Chapter 27 - Whatever you want us to be.

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"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus on the light."
-Aristotle Onassis

After what seems like forever, and a million tiles, I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Lucas crouching next to me

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After what seems like forever, and a million tiles, I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Lucas crouching next to me. He puts a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet and pulls me up, dragging out of the room. "Did you bring your mask?" He asks and I nod at him.

"Why?" I ask, "Did something happen?"

"No, I just wondered if you wanna go for a walk or something." He says, "It looked to me like you couldn't sleep either."

I tiptoe back into the room and find my backpack leaning against the wall. I grab a hoodie and my mask and slip back out of the room. I quietly shut the door and turn around to see Lucas in his mask. I giggle before putting on mine and we make our way out of the house.

We walk in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being our footsteps and sounds of the night. "You wanna go for a fly?" I ask Lucas and he looks at me.

"How?" He asks, "I can't fly and I'm too heavy for you to carry."

"I'll use my telekinesis to lift you up." I say simply and hold my hand out. He takes it nervously, interlocking our fingers, and we fly off into the air. I laugh as I feel the wind flow through my hair and over my body. I look over at Lucas and he looks back with a grin on his face. His hair ruffles in the breeze and he shouts out in joy.

As wind blows past my head, I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the cool air. Looking down I can see the city and all the lights that let me know I'm not alone in the world. My eyes scan down Lucas' arm until it gets to our hands and I smile. I could get used to this I think to myself and I laugh. I laugh because I have powers. I laugh because of the clouds. I laugh because I have school tomorrow and I'm up at 1am. I laugh because I feel free.

I pull Lucas towards me, linking our arms and together we fly over to a building and land with a thump. Lucas smiles at me like a child as we make our way to the edge of the building. I take his hand and we sit down, our feet dangling off. I look at Lucas and reach up to take his mask off. I slowly peel it off and smile.

I chuck it onto the roof and take mine off as well. Lucas pulls me over and places our hands in his lap. "What are we?" I ask him and he looks at me with a smile.

"Whatever you want us to be." He says and kisses my hand. I blush and turn my face away from him. "Kaylee?" He asks and I hum to tell him I'm listening. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I look over at him. His expectant eyes look into mine and I grin. "Yes", I say and blush again. I let go of his hand and jump off the edge with embarrassment.

"Kaylee!" He yells with worry. I freefall, letting my beating heart calm down before I go back up. I wait until I'm nearly to the ground before catching myself and turning to fly back up. Once I'm back up to the top Lucas looks at me with a laugh. "Don't do that", he says and face palms. I sit back next to him and look at his face, I wonder if the reason I can't read his mind is because of what happened with his parents.

"Lucas", I say, and he turns to me. "Remember when I told you there's one person that I can't read the mind of?"

"Yeah, who is it?" He asks and I sigh.

"It's you", I say, and he looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. "There were times where I saw your memories but other than that I can't hear your thoughts like normal people."

"That's weird", he says. "Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I closed myself off to everyone after I... killed them..."

I reach up to touch his face, running my fingers along his jawline before stopping with my hand cupping his cheek. He takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes, relaxing into my hand. A tear runs down his cheek and I use my thumb to wipe it away and take my hand away, instead pulling his head forward to rest on my shoulder.

I rub the back of his neck to comfort him. "It was my mum's birthday the other day", he says with a shaking voice into my shoulder. "Two days before the day that girl killed herself." I hum to tell him that I'm listening and let him say whatever he wants. "I miss them", he says and sighs as he sits up again.

We sit facing each other and I take him hands in mine. "Did you know Aiden lost him mum?" He asks and I shake my head, "She was like another mother to me, I didn't even know until I came back here. I wasn't even there to help him, I'm such a bad friend."

"No, you're not", I tell him. "You didn't know, all you can do know is to be there for him in the future." He nods and look down at his lap. "Come one, we should get back", I tell him, and we stand up.

I grab our masks off the ground and together we fly back to the house. We make our way back to the lounge and I look around at everyone. They're sound asleep. We make out way back to where we were sleeping before and I lay down, exhausted from the flying. I smile as I remember that Lucas and I are official now and drift off to sleep quickly.

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