Chapter 17 - Prepping Dauntless for business

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I've been checking all the stats on my tablet as I roam Dauntless Industries. Grandpa is in his office talking to Gen. Mitchells about the government's first order of weapons, discussing some new, larger ones. Without grandpa's knowledge, I had another team of architects design and build a special chamber beneath the research facility. I provided the measurements, the materials, and I personally oversaw the building of the chamber. It was imperative to do so, because of the plans I have for this room. I've told grandpa it would be a storage room, but he only saw 10% of it on the blueprints. He didn't inquire further.

As I finish checking the factory, I return to the offices. Grandpa, as CEO, obviously, has the biggest one. Next to it is the conference room, and then several other offices. Since we hired a high number of workers from the area, I thought it best to have a cafeteria right in the building, not just with vending machines, but also kitchen staff to prepare meals. We hired four chefs: two for the morning shift and two for the afternoon shift, plus kitchen help and cleaning crew. The funding we received from the government was substantial, and allowed us to hire over two thousand people.

I have to admit, I am nervous.

I climb the stairs to the offices, and knock on the door. When Grandpa tells me to come in, I open the door to find him sitting on the couch with the general. It seems, Grandpa showed our government liaison the blueprints to the new body armor I've designed and the compact energy shield.

"All done?" Grandpa asks, as he looks up at me.

"Yes, everything seems to be ready for our grand opening," I say with a smile. I sit down in an armchair in front of the couch, and look through the folder. Gen. Mitchell then asks me to explain what I plan to do with the nanobots I've been developing.

"Basically, you inject yourself with up to 50 nanobots. Their primary function is to watch out for you. They will alert you of changes in your body like fever, hypothermia, injuries and so on. They will also 'heal', if you want, small injuries or keep you from bleeding out. They can't perform miracles, though. If you suffer multiple gunshot wounds they won't be able to save you."

To demonstrate what I mean, I stand up, go to Grandpa's desk, pick up the letter opener, and turn back so that both men can see me. I put the knife to my palm, and cut into the flesh, drawing blood. Within seconds, the nanobots I've injected myself with, rush to the wound and start 'healing me'. While my wound closes and heals before their eyes, I explain the principle behind this phenomenon.

"The secondary function of the nanobots is GPS tracking. You can locate your soldiers anywhere on the planet. The nanobots will be injected when they start their service, and after one year, they will be eliminated from the body naturally. If the soldier wants them out upon returning and during his leave, he needs to be injected with a special serum that will make the body reject the bots peacefully."

I continue with my explanation, as Gen. Mitchell takes a few notes, and every now and then asks additional questions. All in all, he understood what I prepared for the official White House delegation scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

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