Chapter 4 - Tris's 15th birthday

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I was laying in bed. I was still mad at Dad, and he had no clue. Caleb came by to check on me, and told me Dad did the one thing I asked him not to do: throw a birthday party. I didn't want to go downstairs, and asked Caleb to tell Dad I had a migraine or Ebola or some shit. What did Dad think? That I would just flip out, be happy, forgive him for being such an asshole? No, sir!

I picked up my phone, and dialed mom's number. It didn't take long for her to answer.

"Tris, what is wrong, baby?"

"Mom, when you coming home?" I asked her, hoping she would be home soon.

"I'm on my way. Did something happen?" she asked concerned.

"Dad threw a party," I've told her.

"What? I've told him not to," Mom said angry. "I'll be right home, baby girl."

We hung up, and I turned around in my bed, facing the wall now. I had no intention to leave my room, let alone go downstairs. But apparently, my wishes are completely disregarded in this house, because not five minutes later my door opened. I didn't bother to turn around. Whoever it was, I didn't care.

"Tris, why don't you come downstairs?" came Dad's voice. He sounded hopeful. I know that he had been trying to mend things, but I was still so upset. I couldn't help it, especially since he still thought he did me a favor by not keeping me grounded anymore.

"I'm tired," came my muffled voice. I tried to hide the contempt, but I wasn't sure it worked.

"Come on, sweetheart. There are some people here to wish you a 'Happy Birthday'," he added, and sat down on my bed.

"Tell them to send me an e-card," I replied snotty.

"Honey, please. Come downstairs," he insisted. I had it with him. I turned around abruptly, and jumped out of bed. I ran downstairs into the backyard, where I knew from Caleb everyone was.

"Happy birthday!" they shouted. I looked around and saw the usual gang, and unfortunately, Tobias too.

"Finally," said Shauna very condescending. I looked her way and saw that bitch friend of hers sneering.

"Shauna, please," came Dad's desperate voice from behind me.

"What? I'm not the one being rude letting everyone wait," she countered.

"And I am not the one who issued invitations when I specifically said I don't want a party, Dad," I said through gritted teeth.

"But, sweetheart, it's your birthday," he started saying, but I interrupted him.

"Exactly, it's my birthday!" I practically yelled. "Thank you for your kind wishes. You can go home now. Party is over!"

"Tris, don't be rude to our guests," Dad scolded.

"Fine! I'm going to my room where I can have some peace and quiet." I didn't even wait for Dad to say anything further. I ran up into my room, slammed the door, locked it for good, and got into bed.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and I started crying. At some point, I fell asleep from the exhaustion.

Dad really didn't get it. He hurt me constantly, and he didn't even realize it. First, he sided with Shauna, which would have been acceptable if she would have been even remotely right. Then, he grounds me and forbids me to go to Houston for the NASA internship. Then, he has the audacity to tell me after school ended that as a treat for my good behavior that last month he suspended my punishment, which meant I wasn't grounded anymore, and I was allowed to go to NASA. Only problem was, they called about three days after I got punished and asked for a confirmation. I tried to talk to Dad, explain that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He didn't even want to talk to me. So, I had to cancel, and obviously my place was given to someone else. And to top it all off, he threw a birthday party, even though I repeatedly asked him not to, and he invited my ex-boyfriend and that skank, Nita Alvarez. What the fuck am I? A doormat?

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