Chapter 20 - Senior year bleeding

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A/N: Warning! This chapter contains some disturbing content. I tried not to be too graphic, but if you feel you can't read it, it's fine. That being said, I hope nothing like what I've described in this chapter ever happened to you or someone you love. My heart goes out to all of those who suffered through a traumatic event like this and I pray you will find the strength to move forward from it.

My last year of high school. Wow. Four years ago, all I wanted was to go back to FDR Academy. I couldn't fathom going to any other school than the military school I was so used to. But my parents were right. I needed to experience teenage life like a normal teenager. Even Grandpa admitted it was a good experience for me. If I would decide to enlist after I turn eighteen, then he would support me. However, I was no longer sure that serving my country as a soldier was an option anymore. I was in the unique position to help the military but not by actually fighting, but providing those who did with high-tech weapons and gadgets to improve their performance and secure their lives. Perhaps that was a better way to serve my country after all.

Ever since Uncle Cameron's wedding, I noticed that Shauna tried to talk to me. I avoided her as best as I could, despite my mom's best efforts to get me to talk to my older sister. I had called Caleb to ask him if he knew anything about this, but he just said he had no clue. Call me stubborn, but I wasn't ready to trust her again. Last time I did that, she stabbed me in the back. So, I decided to let time pass and see what happened.

Just like all the years before, the student body elected me to be their president. It still baffles me why they would pick me. I didn't even enter the race or make outrageous promises. I did accomplish things, but usually with the help of other students. I am a firm believer of team work, and that's what I have promoted. I hated when I started high school how the entire student body was divided into cliques and gangs. We all go to the same school, with the same teachers and opportunities. No one's better than the others and we should all know that.

However, I accepted the honor of representing my fellow students, and made only one promise: to give it my all.

This final year seemed so far away when I was a freshman, and now, looking back, I wonder where high school went.

The lacrosse team did exceptionally on the field, and with two more games before the season concludes, we might even make the national championship.

During Christmas, my friends and I managed to convince our parents to let us go skiing, unsupervised mind you. Knowing that they could trust us, they gave in, and allowed us to have some fun on our own. Mom and Dad were a little disappointed because they wanted all their kids back in the house for the holidays, but with Shauna's constant fuss over us reconciling I just couldn't hear it anymore.

I admit, I want to believe her, want to believe that she had changed and realized how much she hurt me. But at the same time I was still a stubborn little shit that couldn't get over all the crap she did to me. If she was really honest, she would have to work, and work really hard, to earn my forgiveness. If she truly meant it, it wouldn't matter to her that I might never forgive her.

Today is a day like any other. In less than a month, we'll graduate and everyone will move on to go to college or find a job. I for one am certain I won't go to college, since I haven't found any that could teach me anything I don't already know. More importantly, two days from now is Marlene's 18th birthday, and I am still struggling with finding her a gift. She is one of my best friends and I want to give her something special. The million dollar question is what?

My friends and I are on the second floor in the chemistry lab, listening to our teacher talk about some last minute test, when gunshots are heard. At first, I think I might have imagined it, but then we hear them again. By now, everyone in the room is silently listening to the unusual sounds coming from inside the school.

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