Chapter 33 - The Message

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"Sometimes you just have to stay silent because no words can explain what's going on in your mind and heart."

I knock on the door to Aiden's house and wait for a moment

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I knock on the door to Aiden's house and wait for a moment. Footsteps trail their way to the door and it opens with a squeak. My eyes slowly scan over Aiden and his questionable appearance. I make the assumption that he has been sleeping and try not to laugh at his topless self. His grey track pants bare food stains and his hair is scruffy.

"Kaylee?" He says and rubs his sleepy eyes. "What are you doing here so early?"

"It's one in the afternoon" I reply and he glances behind him to the clock in their lounge.

"Oh, right", he says and turns back to me. "Come in."

"Is Lucas here?" I ask, but Aiden doesn't need to reply as Lucas comes out yawning and just as undressed as Aiden. He sees me and curls up his body in shock, covering as much of his chest as possible.

"Why are you here so early?" He asks. I look at the two of them and sigh.

"Apparently it's one in the afternoon", Aiden says while scratching his stomach.

"Really?" Lucas says and looks at the clock. "Right."

"Can I talk to you?" I ask Lucas and he nods. I follow him to his room, casually observing his back muscles as he walks.

He opens the door and walks in, making his way to the window and opening the curtains. Light floods his room and I'm surprised by how clean it is. He looks at me for a second before speaking, "Oh right, I should probably put a top on."

I sit down on his bed while he searches for a top in his wardrobe. Once dressed, he lays down on his bed pats beside him, gesturing for me lie down too. Once we're comfortable I slowly explain to him everything that happened today, about my dad having powers and the reason of the car crash. He listens quietly and observes me as I talk.

Once I finish I turn my head and see him looking at me. He reaches his arm up and lays my head on his shoulder. He waits while I continue to talk about how unfair it is, and how I'm going to find out who they are. "Will you help me?" I finally ask him.

"Of course", he replies and pulls me to his chest to hug me. "I'll do anything you need."

I turn my head to look up at his face. "Anything?" I ask and smirk at him.

"Sure", he says.

"Would you eat a caterpillar for me?" I ask him.

"A caterpillar? That's so random", he says and I can feel the vibrations in his chest as he laughs.

"Would you though?" I question him.

"I guess so, depends on the situation", he tells me.

"Would you eat it if it would save my life?"

"What kind of situation would require me to eat a caterpillar to save you?"

"I don't know? Just answer the question."

"Yes I would." He tells me and I smile.

"I want to get them back for what they did", I tell him and my face floods with anger again.

"I'll help you in any way that I can", he tells me. "The Super Secretive are looking for them anyway, hopefully we'll find them soon."

I sigh and study Lucas, its always so quiet when I'm with him. I can't hear his thoughts like I normally can with other people, but it's peaceful, it's almost like I'm not different from any other normal person.

"Stop staring", Lucas says.

"I'll look at you all I want", I tell him and laugh. He reaches around me and tickles my sides before I can comprehend what's happening. I erupt into a fit of giggles as he tickles me, breaking the peaceful mood.

"Stop", I laugh and hit his chest. I blush as I realise that he's leaning over top of me.

The door opens suddenly and Aiden walks in. "Did you guys want some food?" He asks and pauses when he sees us. "Never mind, I'll come back later", he says and rushes out the door.

Lucas quickly hops off me and sits awkwardly on the edge of his bed. "Why does this always happen?" I ask and sigh, "it's not like we were actually doing anything."

Lucas wiggles his eyebrows and laughs as we head out of his bedroom to find Aiden in the kitchen. He stands at the island, still with no top on, mixing up what looks to be pancake batter.

"Dude, put a shirt on", Lucas says and slaps Aiden on his back.

"It's fine, Kaylee probably doesn't mind", he replies and winces as he wipes where he got slapped. "I'm eye candy anyway."

Lucas scoffs and I shrug, laughing when Lucas pouts at my agreement to Aiden's statement. I watch as they fumble around the kitchen, supervising them so that they don't burn the house down. "How long have you been living with Aiden?" I ask Lucas.

"He convinced me to stay with him after just a bit after I moved here", he says and Aiden crosses his arms.

"I found out he didn't even have an apartment or anything, he was just moving around hotels", Aiden says.

"You didn't even try to find a flat or anything?" I ask in disbelief.

"I did try, but I couldn't find a good one", Lucas says. "They all had like cockroaches or a rat infestation."

I scrunch up my face with disgust. "Ew"

"We need to go to The Super Secretive today", I say as I stuff a pancake in my mouth.

"What for?" Aiden asks.

"Oh, just something", I reply. "I need to ask Sasha if she knows something."

"I was going to spend the rest of my Saturday playing COD though", Aiden says with a pout.

"Well you don't have to come if you don't want to", I say and laugh. "You haven't been to the gym in a while though, those abs won't be there if you just sit around playing video games." Aiden rolls his eyes and agrees to come.

We make our way to The SS and I leave Lucas and Aiden in the gym while I go to find Sasha to speak to her. As I walk down the hallway to her office I see her door open and she rushes out. "Kaylee!" She says in a panic, "I was just about to call you."

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"We just got a message from an anonymous number", she says and taps her phone to open it up, she holds it up for me to see. "They have your friend Heather", she says and I read the message. My knees go weak as I read the message.

We have Heather, if you want her back alive you will have to do as we say. She will be let free if you trade her life for Golden Ghost and Golden bolt's. Either will be dead by the end of the night, it is your choice who. Meet us at 5pm tomorrow at the Aeredale City Tower.

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