Chapter 3 - Graduation

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Today is Shauna's, Zeke's, and Tobias's graduation. Dad insisted I go cheer on my sister but with the extended punishment I got, my break up from Tobias, and the tense situation over all, Mom urged Dad to not force me to go. At first, he didn't want to give in, but after I promised on the lives of everyone I love that I would ruin this day so badly it will go down in history, he conceded. I swore to myself I would never again be anyone's doormat.

I barely spoke a word to anyone these past few weeks. I even distanced myself from my friends. They know I need time, and they at least respect me enough to give me that.

Up until now, Dad was the one in charge, at least legally, of the stock trading account we had set up after that professor in New York told my folks that I am a genius. That psychology professor made me take an IQ test, revealing just how smart I am, and explained that that's why I was so bored in school. He suggested I needed a challenging activity. Trading stocks is more than challenging. What Dad doesn't know is that I created a ghost account that will give him falls data on my transactions. While he'll still be in charge of the account until I turn eighteen, he will now see fake transactions with fake numbers.

I have decided to be a good girl as best as I can, but from now on I wouldn't include Dad at all in my life. Why would I? I will show him that I don't need him for anything. It's not like he would be too miserable. He never once took my side when I had a fight with Shauna.

Today was a grand day. Not Shauna's graduation, but something else. I created a simulation that will show Dad in a few minutes that I transferred all my money into buying some stocks, and after another half hour when this precise market closes, it will show him how I lost a few million dollars, leaving me completely broke. This should be a shock! Dad told me way back before this fight that with the money I made I could pay for college, buy myself whatever car I wanted, travel etc. Basically, whatever I wanted, I could afford it now. It was true, but somehow he said it as a relief that he didn't have to buy these things, not that I would have asked for them. But I found it completely unfair that Shauna and Caleb would get those things from Mom and Dad while I would pay for them myself. I couldn't help but feel both hurt and jealous.

But starting today, I would be just as broke as Shauna. My beef isn't with Caleb, though. If anything, he is the only one in my family who was by my side every time Shauna did something mean to me.

By the time I hear the front door open, and people entering the house, I am laying on my bed reading one of Feynman's books, "QED". A knock is heard on my door, and I know before the door even opens who it is. Dad.

"Can I come in?" he asks.

"It's your house," I reply without looking up from my book.

"What you reading?" he asks.

"A book," I answer, condescendingly.

"I can see that," he says exasperated. "Never mind. I got an alert when the market closed. Did you check your status?" he inquires carefully, probably shocked as to why I'm so calm.

"I did."


I put my book to the side and sit up. I look at Dad. His eyes are staring at me, his brows furrowed, and a scowl on his face makes him look older than he actually is. He even looks more dangerous. Although, I know he doesn't have the stomach to hurt even a fly.

"And I lost a bunch of money," I state matter-of-factly.

"A bunch? Tris, you lost five million dollars!" he exclaims. I nod my head.

"What do you want me to say? It happens. That's the stock market for you. Besides, it was my money. Why are you so upset?" I ask him, and he remains staring at me, speechless. He seems to be lost, and just nods.

He turns around, but before he leaves he tells me to come down for lunch.

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