Chapter 19 - A new innovation

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A/N: Hi everyone! I want to say how grateful I am that you guys stick with me and my stories. It means a great deal to me. Also, I will resume posting for 'FUME' as soon as NaNoWriMo concludes.

Funny thing - while writing this story, my mind came up with several scenarios, and I kind of wrote a bit of an alternative to this story. It's not the same plot line, but still an AU story, with a similar fucked up relationship between Tris and Shauna. So far, I only have a few things written down, but who knows? Maybe I'll post what I have as an extra alternative chapter or maybe even make a little story out of it. Dunno yet. Anyway, thanks for reading this and all my other stories.


One week after the wedding

The mission to protect my factory, while at the same time making sure no one got hurt, was a success. The moment after we left the wedding, I told Grandpa that I was really upset with him. I understand that we had to act fast, and Dad didn't seem to buckle. Especially, after he asked my cousin, the FBI agent, to cuff me. I don't even know when he un-cuffed me, but I was thankful he did.

Upon arriving, the general's men entered ahead of us, and secured the perimeter, as well as taking the sleeping mercenaries into custody. The fact that they were legally dead warranted the US government to take extraordinary measures. Grandpa and I decided to not mention we knew who was behind all this, at least for the time being.

After Sarah did a security check, and we deemed everything secure, the general, my grandfather and I got off the chopper, and entered the facility. While Grandpa and the general went to check his safe, I went straight down to where my energy source is. I made sure that no one followed me, and once I was safely behind closed doors, I inspected everything. I already knew that my energy source was safe, but it always calms me when I'm down there. I allowed myself an hour to relax, thinking back at everything that happened that night.

What a roller-coaster!

Even a week after it all happened, I am still shaking. Not of fear, but excitement. And today would mark a milestone not just in my life, but also my company's future, and science in general. Today I would introduce the world to Stella 2.0.

Everyone important is here today. Everyone is eager to see the newest innovation of Dauntless Industries. Everyone will die of jealousy, I'm sure of it. A part of me is rolling on the floor in excitement, while the rest is nervous to no end. I know that Stella is the next step toward the future we only saw in science fiction movies, but I managed to create it. If everything goes according to my plans, within the next two years I will be able to create a new element that will defy the laws of physics. It took me almost three years to work out the math, but I am confident with Stella's energy and the new equipment I designed I will be able to create a new element that will revolutionize life as we know it.

I insisted that Grandpa invites everyone who supports us, but even more so those who oppose us, and try to steal from us. I wanted to watch their stupid faces when Dauntless finally revealed what we use to fuel our batteries with.

Since a lot of reporters came today, I had already instructed Grandpa to explain everything about our power source. Everything about it was already patented and legally mine, so that no one could steal the design or replicate it without my knowledge. We also prepared binders with information on what Dauntless is working on, what projects are still in development, and as many details on the energy source as we deemed responsible to share.

Dad and Marcus are among the guests, as well as the Carmichaels and a few other high profile guests I got to know over the years. My mother and siblings aren't here, because I didn't want them here. I know Mom is thrilled about all the things I've accomplished, and so is Caleb, but I didn't want to share with Shauna. I already promised Caleb and my friends that I would give them a tour at a later date, after our older siblings returned to California.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming," my grandfather starts saying with a smile on his face.

He proceeds with the already prepared speech before he announces that Dauntless Industries created the first man-made sun. At the mention of that wonder, the protective walls that surrounded a miniature version of the actual sun I created and is buried deep underneath the facility in a special designed container, everyone gasps in surprise. I watch as one by one, each of my guests approach the glass container where Stella 2.0 is hovering. Grandpa explains the basics we used to create this artificial celestial object, and asks one of our assistants to distribute the binders to everyone present. The reporters are the first to ask questions, and my grandfather answers them professionally to the best of his knowledge.

"As you can now see," he starts saying, as two of our workers use specially designed equipment to harness energy from the artificial star, "everything is safe, and we are confident that soon these batteries will replace all fossil fueled devices and machines, offering a clean alternative that will help us save and preserve our planet."

I smile broadly at him, excited that he wants to help me make this world a better place not just by making sure bad guys will stop hurting innocents, but by using clean energy instead of coal and oil. I have to admit, saving the planet has always been in the forefront of my intentions, and I'm happy I can do something about it.

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