Chapter 26 - Giving thanks and starting fresh

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A/N: I want to say thank you for reading this story, reviewing, liking and sharing it. It was a wonderful experience writing it, but all good things must come to an end. This story was for this year's NaNoWriMo and i'm proud that I have finished it.

I am currently working on the epilogue and hope to post it these days. Also, as I've mentioned it before - in a previous author's note - I was so inspired by this story that my brain came up with alternative story lines and I've written quite a bit. maybe I get to finish and post it. We'll see.

Enjoy the last chapter of "The Trials of a Misunderstood Teenager"!

Today is Thanksgiving. Today, Tobias and I will tell our friends and the rest of our families that we are a couple. And I am shitting my pants, to be honest.

About three weeks ago, Tobias came home and looked all panicked. I didn't understand what had gotten into him, until I saw Zeke behind him.

"I knew it," he shouted, triumphantly. I glared at Tobias, who just hung his head in defeat.

"What the hell, Tobias?" I had asked, outraged that he broke his promise not to tell anyone.

"It's not his fault, Tris," Zeke defended, and I glared at him, making him flinch. "Man, your woman is scary," he said to Tobias, who gave him a slight nod, before I glared at him again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Tobias tried to explain, but Zeke took over for him.

"Look. I've been pestering him for weeks to tell me what was up with him. We didn't hang out as much as we used to; he didn't want me to hook him up with anyone; he even asked me to convince Shauna to stop trying to fix him up with Myra again." At the mention of Tobias' ex, I stared at him, waiting for an explanation.

"Babe, you know I've told you about Shauna wanting to convince me to get back together with Myra," he said, and I nodded. "I told them that I was seeing someone, and while I know Shauna was curious, she didn't ask for details. She probably figured that Zeke would get it out of me, anyway," Tobias explained.

"Well, I didn't, so I followed him here, and he had no choice but to let me in, now that I know where he lived," Zeke told me, rolling his eyes at his best friend.

We ended up telling Zeke everything, and asked him to keep our secret for the time being. He accepted, but made us promise that if Shauna kicked him out for not telling her about Tobias and I being back together, we would let him sleep at our place. I had no problem with that, although I doubted my sister would stay mad at him for long.

I have to admit, though, that it was kind of refreshing to have Zeke know about us. He was more supportive than I thought. I would have expected him giving me a speech about how crappy I was when I dumped his best friend, and that I had some nerve luring Tobias back in. However, Zeke seemed to understand at least certain aspects, and assured me that as long as Tobias is happy, he is happy. Nevertheless, he warned me that he would get really mad if I hurt his friend again. Obviously, I reassured him that that won't be the case.

It was a good thing too that Zeke found out when he did, because he told us that Shauna didn't buy Tobias's story that he was seeing someone. She was convinced that he just didn't want to get back together with Myra because she dumped him, and he felt too proud to go back to her. It seems that my sister was planning on inviting Myra to our Thanksgiving dinner, but after we found out, I called Mom and told her about my sister's plans. Needless to say that between Evelyn and her, they managed to keep Myra away from the party.

Shauna protested at first, trying to convince at least Evelyn to allow her to invite Myra, seeing that the two always got along while she was Tobias's girlfriend. However, Evelyn refused, saying that Tobias will bring his new girlfriend to introduce her to the family, and it would be highly inappropriate for Myra to join them. While Shauna was disappointed to not see two of her friends back together, I couldn't feel too sad about that. After all, I am Tobias's girlfriend now, and I sure as hell don't want him anywhere near his ex, just as much as he doesn't want me around any of mine.

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