Chapter 43 - Final

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"All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time."
-Mitch Albom

Lucas grabs my face and puts his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes and opening up his mind for me to read

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Lucas grabs my face and puts his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes and opening up his mind for me to read. I see all of his memories flashing past in a blur. "Come back to me", I hear Lucas say and relaxation washes over me as Mr Popwell's voice leaves my brain.

I look over to him and hold my hand up, grabbing him with my telekinesis. A look of fear shoots through his eyes and he stares into my eyes. When he can't get into my head again he sighs with frustration. "Why is it not working?!" He yells and struggles under my grip.

"Because bad guys never win", I tell him with a smile. I walk over to him and punch him as hard as I can, his body falling to the ground in a heap as I knock him out. Suddenly bad supers all around the room stop fighting, standing around looking confused and lost without their master controlling them.

The fighting completely stops as the bad supers realise they can't win with Mr Popwell down. They are put into handcuffs and hearded into a corner like sheep. Remembering what Mr Popwell said before about not killing Aiden and it all being an illusion, Lucas and I start searching the house.

We make it down to the basement and with no luck open each door to check each room. I cross my fingers as we come to the last door, a big concrete one with a lock. I grab a small statue in the corner of the hallway and smash the lock. The door creaks open and we look around the dark room nervously.

I see a shape in the corner and hold my hands up in defense. Lucas' hands search the wall beside the door for a light switch and the lights flicker on once he finds in. In the corner, tied up in a chair, is a small and frail looking Aiden.

Lucas rushes to him and holds him in his arms. I quickly untie the ropes around Aiden's hands as he slowly comes to his senses. He is still in his blue costume, dirty and riped in places. His face is beaten as if he was treated like a boxing bag, dried blood littering his hair. He looks at us in confusion as he tries to think about what is going on.

He thinks slowly and realises its us, looking at us with tears in his eyes and his bottom lip shivering. He leans against Lucas and his arms hang limp. Lucas sobs as he holds his cousin, his hands brushing Aiden's back and head, making sure he is real. Lucas tries to help him stand up but Aiden is too weak to even stand up.

"I'm so sorry", Lucas says as he holds Aiden against him, pulling him up. I pull Aiden's other arm over my shoulder and we walk him out of the room and to the main lounge. Sasha rushes over to us and hugs Aiden like mother. She lets go and helps us carry him out to the van where Emily is.

Once Emily sees Aiden she covers her mouth in shock. Quickly, she places her hands on his face and heals him. The bad supers are taken to the Super Secretive in other vans, guarded and tied up. The whole ride back Emily is healing Aiden, finding new injuries as she scans his body. Lucas sits beside Aiden, holding his hand and talking to him.

Once we get back to the Super Secretive Aiden is rushed to the medical room and the bad supers are hearded into the cells, guarded with power restricting handcuffs.


For days Lucas sits in the medical room beside Aiden's bed, never leaving his side for a second. I bring him food but he hardly eats, too distracted with his thoughts and looking after Aiden. I end up feeding him because hes too concerned with Aiden to spoon the food into his mouth himself.

One day I decide it's time for him to actually get out and do something. I open the door to the medical room and walk over to Aiden's bedside. Aiden smiles up at me and reaches his weak hand out to hold mine. "How are you today Kaylee?" He whispers and glances at the sleeping Lucas.

Lucas' head rests on Aiden's leg and his hand cups Aiden's. "I'm good", I tell him. "I'm just going to convince that sleepy head to actually get out of the room."

"Thank you", Aiden says jokingly. "It feels as if hes attatched to me or something."

I giggle and move over to tap Lucas on his shoulder. He looks up at me in a daze and looks around the room. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Quickly!" I say, faking a worried expression. "Theres a fire in the cells, a couple of the bad supers have escaped."

Lucas jumps out of his chair and rushes to the door. He opens it in a hurry and stumbles out to the hallway, nearly falling over in his sleepy state. I roll my eyes and wave to Aiden as I follow the drunk lunatic out the room.

Lucas glances back at me as he runs down the hallway. "Come on!" He yells, "Why are you coming so slowly."

He pauses as he sees my calm state and wipes his hand over his face and through his hair. "Theres no fire is there?" He asks and I laugh. "Alright then, I'm going back."

Before he can get far I stop him, my hand placed on his chest. "Not so fast", I tell him. "You need to get out of that room and give Aiden some space."

He sighs and whines like a five year old. "Kayleeeee", he says and pouts.

"Come on", I say and turn him around. "Let's go get some food and fresh air."

I lead him to the canteen and grab us both a bowl of pumpkin soup. We sit down and start eating. "How are you feeling?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I'm just happy that Aiden is alive", he says. "Now that I know what it feels like to lose him I never want it to happen again."

"Don't worry", I tell him. "It's not going to happen again for a while now... maybe in another eighty years."

Lucas lets out a light laugh and swirls his spoon through his soup. I put my hand out, palm up, on the table next to me and Lucas looks at it before placing his hand in mine. "How about we go for a fly?"

We grab our costumes and make our way outside. I launch myself into the air and pull Lucas up with my telekinesis. Together we fly to a building near by and sit on the edge. "Do you ever think our lives will be normal?" I ask Lucas.

"No", he says. "But that's okay, as long as our lives are abnormal together, I'm fine."

"That's so cheesy", I laugh. "But me too."

"Maybe our lives will never be normal again, but I don't think there is ever going to be a normal person in this world." Lucas says, "Our lives may be a little weirder than others, but thats okay, I like weird."

"Oh, that's why you like me so much", I say. "I was wondering what the reason was, it all makes sense now."

Lucas laughs and nudges me. "Shut up", he says jokingly.

"Look", he says. I follow his finger to some smoke on the other side of town.

"Well", I say. "Looks like we have to go save the city again."

"Yup", he says with a sigh. "Off we go then."

Authors note:

Yayyy Thank you to the like three people that read my book all the way through and voted on every chapter. I hope that anyone reading this book after I have finished it enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This message probably wont reach many people but Thank you to my friends who gave me help, it's helpful to have someone else to read over my work and find the mistakes that I gloss over.

Bye Bye, From Super Bambi <3

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