Chapter 25 - Telling the parents

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Tobias and I are sitting in the cab that is driving us to our parents' houses. I have to admit, I am more than a little nervous. I called ahead and told my parents that I would arrive today, but didn't tell them when, while Tobias made a call from O'Hare, telling his parents he came home for a surprise visit. We both made our parents promise to get dressed up for a fancy dinner, without telling them that they would all sit at the same table, and made dinner reservations at a fancy French restaurant. Well, I called the restaurant the same night we decided to come home to make sure they had a table for six available.

The cab stops in front of my house, and I get out, followed by Tobias who quickly pays the driver, and gets our luggage. I am just about to lean in and kiss him, when the front door opens, and Mom storms out.

"Baby, you're home," she shouts excitedly. I can't help but laugh at her childish enthusiasm, and go to hug her. Dad comes outside as well, and while Mom and I still hug and kiss, I see Dad go to greet Tobias.

"Good to see you, son. I didn't know you'd come together," Dad says, eyeing both of us suspiciously.

"Yeah, we bumped into each other and decided to share a cab," Tobias replies casually. Damn, he is a good liar.

I go to hug Dad, trying to distract him from Tobias, while casually dismissing my boyfriend as if he was just another random guy. He already knows I'm just acting, so that we won't spoil the surprise. Our parents will find out about us later tonight.

We say goodbye, and Mom, Dad and I enter our house, while Tobias walks down the street to his parents' house.

As I enter my home, I realize, it feels differently than when I left. To be honest, when I say home, I now think of the little house Tobias and I have in California. I know it's just rented, but it's ours nevertheless. I excuse myself, and tell my parents I need to take a shower after the long flight. I don't tell them anything else, trying to avoid coming up with some fancy story about my alleged trip around the world.

My parents don't insist, but I have to promise to tell them all about my adventures during dinner. I smile to myself, thinking that they don't have a clue about the adventure I had.

I enter my childhood bedroom, and lie down in my bed for a moment. I'm only resting my eyes, when I feel someone shaking me. I force my eyes open again, feeling strangely groggy. As I look up, I see my mom.

"Hey, baby. Did you have a nice nap?" she asks. Nap? How long have I been out? I abruptly sit up, and check my phone.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I almost shout. "We have dinner reservations for seven o'clock, and it's already 6.30 pm," I say panicked.

"Honey, it's okay. We don't have to go out. We can have a nice dinner at home," Mom tries to calm me down.

"No!" I tell her forcefully. She gives me a curious look, and tilts her head in confusion. "I mean, it's a special occasion. Please, Mom. Could you and Dad please hurry and get ready. I'll take a quick shower, and get dressed," I tell her pleadingly. She nods her head, and leaves my room. I quickly pick up my phone, unlock it, and call Tobias.

"Hey, babe," comes his deep voice as he answers.

"Hon, I'm so sorry. I fell asleep, and we might be running late. Please, don't be mad," I ask him, while rummaging through my closet for a decent, yet sophisticated dress. I hear Tobias chuckle on the other end and frown. "It's not funny," I scold.

"It is a little. Listen, Mom is almost ready, and then we'll drive to the restaurant. We'll just order some drinks, and you can text me when you think you'll be there. Don't worry, babe," he tells me reassuringly. I smile to myself. How can he be so fucking sweet?

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