Chapter 16 - March 16th, Edward's birthday

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A/N: Just came home from seeing Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it. The hype is real, Potterheads! It was everything you would 'Expecto' and more. I am so excited about it that I have to kick myself not to reveal anything.

For Edward's birthday, I looked for the perfect gift for months. It is a collectible card of a major league baseball player from the 1960's. I am not at all familiar with it, but I asked around, and even got some help from Mr. Carmichael, who assured me Edward would be thrilled. I hope he will be. The card was very hard to find, and even harder to purchase. The damn thing cost a fortune. But I guess, that's expected for something this valuable.

Edward decided to have a boys night with his friends from college, and since he owns a sail boat, he invited me to spend the weekend with him on it. Dad wasn't thrilled when I told him I would spend two days with my boyfriend on a boat, but Mom convinced him to let me go. After all, it wasn't like I was a virgin, and Dad knew I would never agree to thinks if I didn't want them. Besides, I was trained in Krav Maga. I could easily snap anyone's neck who got frisky with me.

I packed warm clothes, despite the unusual warm weather we were experiencing. I wanted to be prepared. I also packed several boxes of condoms. Edward and I see each other only on weekends, and even then, we can't be sure we'll actually meet up. Sometimes he has something he needs to attend, other times I do. It's kinda hard having a boyfriend far away.

"You excited?" he asks me, as we sail out.

"I am," I say with a smile.

For the first hour, Edward teaches me how to sail, occasionally telling me anecdotes about his first experiences on a boat. We laugh a lot, and I realize that I really care for him. But as of late I keep asking myself if I really, truly love him. I mean, I do. He is a great guy, and we can talk about a bunch of things. He even knows about Dauntless Industries, and sometimes he even gave me valuable advice about running it or how to avoid getting dragged into an unfortunate compromise. He basically shared with me what his dad shared with him, and what he learns in school to follow in his father's footsteps. He is very kind to do so. Most businessmen keep their secrets to themselves or demand something in return. Edward isn't like that.

I watch him as he busies himself on the boat, admiring his physique, his shiny blonde hair, his expressive green eyes. He is a heartthrob alright, but to me he is just another guy. He is a cherished friend, an intelligent counterpart, a challenge when it comes to discussing politics. But I often wondered if he is more. I am excited to be with him, and when we make love it's wonderful. He is a really talented lover, despite the occasional premature climax. Something is missing, though. I can't really pin-point it, but it feels that something is missing.

We spend the first day mainly talking about little things, with him remembering past trips with his father or with friends. He seems very enthusiastic about everything, a lot more than usual. And as I observe him further I get why. Out here on his boat he is free. He doesn't have to watch his language, his manners, make sure he doesn't offend anyone. He can just relax and be himself. He often told me how stressful it is for him to always be on his best behavior as if the world would stop from spinning if he wasn't. I know he doesn't want to embarrass his family or make a fool out of himself, but this constant tip-toeing around people must be crazy exhausting. I know I couldn't do it.

While he does his thing up on deck, I go below deck to prepare our dinner. It's nothing fancy, spaghetti with hot dogs. But we both enjoy it, and drown it with coke. But unlike the rest of the day, Edward is pretty quiet and I wonder if something is bothering him.

"Something on your mind?" I ask, figuring it might be something at school.

"No, not really. Just thinking about all kinds of stuff," he says, and gives me a short smile, before returning to his meal.

"What stuff? If you don't mind me asking."

"School, my parents, my future," he says, and I nod. Even if he doesn't say it out loud, I know there is a lot of pressure on him. I don't bother him anymore. I know how it feels like to have people pry and not let you breathe. I won't do that to him. And I know he wouldn't do it to me.

As we finish our meal, Edward goes to clean up, but I shake my head. It is his birthday after all, and while he is getting spoiled, I don't mind to spoil him some more. Regardless of the fact that he is my boyfriend, I like doing these things.

By the time we are ready for bed, I am no longer tired. Seeing Edward shirtless did wake me up. I smile to myself, as I wrap my arms around his waist and press myself against his back. He lays his right hand over where mine join, and takes a deep breath. He then pulls me in front of him, and the moment we stand in front of each other he bends forward and presses his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hands roam my body, until they find the hem of my tee shirt, and slowly start lifting it up. We break our kiss, as Edward helps me out of my clothes. Before long, I stand naked before him while his admiring eyes look me up and down.

"You are so beautiful," he says to me. I blush at the compliment.

"You are not so bad yourself."

I kneel down in front of him, and reach out for his waistband. I slowly start pulling his sleep pants down, pulling his boxers down too. I make sure not to hurt him, as the fabric runs over his erection, and smile when he is finally free. He steps out of his pants and pushes them to the side, while he looks down at me. I smile wickedly, and then fist his member. I start stroking him, and while I watch, he closes his eyes enjoying what I do to him. I gave him handjobs before, and even two blowjobs, but we were always in a rush, always needing to be somewhere. Now, I can take my time.

I open my mouth and suck in the tip, while my hand continues to stroke him. I use my free hand to fondle his balls, and try to suck more of him inside my mouth. I bob my head up and down his length, until I feel him grab my head. For a moment there, I panic. He has a firm grip on me, and started thrusting deep inside my throat. I try to push him away, but he doesn't buckle. I gag several times, and try to breathe through my nose, when suddenly I feel him still and ejaculate deep inside my throat. He pulls out with a satiated sigh, and I instantly start coughing. Realizing what he did, he crouches down to check if I'm alright.

"Tris, oh God, I'm so sorry. I was caught in the moment. I'm so sorry," he keeps repeating. I am still coughing violently, almost to the point of making myself vomit, when he hands me a wash cloth and a glass of water.

"It's okay," I manage to say, when my cough subsides. I look up at him and he looks miserable. He feels really guilty. "Really. I'm fine. But next time, just look down every once in a while to check if I'm still breathing," I say with a chuckle. He gives me a weak smile, and gathers me in his arms. He lifts me up, and carries me to the bed.

We lay down together, facing each other as he starts caressing my face. I smile at him, and lean closer to kiss his lips. He sighs deeply when I press myself against him, and before long we are rocking against each other, making sweet love.

The next morning, I wake up to find the bed empty. Judging by the cold feel of the sheets, I can tell that Edward has been up for quite a while. I put on one of his tee shirts, since on me they look like dresses, and go out to find him. I find him sitting outside, looking over the water, deep in thought. I don't want to startle him, but I'm curious as to why he left the bed so early. I wonder if I did something to upset him.

"Good morning," I say, and sit down next to him. He looks up and forces a smile, and I know there is something bothering him.

"Morning," he says, and kisses my cheek.

We sit in silence, none of us moving a muscle. I'm starting to get worried. I know he isn't a big fan of talking about feelings and such, but he would usually tell me what's bothering him. What could have possibly happened since yesterday to put him in this state?

"Is something wrong?" I ask, unable to keep my mouth shut any longer. He looks at me, his expression serious but then he smiles.

"Do you love me?" he asks. Whoa! Where did that come from? I do love him, but I don't think I'm in love with him. I realize that I've been quiet for too long, because Edward leans in and kisses my cheek. "I thought so," he states, and stands up.

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