "Don't stop me from doing anything", he says when he feels my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not going to", I tell him. "He deserves it, but we can't literally kill him."

"Why not?" Lucas asks, angry that someone he thought was good was with the same people that killed his best friend and cousin.

"Because then we're just as bad as them", I tell him. "Plus, they need to suffer."

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