Chapter 5 - Final weeks before school starts

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There are two more weeks of summer vacation. Mom and Dad planned a family trip with all of us kids, but I couldn't stand being in the same city as Shauna, let alone in a hotel room. So, I got "sick" right before we had to leave. Grandma offered to stay with me and take care of me, so that my parents and siblings didn't have to cancel their trip. Long story short, I got to spend lots of time with Grandpa and Grandma at their ranch.

Thankfully, Mom and Dad went with Shauna to California for early registration, helping her settle in before she officially starts college. Caleb and I were allowed to stay at home, but Mom made sure that one of her friends would come by at least once a day while our parents were gone.

"You excited about your sophomore year?" Caleb asks as we share a microwave meal at the kitchen island.

"Not particularly. Why?" I ask, taking a bite of my mac and cheese.

"Just making small talk." I give him an I-don't-buy-that look, and he sighs. "What do you think will happen this year?"

"What do you mean? School will start, it will continue for nine months, then summer break. Simple as that," I say not getting what he wants to say with all this.

"Do you think people will still talk about you?" he asks me, referring to the many vile rumors my own sister started.

"They can all go fuck themselves. My friends know who I am, and I've decided to not give a crap about what others think. I wasted too much time and energy with Shauna and the likes of her. I'm tired of these games."

"Good thing we're not in the Hunger Games," he says with a chuckle, referencing the movie we just watched.

"If we were, everyone would be dead by now," I say under my breath.

Over the past year, Caleb and I got a lot closer, and he is no longer just my older brother but my friend. I know I can trust him, and I know he won't reveal my secrets. I'm done dealing with people like that. We finish our dinner, and I clean up, since it was my turn. It never bothered me to do my chores, and it never really occurred to me to pile them on either Shauna or Caleb. If I genuinely couldn't do them I would ask Caleb to do them, in exchange for me doing some of his. Or I told my parents.

As I was doing the few dishes we used, I kept thinking of what Caleb asked. Deep down I hoped people at school would forget about all the bad things Shauna and her friends said about me. But somehow I knew the rumors would still go on. If not for anything else then for the fact that everyone knows Shauna made them up. However, I promised myself to close that chapter of my life, and not let it bother me so much.

I finished in the kitchen and went upstairs into my room. I suddenly felt very tired and decided to just go to bed.

The next morning, I'm greeted by the unmistakable smell of pancakes. My mouth is already watering at the thought of devouring the breakfast treat. I rush downstairs, fully expecting my brother to be in the kitchen, but instead, I find my parents.

"Good morning, honey," Mom says, as she gets up from the island, and gives me a hug.

"Uh, morning," I reply awkwardly.

"Hey. You are back?" I hear Caleb's voice behind me. Mom lets go of me and goes to hug him too. Dad finishes making pancakes, and then comes to hug us too. Caleb is the first to be hugged, since he rushed closer to get the maple syrup. But then Dad turns to look at me, and hesitates for a moment before he envelops me in a hug. I don't move. I even stop breathing. I'm still incredibly mad at him. And I doubt it'll go away anytime soon.

We all sit down and eat the delicious meal, while Mom and Dad tell us about Shauna's college, Shauna's dorm room, Shauna's roommate. Shauna. Shauna. Shauna. I could vomit!

I hurry to finish my meal to finally stop hearing how awesome Shauna's new life is. I don't fucking care!

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