C H A P T E R 2

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"I wanna watch the world burn,
I get the gasoline,
I wanna watch the world burn,
And everyone get mean."

-Regina George (Mean Girls the Musical)

C H A P T E R 2: A Turn for the Worse
That couldn't be him, right? Right?! He's supposed to be dead.. fucking hell dead. I went to his funeral!

"Lady Tsunade... if that's really him.." I trailed off, tears slipping from my eyes.

"We have no proof Kiba, we'll have to wait. The police are already trying to determine his accomplices. So please, calm down."

Fuck her. Fuck the police. Fuck this world.

If that's him, I want to find him.

No I need to find him.

The police did say no body was recovered.

He's still out there.

Doing who knows what.

I'll find him.

Just you wait.

-January 13th (Friday)-???-

In a manor, in a manner of speaking. in it's gruesome basement lies a prisoner, captured by the likes of which was legendary. Throughout the darkness one sound remained consistent, the howls of pain.

In itself the manor was seemingly empty. just another forgotten piece of history from long ago, if a stranger happened to pass by,it would seem like a normal house.

"Say, Professor Snake? Do you know what happens when Hydrochloric Acid comes in contact with a human's flesh?" A dark haired man said waving a bottle of acid like a drunkard would do with a bottle of sake or booze.

"Don't even try~! Aaah!" He screamed in agony.

"Woops! My hand slipped!" He said after spilling some of the bottles contents on the prisoner's bare feet.

"Hahaha! Where are your friends now snake?" The man cackled wildly.

"No matter what form of torture you do, I'm not giving in you damn asshole!"

"Tsk, tsk. Is Mr. Know-it-All actually a fucking kid?" The man in a dark black robe jeered at the bound person.

The man only glared at him,clearly pissed off.

"So let's make a deal shall we, snake?" The man said with a cocky smirk.

"And if I don't want to make one?" He breathed out.

"Then, it's fine, I'll just kill Menma over there." He said with a taunting smile.

"You wouldn't dare. What do you want?" He asked.

"What I want is so simple an idiot like you can understand it."

"Just tell me what it is." Losing his patience.

"I want you to kill Jiraiya."


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