Chapter 1 - Prom dress incident

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I am preparing everything for the chemistry experiment Marlene, one of my best friends, and I were assigned to do. I told mom that we needed the kitchen, and I promised we would clean it up once we were done. The chemical reaction isn't dangerous, but it's messy, with a strong smell, and the potential to color you blue if it touches fabric or even skin. Dad even joked we would turn into smurfs, which caused Marlene to laugh so hard she actually snorted.

To show our teacher how we did our assignment, he asked us to film ourselves, explaining in detail what we used, and what we did. He told us to explain it as if the viewer of the tape had no idea what chemistry even is. So, basically, something like a children's science show. Under normal circumstances, we would have done this in school, but since it wasn't dangerous, and the chemistry lab needed to be cleaned up after a little mishap of the junior year, it was deemed alright to do this at home.

Once both Marlene and I finished the experiment, and both of us had our turns explaining what went on, I picked up the metal container with the blue goo, and walked carefully into the hallway.

"Everyone, be careful, I'm carrying precious cargo," I shout. But before I was even able to make a step toward the downstairs bathroom, my sister runs out, ignoring me completely, and bumps into me. Losing my balance, the container spills onto her beautiful white dress, staining it horribly.

"Argh!" she screams, making our parents run out of the living room.

"Oh, my God!" I hear mom's voice, as I pull the container closer to me. I want to walk into the bathroom to set it down, since it's both heavy and still really warm, but Shauna pulls me backwards, making me spill some of the goo on me.

"Look what you did, you stupid jerk!" she yells at me, her face furious, her eyes wild, her fists clenched.

"Shauna!" Mom scolds her.

"What happened?" Dad asks confused, until he sees the mess. "Tris?" he asks, accusingly.

"What?" I ask.

"What did you do?" he asks, his tone still accusing.

"Nothing. This dumb bitch came running out, and bumped me. It's not my fault," I exclaim. Dad looks furious, and Shauna started crying hysterically.

"Up to your room!" he yells.

"What? Why? I didn't do anything!" I protest vehemently.

"You ruined my dress! I hate you!" Shauna yells.

"I didn't do it on purpose. You ran into me. I yelled out for everyone to be careful," I say looking from her to mom, and then dad. Mom looks torn, but Shauna looks as if she could rip me apart, and Dad gives me a disapproving look.

"To your room, Beatrice!" he orders.

"But, but," I stutter in disbelief. This isn't happening. Dad points his finger toward the stairs, and suddenly I'm overwhelmed with anger. I throw the container to the ground making it spill and soil the carpet in the hallway and everything in its path, including more of Shauna's dress.

I can't believe this!

I run up to my room, and slam the door so hard, I think it might fall out of its hinges. How can Dad be so unfair? I didn't do it on purpose. It was Shauna running out like a fucking lunatic, and not even stepping to the side when she saw me. How am I the bad guy?

Moments later, I hear someone at my door. I don't bother standing up, because the person already entered my room. I remain seated at my window, looking outside, knowing Dad is inside my room, glaring at me.

"Why can't you girls get along?" he asks, half angry, half exasperated.

"It's her fault. I've tried being nice, but she's just a bitch to me," I yell.

"Lose the tone!" Dad orders. "I want you to go downstairs and apologize for ruining your sister's dress," he says. At that, I turn around and glare at him.

"NO! I have nothing to apologize for. I announced loud enough that I'm in the hallway carrying something. Besides, she came out running like a fucking lunatic, and she was the one to bump into me," I yell.

"Stop yelling, Beatrice," he says, his voice loud, but not to the point of yelling. "I want you to go downstairs, and apologize. She will too." I know Dad's game. He always tries it. And I'm always the one apologizing. Even if Shauna says sorry, she never is. She always makes it look as if she is the victim. Well, then, let her be. I'm sick and tired of her games.

"Over my dead body!" I growl. My dad looks surprised at me for a second, before his demeanor changes. I know I pushed his buttons, and he will most likely try to be tougher.

"I'm sick and tired of you two fighting. You are sisters. You either apologize right now, or you are not allowed to go to the prom," he threatens. My eyes widen in shock. Seriously? It's just a dress.

"You would really ruin my night with my boyfriend because of a dress?" I ask incredulously.

"It's not about the dress, and you know it."

I remain silent. I can't believe Dad would play so dirty. If I don't step over my own pride I can't have a magical night with my boyfriend. This is so fucked up. What should I do? On one hand, I don't want to give Shauna the satisfaction. On the other, I don't want to ruin the night for Tobias. He deserves his prom night. Reluctantly, I agree.

We go downstairs, where Shauna is still wailing over her ruined dress. Caleb is downstairs as well, leaning against the living room door frame. I look toward the kitchen and see that Marlene is gone. She probably went home. I don't blame her. If I could, I would leave too.

Dad pushes me slightly into the room until I'm in the middle. He nudges me a little, signaling that's my cue to say I'm sorry. I sigh heavily, and close my eyes. Why do I always have to apologize to this bitch? I don't care anymore that she is my sister. It's not like she cares that I'm her baby sister either. I open my eyes, and find her still crying her eyes out. What is the matter with her? She acts as if I just chopped off one of her hands or ruined her wedding or something.

"I'm sorry your dress got ruined," I say, and she looks up at me with such hatred I actually consider calling Uncle Joe, who happens to be a minister at our church, to perform an exorcism. What the fuck? What demon possessed her?

"No, you're not. You did this on purpose. You always ruin everything! I hate you!" she screams at the top of her lungs that I have to move my hands to my ears to avoid some serious damage.

"Shauna!" Mom says, appalled.

"I did not, you stupid hoe bag! If anything, it was your fault for running like a motherfucking lunatic!"

"Beatrice! That's enough!" Dad yells now. I turn around to look at him, furious myself that once again he takes her side.

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