Chapter 14 - Thanksgiving at the Carmichaels

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Edward and I have been going out since the end of summer break, which was a bit of a feat to be honest. Once he started classes at NYU in October, we only managed to FaceTime, Skype or talk over the phone. On weekends, we tried to see each other, with him usually coming home and we would go out.

When it's just the two of us, he is really a down to Earth kind of guy, but when we are with his family, especially during an event, he becomes more serious, more businesslike than I would want him to be. He is still sweet and a real gentleman, but it's like he tries to be one person when he is alone with me and a completely different one when we are with others. It's a bit exhausting if you ask me.

Edward wanted to introduce me to the rest of his family, and at first it didn't seem like a big deal, but then I talked to Aunt Margueritte. Apparently, Edward's family is looking for a bride for their heir. I'm sure it wouldn't happen right away, since I'm still underage and a high school student. But what am I even thinking? I don't want to get married. Fuck that!

"Are you alright?" Edward asks, as he comes out on the porch where I was standing, to bring me some hot tea.

"Yeah, just thinking," I say, and take the mug with the hot beverage.

"I know. They are a bit overwhelming at times," Edward says with a chuckle. I look up at him, and he has a kind smile on his face. "Don't worry. They just love to plan every detail of my life," he laughs.

I only nod, and take a sip. I don't know how he manages it. How can he just stand by idly while his parents plan his entire life? They practically shaped him into what he is today, and while most of it is a fine young man, Edward does have his flaws. As do we all. For instance, he says he understands sacrifice, yet he never sacrificed anything. He says he understands the military, yet he doesn't grasp the difficulties of a military life. He claims to help others, but his idea of help is usually going to a fundraiser for some cause, wearing a tuxedo that could easily be exchanged for a small apartment, eating food so expensive than if converted into every day groceries would feed a small village for a month, and talk to other rich people about how awesome they are. He never once volunteered at a soup kitchen or community center or something like that. It's not like he is a bad person, but he is the typical spoiled high society heartthrob. He claims to know hardship, yet he couldn't give one example. I try not to judge him, but ever since I was a little girl, my parents and grandparents tried to teach me to be thankful for what I have.

"Why do you let them?" I ask, unable to keep the question in me any longer.

"They mean well. And it's not like I don't agree with them. But let's not talk about my family anymore," he says, and takes the mug from my hands. He puts it down on the table behind us, and pulls me in his arms. We look deep into each other's eyes, and he soon leans in to kiss me. Our lips barely touch, when the door to the porch opens, and a small gasp is heard, followed by someone awing. We part, and look toward his mom who smiles widely. For some reason, she thinks I'm adorable, and already pictured all the babies Edward and I will give her.

She calls us inside, since dinner is ready, and we reluctantly follow her. We take our seats, and after Edward's father says grace, we start eating. The food is delicious, and the company is pleasant too, but I miss my own family. I don't think I will ever get used to having a family dinner without them. Or at least some of them.

Later that night, while I'm in the bedroom Mrs. Carmichael prepared for me, I stare at the ceiling counting sheep. I can't fall asleep for the life of me, despite being tired. A soft knock on my door makes me almost jump out of my bones. I get out of bed, and walk slowly toward it, when it's heard again.

"Tris?" I hear someone whisper. I unlock and open the door, and find my boyfriend standing there. I look at him confused, but then smile. I let him in, and the moment the door is locked, we crash our bodies together.

We had sex before, and it was anything but boring. But the idea of doing it in his parents' house, with them in said house, plus other guests, makes it all more titillating. We quickly get rid of our clothes, before we resume making out. His hands seem to be everywhere at once. I wrap my arms around his back, pressing my naked form closer to him, while he grabs my butt with both hands, and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, while he slowly moves toward the bed. He lays me down gently, without either breaking our kiss or pulling away from me. He settles easily between my legs, and I can feel him poke at my entrance. I always insisted we use condoms, and the feel of his bare member against me makes me shiver. He pulls away slightly, out of breath just like me, and looks me up and down.

"Damn! You are so sexy!" he says, and I blush.

He resumes kissing me for a while, until he has just enough of my lips, and travels pointedly toward where I need him most. He kisses every inch of my tummy, while his hands massage both my breasts. The moment he reaches my quivering pussy, I take in a breath, anticipating his tongue on me. He doesn't disappoint, and, a moment later, feel him lick the slit. I tremble underneath his touch, as he starts exploring my core with his tongue, before probing me with his fingers.

He works me up so badly that I soon come all over his face, while he still laps greedily at me. I look down on him, and see him smirk when our eyes meet. I smile back, and reach out for him. Damn! I'm so hot right now. Edward lies down, covering me with his body, as his mouth finds mine in a scorching kiss. I feel him inch closer to where I need him the most but then I remember protection. I break our kiss and Edward looks at me in confusion.

"Condom," I whisper, and he nods. He jumps up, and goes to retrieve one from his pants on the floor. Within a minute, he puts the latex on, returns on the bed, and thrusts himself hard into my body, making us both groan.

We frantically rock against each other, both of us chasing our own orgasm. Edward kisses and suckles my neck, while I bite and lick his shoulder. I feel him press down on me, and then one of his hands reaches between us, finding my sensitive bundle of nerves, stimulating it deliciously getting me closer to the edge.

"Yes, baby, right there," I moan, and he picks up his pace. His thrusts are short and shallow, and I know he is close. "I'm not there yet, babe, slow down," I tell him, but it is too late.

I feel him stiffen above me, and then his eyes close shut while he lets out a low growl as he comes. His movements stop, and he collapses on top of me, breathing heavily. I sigh in frustration, hating him at the moment that he didn't make me come, but push my own feelings down not wanting to fight with him either. Yeah, my boyfriend really doesn't know how to treat a girl.

He finally rolls off of me, laying on his back, still trying to catch his breath. I move my body underneath the comforter, and try not to let him see how very disappointed I am that he didn't care about me at all.

"Babe, that was amazing. I really needed that," he says, and stands up. He goes to put his PJ back on, and I wait for him to return to bed. He surprises me though, when he unlocks the door and goes to leave.

"You're leaving?" I ask, incredulously.

"I don't want my parents to know that I spend the night in your room. It would be inappropriate." He must sense my anger, because he comes closer to the bed, bending down to kiss my forehead. "It's better this way," he says, before wishing me a good night.

He leaves my room, and all I want is to smash something. Now I know how the Hulk feels when someone pisses him off. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling once again, and wondering why this is happening. From the outside, Edward is the perfect boyfriend, but he is nothing like what I would want in my significant other. I think back at the guys I've dated, and one is always in the forefront: Tobias. He was really the perfect boyfriend, but he'll never be mine again. I know I fooled myself into believing I broke up with him for his sake, but it was because I was afraid he might find someone better and dump me. So, yeah, I dumped him before he could dump me. I'm a real bitch who deserves every bit of the karma she gets.

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