Chapter 7 - Whats up?

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"A simple hello could lead to a million things."

"Leave her alone"

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"Leave her alone"

I turn around to see the new kid standing up. "And why should I do that?" Mr Popwell replies.

"You're literally telling someone off for dropping their pencil and then bullying her about something that has nothing to do with the situation. You're also wasting our precious learning time so if you don't want me to report you to the principal, then I would recommend that you stop it right now", Lucas says.

I look at Mr Popwell and see that he is going red. That little sh*t, this is none of his business, I hear him think. He looks at me with a glare and then walks back to the front of the class. He carries on teaching but every now and then he looks at me, trying to find something I did wrong.

Class ends and I sigh with relief, hurrying out the classroom. Soon it's lunchtime and I find Heather and Caleb in our normal spot. I was still in a bad mood from Mr Popwell and I could see that they noticed.

"What's up?" Heather asks, "you seem a little off, did something happen in class?"

I sigh and plonk my head down on the table. "I don't really want to talk about it", I mumble.

"Mind if I sit here?", I hear a voice say, I look up to see Lucas.

"Sure", I say and then I quickly add on, "and thanks for before."

"No problem", he replies. "I'm Lucas", he says as Heather and Caleb look at him confused.

"He's new", I tell them, and they nod with understanding, "Lucas this is Heather and Caleb, and I don't think you ever got my name, l'm Kaylee."

I put my hand out to shake but he just looks at it. He starts eating so awkwardly I pull back my hand and I laugh with embarrassment. What's up with this dude and handshakes.

All through lunch I try to read Lucas' mind but for some reason he's different than everyone else. I look over at Heather who's having a conversation with Caleb and I can hear her think, oh my gosh is he even listening to me? I look back to Lucas and there's nothing, literally. It's like I'm trying to read a wall's mind, the point being walls don't have minds.

I thought I had gotten good at listening to people's thoughts, but whenever I tried to read Lucas' it's like there's a barrier blocking me from getting in. I stare at him with confusion and soon he gets uncomfortable and shifts around in his seat. "Is something wrong?" He asks and looks around the room to avoid my gaze.

"Oh, sorry", I say and look away. I twist my head and click my tongue with confusion. I try to think of reasons that I wouldn't be able to read his mind, but the only way I can think of is if he didn't even have a brain, but that's impossible so I quickly throw that idea out.

All the thinking starts to hurt my brain and I sigh, going back to my food. Food usually solves everything, but this time I stay confused. At the end of lunch we all say goodbye and head to our last classes.

As the teacher drones on with the lesson, my eyes drift out the window. It's not my fault I'm not paying attention, the teacher is just going over stuff I already know. I watch as the breeze blows the leaves along the ground and the grass sways back and forth slightly. The lights to the classroom turn off and I look around the class. What happened? I can hear the teacher think. "Looks like the power is off", she then says.

The loud slam of a door wakes any people that were sleeping in class. My curiosity gets the best of me and I walk over to the classroom door.
"Kaylee, what are you doing?" The teacher says.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom", I reply and swiftly slip out the door. I look down the dark hallways, only without lights do I realise how little windows there are in the hallways. I see a man walking down the hallway, the opposite direction of me. By his build I can tell he probably works out, a lot.

Sensing that something is off about this man I find my locker and grab my costume. I plait my hair then change in the bathroom. I put the mask on and slip the hood over my head, heading out the door. I look down the hallway and hear a slam of a door to my left.

I jog down the hallway to where I heard the slam and find the man in one of the classrooms. I stay outside and watch his every move. The teacher yells at him and asks what he is doing but the man stays looking around the classroom.

Is he looking for something, or someone? I think to myself. When he doesn't find what he's looking for he lets out a grunt of frustration and punches the whiteboard. I gasp as his hand goes completely through the wall. No normal person is that strong.

I was looking for the person who fell off the building, well not fell, flew. It may not be this guy, but I do know he has some sort of super strength. Whoever it is, he's not here for some little tour of the school. Maybe I should do something.

Before I can think of a plan the man leaves the class and walks into the next one. As I watch him, he goes through the same procedure of searching for something. Except instead of going to punch the whiteboard, this time he is going for a desk.

The person sitting at the desk looks up in fear and just when he is bringing his fist down, I remember I have telekinesis. I focus on stopping his hand and it freezes just before hitting the desk. The man draws his fist back in frustration and looks around for me.

Deciding to be brave I swing the door open. "What's up?"

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