Chapter 24 - Blood

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"You don't have to have the same blood to be family."

I reluctantly stop playing with my spaghetti and put some on my fork

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I reluctantly stop playing with my spaghetti and put some on my fork. I take a bite and eat it slowly as Lucas watches me. "What's wrong?" He asks me.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen with the girl." I tell him and look at him with a pout. He laughs at me and dismisses the idea. Soon after I say that thought I hear a scream and some shouts, coming from the direction we had just come from. I look at Lucas and we desert our food, speeding off out of the cafeteria.

When we get to the hallway on the way back to the interrogation room we stop in shock. Lying on the ground are two guards and the girl. The guards have stab wounds and I check their pulses. They're dead. I look at the girl and the knife in her hand. Her neck is cut and blood pours from the wound onto the ground. I cover my mouth, stifling a sob and fall to the ground in shock at the scene in front of me.

She stole one of their knives, killed them, and then killed herself. It's my fault. I knew something bad was going to happen. I could've stopped this from happening. Lucas and some other men take the bodies away and Sasha bolts around the corner, just in time to see them being carried away. She looks around and spots me kneeling on the ground.

She walks to me and crouches down, placing her hand on my shoulder. I look up at her with tears in my eyes. "I-I knew this w-was going to happen", I tell her. "I could've stopped it from happening, but I didn't."

"It's not your fault Kaylee, no one could've stopped her", she tells me and pulls me into her arms. "She was desperate to stop us knowing anything about them."

Sasha looks at me and pulls me off the ground. I look down at the three puddles of blood on the ground. Lucas races back and stops in front of me and Sasha. I look at him, blood covers his clothes and shoes. His shaking hands are sticky from the blood. He looks down at himself and breaths out a shaky breath.

I shrug off Sasha's arm from my shoulders and tiptoe over to Lucas, avoiding the puddles. I stop centimetres away from him and take his bloody hand in mine. I feel him shiver and look into his distant eyes, knowing I need to be strong for him. I take him to the room that I've taken over after using countless times.

I walk in and close the door, pulling him over the door to the bathroom. He follows me willingly, not quite focused on anything and thinking things over. I turn the shower on warm and look at Lucas. He looks at me, his eyes unfocused and sad. I let go of his hand and feel the water, making sure it's the right temperature.

I leave him standing in the bathroom for a moment and return with a set of clothes for him to change into. I place them on the ground and turn to look at him, taking a deep breath I slowly peel his soaked top off his body. Lucas looks at me, not quite aware of what's going on around him. I ignore the butterflies in my stomach, and I scan his upper body. I look at his shorts and decide to leave them on.

After a while I decide to strip myself of my top, leaving me in my bra and shorts. I pull him into the shower with me and let the water wash over us. I grab some soap and rub it over him and down his arms. I scrub his hands and watch the red tinged water go down the drain. I sigh and pull him out of the shower and grab a towel. I dry him and look at him awkwardly.

"Lucas?" I ask him and place my hand on his face to make him look at me. "I'm going to leave now; can you get changed on your own." He looks at me shyly, realising that I'm just in a bra and shorts and nods, finally coming to his senses. I leave the room and shut the door softly, putting my hand on my chest and feeling my fast heart rate.

I quickly get changed and sit on the bed. I grab my phone and text my mum, letting her know I'm at a friend's place doing a project. I look up as Lucas walks out of the bathroom, now dressed. He comes and sits next to me; the room is silent and awkward. "Sorry", he says and looks down at his hands. "I carried a dead body." He then says and laughs an awkward laugh.

I look at his frowning face and sigh. I move to a more comfortable position, sitting with my legs crossed and leaning against the wall. Lucas notices and moves alongside me. I look at him, "Sorry, I want to say something." I say and he turns to face me. "You know how I can see people's memories?" He nods, "remember when you woke up and I was on the ground crying?" I ask him and he nods again, "I relived one of your memories. One of when you were younger, when you just got your powers... with your parents."

He looks down at his lap and sighs. "It's not your fault", I tell him. "You didn't know what was going on. Anyway, I think it's unfair that I know your story, but you don't know how my Dad died."

"Kaylee, you don't have to-"

"No, I want to, its fine." I look at him and smile. He takes my hand and smiles at me. So, I tell him about the crash and how my Dad didn't make it. "You probably noticed the scar on my stomach when you saw me before..." I start but he stops my talking as he reaches out and pulls the bottom of my top, looking to me for permission. I gulp and nod and slowly he pulls it up. My heart starts beating faster and faster as he lifts it up over my head.

I study him as he looks down at the scar, trying to see what he's thinking. He reaches his hand over and traces his finger along it, finally stopping and placing his hand on my side. I look down and blush at the intimate touch. "You're beautiful", he says, and I look up. He looks into my eyes and leans forward.

I feel his breath on my face as he gets closer and I lean forward too, looking down at his lips. Suddenly the door opens and Emily walks in, "Sasha said you guys were in here, you need to-" We scramble away from each other and I grab my top and swiftly put it on. When she sees me put my top on, she stops talking and blushes, "Oh sorry, I didn't know that um... I'll just leave."

"Oh no, it's not what you", I start but she's gone before I finish. "think..." I say after the door slams shut. I laugh awkwardly and rub my hand on the back of my neck. "We should..."

"Yeah we should go", Lucas finishes my sentence and gets up and walks out the door. I follow him shortly after and go see what Sasha wants.

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