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Ten years later

Tobias's POV

Today is the twins' birthday. They turn five. I am so proud of them. I still recall how Tris ran into my office with two home-pregnancy-tests in her hand, beaming like a child on Christmas morning. At that time, we've been married for three months and had just decided to try for a baby a month prior. To say I was shocked is an understatement. No matter how much we wanted it to happen, we tried to keep our hopes down so that we wouldn't be disappointed when it didn't happen right away.

Needless to say that our worries were unfounded.

Not wanting to share our little miracle right away, we decided to wait until Tris was further along, but the more we waited, the more impatient we got. We finally told our family and friends on Thanksgiving that year and as soon as my mother and mother-in-law found out, they started planning.

The day my babies were born, I fell in love with Tris all over again. Not only did she carry two babies at the same time – making sure they were healthy and strong for their delivery – but she went through enormous pain during childbirth and I had to admire her courage and determination to make sure our children are safe and sound. As soon as the babies were born, two midwives took them to get them cleaned up, while the doctor tended to my wife. I was torn between staying with Tris or the twins, but the doctor assured me my wife was in good hands.

The moment I held my kids in my arms I broke down and started crying. Up until that point, I tried to hold it in, and be strong for Tris, but as soon as I could hold my babies, I was a goner. I swore I would always protect them, with my life if necessary.

By the time the kids were cleaned up, Tris fell asleep from exhaustion. I decided to leave the babies sleeping in their cribs next to her bed, while I went outside and informed everyone of their delivery. Everyone was disappointed they couldn't see the babies yet, but they understood that I wanted Tris to be the first to hold them. Accepting my request, they all wished us the best, and promised to return the next day.

Five years – I still can't believe my twins are five years old today.

Lucas and Lilly – although I wanted Luke and Leia, but Tris promised she'd divorce me if I named our kids after Star Wars characters – they are two beautiful, smart, kind, brave and selfless little humans. Tris and I try our hardest to instill values in our children, but are aware that ultimately we can only do that by setting an example. Fearing that one day they might fight each other, Tris often uttered her dread over a repeat of what had happened with her and her older sister. I always try to reassure her that it won't, but I can understand her fear. However, I think we have all learnt a lot from our time as teenagers, and feeling firsthand the aftereffects of such a fight, I think we can both agree that we are better equipped to deal with it than our parents were.

Two years after Luke and Lilly were born, Tris gave birth to our third child – Benjamin or Ben how we like to call him. He turned three two months ago and is somewhat of a weird combination of his older brother and sister. Lucas looks a lot like me, but has Tris's personality, whilst Lilly looks like her mom but is less crazy. Nevertheless, all three are great kids, and I couldn't ask for a better family than the one I made with Tris.

After I graduated from college, I took over Dauntless. Dad was a bit disappointed, but understood my decision. After all, Zeke did a great job proving himself, and when the time came, he took over for my father and father-in-law. We often help each other out, and give the other advice, but mostly, we trust our instincts.

Zeke and Shauna got married about a year before Tris and I did, and have two kids – Ava and Mike. Ava is six years old, and Mike is four. They are two beautiful, but a bit too rambunctious kids. I guess, they take that from Zeke's side, because Hana swears he and Uriah were some serious troublemakers at those ages.

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