Chapter 18 - The wedding

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I am sitting in church, watching as my uncle is getting married, while Edward sits next to me. We've been broken up for months now, but with all our relatives seemingly more invested in our relationship then they should be, we both decided to keep it between us that we were no longer seeing each other. It was fine for me. We decided that the moment one of us finds someone new, we would let the other know, and implicitly our families. We love each other, but just as friends, and nothing more. Actually, now that the boyfriend-girlfriend paradigm is out of the picture, we get along much better. We don't tip-toe around each other and we are more honest. In any case, our whole relationship improved.

I watch as Uncle Cameron tells the love of his life how all these years without her were painful, but also a preparation for the love and happiness he felt in this moment. Tears have gathered in my eyes, as Maria, my new aunt, vowed to always love her husband, respect and cherish him. I can't help but wonder if I will ever experience anything like this. I am not particularly looking out for a husband or married life per se, but I wouldn't say no to someone who loves me as much as I know Uncle Cameron loves Maria. It's been an up and down with them but they made it through. I am really happy for them, and so is Matt. It took him a little time to accept Maria as his new step-mom, especially since she is about ten years younger than my uncle, but age is but a number, and true love isn't measured in years.

When the ceremony is over, and the newlyweds exit the church, we all follow them outside to congratulate, hug and kiss them. It's a very emotional moment, and I don't care that I'm weak and cry like a baby.

We take several pictures with the happy couple, either group photos or just the couple with either Matt, or Mom or Maria's siblings. It takes them nearly an hour to take pictures with their guests, before we all head to the venue where the wedding reception is held.

Since Mom and Maria's oldest sister insisted to help, most of the immediate family members arrive first at the venue and greet those who follow until the newlyweds arrive too. The reception is very interesting, given the fact that Maria is of Mexican ancestry, and her grandmother never learned English. During the ceremony, one of her other grandchildren translated everything, and I even spotted her shedding a few tears. Although, I'm not entirely sure it wasn't because Maria didn't get married in a catholic church.

The music is great. Between oldies that both Uncle Cameron and Maria enjoy, to some new hits, every now and then a Latin song is heard. Maria's brothers even perform a traditional wedding song, and charm us with authentic mariachi music.

We dance and sing, and have fun with each other. Actually, I even think I found a Latin lover. One of Maria's nephews has been asking me to dance like three times already, and each time he made sure to lower his hand down my back. When a slow dance came on, I wanted to return to my table, where my 'boyfriend' is still sipping his wine, chatting with my father, but Leandro, the Latin heartthrob, pulls me back in his arms, and starts swaying. I giggle at his behavior, and can't help but get lost in his chocolate brown eyes. Damn, he is hot! And makes ME so bothered and wet.

The moment the song is over, I thank him, but excuse myself. I return to my seat where most people give me the evil eye. I guess, my little dance affair didn't go unnoticed. The only one who is relaxed and smiling is Edward, who probably gets a kick out of the situation.

"Did you enjoy the exotic cuisine?" he asks, referring to the few times Leandro brushed his lips against mine. They weren't really kisses, but they weren't innocent touches either.

"I might get out there for a refill," I say with a chuckle, looking over my shoulder.

"Beatrice, we need to talk," my mom says upset, and gets up. I barely hold in a laugh, but realize, to my family, my behavior might seem indecent. Especially, toward Edward.

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