No Idea- P.P.

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Warnings: Infinity War Angst and Swears

Y/N sat dangerously close to the edge of the roof, with her feet dangling over the side. It had been a month since it happened, and the city was in utter and total chaos because of it. Everything was shut down due to half of the fucking world disappearing.

Everything was fine up until Peter turned to Y/N and looked at her with a look of total fear. He fell against her and he just disappeared right in front of her eyes, regardless of how much she begged him to stay. She wanted to forget it, she really did. But every time she closed her eyes, the memory would play in her head over and over again like a broken record, until she couldn't take it anymore and woke up. Her father tried to help. He really did. But he just didn't get it.

Y/N's eyes followed a car that was trying its best to get through the highly damaged road, when she heard the roof door of the avengers tower open. "Y/N, sweetheart, dinner's ready." Tony said. "Not hungry" his daughter replied. "Come on Y/N, I know you're sad, we all are, but starving yourself isn't going to solve anything." "You don't know half of what I'm feeling." Y/N said bitterly. "I do sweetheart. We all suffered great loses-" "NO!" Y/N jumped up from her position to face her dad. "You don't know half of what I'm going through. Sure you're sad and all, but you can just go right back to Pepper after shedding a few tears. I don't have anyone to go back to, or talk to for that matter." "You can talk-" Tony started. "No dad I can't talk to you. You just don't get it. Why do you think I loved Peter so much? Because he was there for me, even when my own father wasn't. He listened and helped me get through everything, when you didn't even have time to say two words to me. And I couldn't even help him when he needed me the most. So don't talk to me about understanding exactly what I'm going through, because you have no idea." Y/N rushed past her father to go sulk in her room.

He just didn't get it. No one did. "Peter would have gotten it." a little voice said in her mind. She just tuned that voice out, and tried to get some well needed sleep.

A/N: Sorry it's so short! This is my first imagine guys, so please bear with me. I am open to any suggestions you may have for me.

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