Chapter 30 - Jokes

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"Then said the LORD unto me: Call his name Maher-shalal-hashbaz"

"Then said the LORD unto me: Call his name Maher-shalal-hashbaz"

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_______Lucas POV_________

"I got my powers just before the bomb went off Lucas."

"Did you hear something?" I ask and he nods quickly, "What did you hear?"

______Kaylee POV___________

I sit in Sasha's office with a cup of tea warming my hands. I look down into my cup and watch the tea swirl around with the movements of my hands. I think about the people not going home today, who will never go home again.

I look up as I feel Sasha's hand on my shoulder as she sits down with a cup of coffee. "Are you sure you're ok?" She asks and I sigh.

"I think so", I tell her. "It just surprises me every time about how evil some people are." She nods and looks down at her coffee for a moment before putting it to the side with a lost appetite. We sit in silence for a while before the door opens and Lucas walks in. I smile at him but soon my face mirrors Sasha's with confusion as Aiden walks in after him.

Lucas closes the door and walks over to our table. I glance over his shoulder as Aiden stands awkwardly at the door, looking at us with a shocked expression. He hides his hands behind his back not to subtly and shuffles his feet. When Lucas notices us looking at Aiden, he remembers that we don't know why he is here and pulls him over to us. "Aiden has discovered something interesting about himself today", he says and waits as Aiden reluctantly pulls his hands out from behind his back.

I watch as Aiden's hands flicker in and out of appearance. I see him gulp as he studies our faces for emotion. I smile at him and pat his arm. "Don't be nervous, it's ok." I tell him and Lucas pats him on the back.

"Instead of worrying about being invisible, try to think of yourself coming back to normal", Sasha says. Aiden gulps, obviously shy to be showing his powers to the maths teacher. He closes his eyes and I can hear him tell himself what to do in his head. Soon his hands go back to normal and Lucas taps him on the shoulder, making him look. He smiles and lets out a sigh.

The room falls into an uncomfortable silence and Lucas quickly breaks it by speaking. "Aiden also has superhuman abilities." He says, "he formed his powers just before the bomb went off at school."

"I heard someone talking before it went off", Aiden says, and we sit up straight to listen to him. "I think the person who set off the bomb is someone we know, there was a voice and it sounded so familiar, but I can't put my finger on who it is."

"Was it a guy or a girl?" I ask.

"A guy." Aiden replies. I think for a moment; something should add up. There's something I can't remember. I feel like I am forgetting something. I think back to when I was rescuing people. I remember fainting for a second and carrying on, what happened then? I sigh with frustration and decide to tag along with Lucas as he shows Aiden around The SS.

As we are walking down a hallway Lucas gently reaches to hold my hand while talking to Aiden. I smile and try not to blush as I look at the side of his face. Aiden doesn't notice and we continue till we get to the gym. "This is the gym, it's where everyone trains." Lucas says as Aiden looks around at all the equipment.

I watch as Lucas shows Aiden the small arenas where we spar. Suddenly Aiden's face lights up as he realises something. "Does this mean you guys know who Golden Ghost and Golden Bolt are?" He asks and I look at Lucas.

We stand there awkwardly for a second before Lucas laughs, "We know them very well."

"Really?!" Aiden says with excitement. "Are you friends with them? Are they cool? I bet they're amazing."

I bite my lips trying not to laugh as Lucas plays along. "Yeah we're quite good friends, they are so cool you should see them fighting."

Aiden fanboys, "Do they come here a lot? Will I be able to see them?" He says with sparkling eyes.

"All the time, you'll probably be seeing them a lot." Lucas says.

"Yayyyy I'm so excited", Aiden says with a squeal. "Are they old or young?"

"Young", Lucas says. "They're the same age as us."

"Really?" Aiden says with amazement. "That's so cool!" I pinch myself to stop myself from bursting out laughing and I nod, trying to play along. "So, who are they?"

As he says this, I can't help it and start laughing. I nearly fall to the floor as my face goes red and I hit Lucas on the shoulder. "What?" Aiden asks with confusion as he watches me have a mini seizure. As I calm down, I see Lucas grinning as he pats Aiden on the back.

"You've already met them Aiden", Lucas says.

"What do you mean?" Aiden says oblivious to our joking.

"Wait, I'll go get Golden Ghost", I tell him and run off to the changing rooms. I make my way to my locker where I keep my spare suit and quickly put it on. I do up the last strap and make my way back to Lucas and Aiden. Aiden looks at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Aiden nice to meet you", he says with excitement and I sigh because he still hasn't connected everything yet. "Where did Kaylee go?"

I roll my eyes and take off my mask, giving him a blank look. He gasps and looks at Lucas, "Oh my gosh Kaylee stole Golden Ghost's costume!" I internally face palm and let out a big sigh.

"No, you idiot, she is Golden Ghost", Lucas says, and Aiden let's out a laugh.

"You're joking right?"

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