Chapter 31 - That cord is a Jerk

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Can I take a nap?

"No, you idiot, she is Golden Ghost", Lucas says, and Aiden let's out a laugh

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"No, you idiot, she is Golden Ghost", Lucas says, and Aiden let's out a laugh.

"You're joking right?" Aiden says. "That was a good prank, I actually thought I was meeting Golden Ghost."

"Aiden, what are Golden Ghosts powers?" I ask.

"She can read minds, fly and use telekinesis", he says with a shrug. "Why are you asking?"

I slowly float into the air, "She can fly." I drop back to the ground and lift Aiden off the ground, "She can use telekinesis." I put him down and walk towards him. I put my hand on the top of his head. "And finally, she can read minds. You ate toast for breakfast."

He puts his hands over his mouth in shock. "No. Way." He says. "You're Golden Ghost?! And all this time you guys didn't think to tell me this very important secret." He says with a look of betrayal. "Wait, who is Golden Bolt then?" He asks and Lucas slowly raises his hand. I hear Aiden think something about Lucas showing him his powers before and see a look of realisation flow over his face. "Ohhhhh..."


I open my eyes to my dark bedroom, a slither of light glows from my slightly open door. The clock on my wall says seven am. I let out a sigh, my sleep schedule must be messed up because of all the nights spent out with Lucas as show Aiden how we find the bad guys. Suddenly I see a shadow move in the corner of my room. I try to move to turn on the light, but I can't.

I use all my might to move my arms and legs but it's as if they're chained to my bed. The shadow moves again, forming into the shape of a human. It stands in the corner of my room staring at me. My eyes adjust to the darkness and slowly I make out its face. My heart starts beating fast as I see the distorted features.

The eyes slant upwards with pupils like a snake. Where a nose should be there is just a small hole like a belly button. Its mouth morphs into a smile, showing its shark-like teeth dripping with saliva. It reaches up its hand to wave, long fingers forming into shards of glass. The creature slowly moves towards me on non-existent legs.

As it moves a deep rumble comes from its throat as if it is trying to laugh, devilish and beast-like. I shake as I try to get free from the invisible constraints holding me down. I try to scream for help as it gets to me, cloaking me in darkness as it leans over my body. I open my mouth, but no sound comes out, not matter how hard I try to yell.

It reaches towards me; light reflects off of the sharp points of its fingers. It lets out a loud grumble before going silent. I breath for a second wondering if it will go away before it quickly stabs my chest with its fingers.

I bolt awake with a scream. My hand instantly goes to my chest where the creature stabbed me. There's nothing there, I'm normal. I look around my room but see no evil creature. I sigh out with relief, trying to calm my rapid heartbeat. I notice the beads of sweat lining my arms and hop out of bed. Reluctantly I bend down and look under my bed, after seeing nothing I grab some clothes and a towel to take a shower.

On my way to the bathroom I pause and look at my calendar. I reach up and run my finger along to words scribbled next to today's date. My dad's death anniversary never gets easier to cope with. I stand there for a moment longer before sighing and hoping into the shower. Today couldn't get any worse.

After my shower I find myself in front of the mirror, wiping away the condensation before looking at myself. The scar across my stomach seems even more ugly today than any other day. I slip my top on and make my way out of the bathroom. As I get to my room I trip on a cord, falling forward onto my stomach with a loud thump.

I lie on the ground on my stomach for a moment, looking at the objects around my room. They look so different from this perspective. My eyes start tearing up and I make my way to a sitting position. My door opens and in walks my mum. "I heard a loud noise, are you ok?" She asks when she sees me sitting on the ground.

I start crying while incoherently mumbling about falling over the stupid cord. Snot runs from my nose and blends with my tears. Mum bends down to sit on the ground with me and puts her arms around my shoulders. "That cord is such a jerk", she says in agreement. "Such a stupid cord."

"If I had called the ambulance sooner maybe he would still be alive", I say and bury my head in my hands. "Just a little faster."

"Kaylee, you know very well that they said he died on impact", Mum tells me. "It was in no way your fault."

"But what if they were wrong?" I ask, "What if they made a mistake? What if he could've still been alive if I had reacted faster?"

"It's not your fault", Mum says, her voice quivering. "They did an autopsy, it was done by professionals, Kaylee."

"But what if-"

"No buts." Mum says, "Don't blame yourself, that's final. Kaylee look at me", she says, and I look at her. "It was an accident and you couldn't have done anything to change what happened."

"Ok" I say and put my head on her chest. After I calm down, we break our embrace and stand up in silence. Mum smiles at me and I smile back. I see her look over my shoulder and her eyebrows furrow.

"Kaylee what is that?" She says and I turn around to see my costume peeking out of my bag. I scramble over and stuff it in, zipping the back up and holding it behind my back.

"Surprise! I decided to join the drama club." I tell her, "I didn't tell you because I was embarrassed." I read her mind as it puts two and two together. "We have a play in a couple of weeks, so I brought my costume for it home to practice", I say, trying to convince her, but failing. "The theme is superheroes! Isn't that awesome! I've always wanted to be a superhero and now I can, on the stage too!"

"Kaylee..." Mum says and I can see that she doesn't believe me.

"Whatever you're thinking it's not like that, I'm serious", I tell her and smile awkwardly. "You can come to the play if you want..." I notice a strange look on her face that I haven't seen her make before and i drop my bag as I read her mind.

"Is that true?" I ask her and she looks at me with confusion. "Forget about me having powers, is what you just thought true?"

Author's note: Hi everyone, just if you didn't get it or haven't heard of it before, at the start of the chapter Kaylee had sleep paralysis. If you don't know what that is, it's where your mind is awake and aware of surroundings but your body is not, meaning you can't move or speak. When this happens people often hallucinate or see things that are not there. Just clearing things up :) .

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