Chapter 28 - Disaster

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"Bad things do happen in the world, like war, natural disasters, disease. But out of those situations always stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things."
- Daryn Kagan

I tap my pen on my desk in a monotonous rhythm as Mr

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I tap my pen on my desk in a monotonous rhythm as Mr. Lopez begins talking about enthalpy. I yawn as he yells at someone in the back for talking, his hand taps on his desk as he talks, indicating his annoyance. I find my eyes lingering out of the window and I watch as a ladybug slowly paddles its way across the windowsill outside. A lazy smile makes it way to my face but disappears as the ladybug flies away.

I sigh and look to the board, writing down the notes I missed. In my boredom I find myself looking around the room. I spot Asher on the other side of the room, just now remembering that he is in this class. His leg bounces up and down under his desk, with either nervousness or boredom. I assume the later and turn back to look at my page.

I sluggishly place my face in my hands and stare at the board, the words mixing together into pictures with my imagination. Cake. Watermelon. Avocado. Pizza. I look away and place my head onto my desk, patting my growling stomach. I watch as Asher put his hand up and asks to go to the toilet. He leaves the room and class goes back to normal. I get a funny feeling in my stomach and scan the classroom, not noticing anything different.

Everything looks normal but for some reason I get a weird feeling. I listen for thoughts and hear faintly from somewhere outside 'Set it off'. I panic, my heart beating my chest and sit alert in my chair. I watch as my pen vibrates on my desk, rattling to the edge before falling to the floor. A rumbling sound comes from somewhere to my right and soon the wall to our classroom blows apart. I get thrown out of my chair and slam against the wall, hearing a crack as something breaks.

The explosion is over within a matter of seconds and people are left scattered over the ground. I cough, trying to clear the dust flowing into my mouth, and look around the classroom. Dust particles crowd the air and my ears ring for a moment before I start hearing screams. The wall on the opposite side of the room is completely gone, allowing me to see right through into the classroom next door, and the one after that.

I try to get up and groan when I find myself stuck somehow. I look to see my legs under a overturned desk, maybe mine, maybe someone else's, I can't tell the difference anymore. I take deep breaths and use all my strength to push it off. I pant and look around the room, holding my side as a stabbing pain makes me flinch. I see people lying on the ground, some crying, others unrecognizable and covered in blood. Without thinking I slip out into the corridor, grabbing my bag on the way. I find an empty hallway and struggle into my costume.

I abandon my bag and take off flying. I find my way back through the rubble and to my chemistry class. One by one I carry people with my telekinesis through the smashed windows. I kneel next to a boy and place my fingers on his throat to check his pulse, he's still alive. I lift him up and guide him out of the window, carefully so he doesn't cut himself on any glass.

He floats a little too much to the left and I stick my arm out to stop the glass from cutting him. He gets out and onto the grass before I look down at my arm. It's bleeding. I grab someone's jersey left and rip a piece, wrapping it around my arm and then moving onto the next classroom. I gulp as I open the door and scan the room. This room isn't as damaged as the previous one.

I smash a window and tell the people that are less hurt to help get the injured ones outside. I move towards the centre of the school building to the more damaged rooms, all the while scanning anywhere for any of my friends. The next room I come across has a few of the basketball team members. Some people are gathered around a girl lying in the middle of the room and I make my way to her.

I feel for her pulse but there is none. I bend down to try and hear her breathing, but she is silent. I shake my head and help get everyone out of the room and outside. I go through another classroom before I notice a person in a familiar costume walk into the room. Lucas. I sigh with relief and together we get everyone out.

We go through each classroom, the fatality rate getting higher and higher. We finally make it to the classroom where the bomb went off and I look around at the bodies. I suck in a breath and study the room for any movements. It is unrealistically still. I start checking the pulses of everyone, I notice that I don't know anyone in this room. As I check a girl's pulse, I feel it, so I carry her out of the room and to the mass of people outside.

I go back inside and hear a groan to my right as I'm walking through a hallway. I look over and see a hand on the ground, the rest of their body around the corner. The hand twitches and I rush over. Once I get around the corner I gasp, it's Carlos. I quickly heave him onto my back and take him outside, setting him down gently beside some other injured people. I look up as I hear the ambulance sirens sprint back inside once more to find any more people.

I meet Lucas on the way. "I think that's everyone", he tells me, and we make out way back outside. I scan the crowd of people and sigh when I see Heather and Caleb talking together in a huddle. I watch Lucas as he goes over and helps people with the minimal first aid knowledge we learnt from Super Secretive. "Ghost!" I hear him call and I scramble to kneel next to him.

"Can you find some kind of cloth to wrap this", he says as I look down at the boy beside him. Lucas holds the boy's stomach, blood leaking through his fingers.

"Anyone have a spare jacket?" I shout into the crowd and someone holds up a t-shirt. I rush over and grab it, taking it back to Lucas and watching as he wraps the boys wound. I look around and pause when I see a figure at the edge of the school. They see me looking and disappear around the corner, so I run after them.

"Stop!" I shout as I get around the corner, I see them running a little way away and I pump my legs faster.

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