Chapter 6 - Before you could even say Potato

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"The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you're made of, not the circumstances."
- Unknown

After some thinking I still have no idea what I can do for a costume, let alone a name

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After some thinking I still have no idea what I can do for a costume, let alone a name. I mean, all the superheroes have these cool heroic names, they must have professional name creators. After deciding that I can get name inspiration after I make a costume. The next day is the weekend and I grab a bag and head down to the store.

I stand in front of the costume section filled with little kids' outfits and other leftover Halloween costumes. "Maybe I'll make a plain one myself", I whisper to myself. I move onto the clothing section and pick out a plain black over-sized hoodie. I then pick out some black skinny jeans and some black vans. I top off the outfit with a plain black mask to cover my eyes.

Now that I have the basis of my costume, I just need something to decorate it with. I make my way to the checkout and buy the clothes, ignoring the checkout guys weird looks at my gothic clothing choice. I walk out the door and find a fabric shop nearby. I walk in and look across the wall of colourful fabrics, I pause when one catches my eye. I instantly walk towards it and glide my hand across it. The gold fabric slides through my fingers and I know I have to get it.

The problem is that gold is a bright colour that would attract attention if I didn't want to be seen. I look around and find a more muted gold and decide I would just sew some details onto the hoodie with the gold so I could have a specific and unique look. "Would you like some help?" I hear a voice say from behind me and turn around to see a nice-looking lady standing behind me.

"Yes please", I say and place my hand on the gold fabric. "I want to sew some details onto a hoodie, would this be easy to sew?"

"Yes, it goes on easily, it's easy to cut as well", she tells me. "Would you like me to get some for you to buy?"

The lady pulls down a roll of the fabric and cuts a square out for me, putting it into a bag and saying the cost. I buy the fabric, thanking the lady on my way out, and make my way home.

I cough as I blow the dust off my old sewing machine. It's been years since I have used it so I'm not sure if it still works, but when I plug it in the lights light up telling me it is alive. I get an idea and cut out a Pac-Man shaped ghost from the gold fabric and lay it on the back of the hoodie. Surprisingly it looks alright, I am trying to be anonymous anyway so it would be like I was a ghost. I sew the ghost on and then put some stripes of gold down the sleeves and it is done.

I decide that a name wouldn't be necessary and go to bed early, well not just early, very early. My tiredness from all the recent events lets me slip into the darkness of sleep easily and I am gone before you could even say potato.

On Monday I go to school as normal, tucking my costume into my bag before leaving in case something happens. I don't know what I'm thinking would happen, it's not like a villain would just come and destroy the school or something crazy like that. Maybe I could find something to add to my costume from the drama clubs' leftovers.

I meet Heather at my locker and greet her in a perky voice, "hi".

"What's up", she replies. "My mum had to work early so if I wanted a ride, I had to leave with her, meaning I got here so early. I was waiting for you for ages", she complains.

"Oh, that sucks", I laugh.

"Don't laugh, it was really bad"

"Oh really?"

"Yes! There were teachers there already and I had to avoid them"

"Sounds bad."

"You're being sarcastic aren't you."

"Yes, yes I am."

"You're so mean Kaylee."

"I know."

"Why is Kaylee mean?", Caleb butts in as he arrives.

"She doesn't care that I went to such extreme lengths to avoid the dragons roaming around the school and had to wait for such a long period of time before I had company", she explains, blowing it way out of proportion.

"Come on Heather it couldn't have been that bad", I laugh at her.

"If you consider nearly having to talk to Mrs Bean not that bad", she replies.

I fake gasp, "Oh no Heather, that's so bad, it must have been terrible". Heather hates the physics teacher. And when I say hates I mean despises. I have to admit she's not wrong for hating her, Mrs bean is a real witch. Everyone who has her as a teacher tries to avoid making her angry at all costs.

"Stop making fun of me Kaylee it really was bad."

"I'm sorry Heather I just think that socialising with other people isn't that bad", I tell her.

"Nope it's bad", Caleb argues.

"I agree with Caleb", Heather says.

"Ok, ok, whatever", I say and wave them goodbye as the bell for first class rings through the hallways.

I get to my first class, chemistry, and sit down in my usual seat near the middle of the room. When everyone is seated the teacher, Mr Lopez, tells us to be quiet and starts speaking, "Today we have a new student, please welcome Lucas Murphy."

I look over as the boy comes into the classroom. His pitch-black hair makes me wonder if it's even possible to have hair that dark, but his slightly tan skin compliments it well. His piercing blue eyes and sharp jawline finish off his handsome looks. Most of the girls in the class start whispering to each other and admiring him, even some boys.

I roll my eyes at all the hormonal teenagers and get out my notebook, so I am ready for class. When Mr Lopez asks Lucas to introduce himself, he keeps it short and just says "Hi, I'm Lucas".

He strikes me as the quiet type who always plays the bad boy in movies and I wonder why he moved here. I try to read his mind, but he isn't thinking much. He sits in the one empty seat that just so happened to be right to my left. I say hi and he just looks at me before getting his books out.

"Rude much", I whisper to myself and the class continues.

My next class is English, and it turns out the new kid is in the same class. Mr Popwell doesn't seem to be in a good mood and whenever someone gets a question wrong, he gets angry at them. Mr Popwell isn't too fond of me even though I always work well and get good grades.

All it takes is a drop of my pencil and Mr Popwell's sight is focused on me. "Don't interrupt the class miss Henderson", he says and glares at me.

"Sorry Mr Popwell, I just accidentally dropped my pencil", I try to explain, but for some reason he decides to hate me even more today.

"Do you want me to call your parents for purposely disturbing the class miss Henderson, or should I say parent", he smirks at me.

My head shoots up and I glare at him. "Awh that must've pushed a button, I was just fixing my mistake, I mean it is just one parent isn't it?", he says, and my glare intensifies, "what happened to your father again? He's not even here in this world anymore, correct me if I'm wrong."

My hand tightens around my pencil, imagining that it's Mr Popwell's neck. He walks towards my desk and is just about to say something to try push more of my buttons when I hear a voice speak up in the classroom of silent people.

"Leave her alone".

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