Chapter 11 - July 2nd

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"Dad, for the millionth time, I don't want a fucking party!" I say decisive and frustrated.

"But it's your sweet sixteen," he argues smiling.

"Exactly, it's mine. Mine, not yours. I already have plans for today. With my friends. Alone. Is that okay with you?" I ask frustrated.

"Of course, just be home by seven. Okay?"

"Why? My curfew isn't until eleven. Or did you change your mind about curfew?" I ask him. I know he wants to have me here for a surprise party, but I don't want to.

"No, it's still eleven. I just want a nice family dinner, that's all," he lies. He is such a bad liar. I wonder how the hell he survived in business all these years. If he was in prison, and the wardens would make him a prison snitch, he'd be dead before he even seals the deal.

"Mom works till at least eight p.m., and I don't wanna see Shauna. So, if you really wanna do something nice for me on MY birthday, then don't make me see her ugly face," I say irritated.

"Just be here," he says dismissively.

"Dad, if I come home and there's a party, I swear to you I will get naked, and run down the street so that everyone sees me in my birthday suit." Dad smiles nodding, thinking I'm bluffing. Oh, boy!

I go back upstairs to get dressed to go out with my brother and my friends, and pick up my phone to call Mom. It rings a few times, and I almost think her voicemail will come in, but then she answers.

"Mom, did you know Dad bought a car for me?" I ask her. I know she wouldn't lie.

"What?" she asks shocked. "Of course, not. I've told your father not to do that. If you don't want one, then he needs to respect that. I'm gonna call him right away," she promises.

"No, wait. I found the papers. I talked to Caleb, and he will drive the car back to the dealership, and we will return it. Uncle Cameron will meet us there in case there's trouble, which I doubt."

"Honey, you need to tell your dad," Mom says half exasperated, half angry, and for once I'm sure she is not angry with me.

"Why? He didn't care that I didn't want one. He went behind, not only, my back, but yours too, to buy a car. A convertible no less. The same model as Shauna's, but in red. Seriously? What on Earth made Dad think I'd want a car like hers?" I ask, trying to get this subject closed.

"You still need to tell him," she says. "Let Dad take it back. I'll talk to him," she promises.

"He wants me to be here by seven p.m. He still hasn't let go of that stupid birthday party idea."

"I'll talk to Dad."

"Mom, we've been talking for the past four weeks. Dad is just ignoring us. He uses every arrow in his quiver trying to be a good Dad, using stuff that would work with Shauna. I don't care about these things. But more importantly, why can't he just accept my wishes? I hardly think I'm asking for too much," I say close to tears again. I fight them back into my skull, not wanting to let this shit ruin my day. My friends and I will meet up soon and we will have one hell of a good time.

"Tris, he is your father, and he loves you. He doesn't know what to do. You can't blame him alone for not knowing stuff about you, when you don't tell him," she argues.

"I have been telling him for a month that I don't want either a party or a car," I tell her, but I get what she means. I sigh loudly. "Fine. You talk to him. But I'm not driving that car."

Mom promises she'll call Dad and talk to him. She also said that I can stay out as late as I want, but be home by midnight. It is my birthday after all, and she trusts me. I won't stay out that late, just making sure there is no party here when I come back.

Caleb and I end up leaving "my car" in the garage, and drive off in his to meet the rest of my friends for a fun day at the Pier, and then later we'll head to my cousin Matt, who is an FBI agent, to watch a few "Fast and Furious" movies. He will join us later in the afternoon since he has work, but he was really nice to let us use his apartment and more importantly his huge flat screen TV.

My friends and I decide to check out many of the rides at the Pier, especially the Ferris Wheel. At some point, when we are back on the ground, Caleb pulls me to the side and tells me Mom had called. She tried me first, but I had left my phone in my brother's car. Apparently, Dad was disappointed that I didn't like the car, and that I wouldn't be home for my party. Caleb even told me that Mom got really mad with Dad. I feel guilty for putting my parents on opposite sides, but with Dad being so stubborn I have no choice.

Once we are heading to a fast food restaurant, I call Mom and thank her for her help and support, and tell her how sorry I am that she had to have a fight with dad.

"Don't be. He's always been a stubborn asshole. But he is my stubborn asshole," she says with a chuckle.

"I guess, that's where I got it from," I say, and she laughs out loud.

"You are right. But seriously now, I've told your dad that buying cars behind my back, and throwing parties no one wanted is not a solution. I think you and Dad should go camping. Just the two of you, so that he gets to know you better, and you can do the same. You'd be surprised to learn how interesting your dad is."

"Mom, ew," I say with disgust.

"I'm serious. Think about it. I'm sure Dad will agree, if you ask him to. In fact, I think he is dying to spend time with you."

"If you say so."

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