C H A P T E R 7

460 16 2

"It's not like I'm gonna die, right?"

"Yeah. It's not 'like' you're gonna die, hahaha! You are!"

"You don't know that! It's not your decision to make!"

"Oh yeah, it's totally not, because I'm not your mother, am I?"

"Mom stop being so dramatic!" I said slouching.

"I'm not being dramatic! This is a war hon, even the Akatsuki didn't stand a chance, what makes you think you can?!"

"I don't think, mom! I know I can!"

"Stop acting like a child, Kiba! Lives are at stake here!" She reasoned.

"I know! That's exactly why I'm going."

"Can you hear yourself Kiba?" She's being over dramatic about all this.

"Yes I can." I said calmly looking at her.

"Then why? Why do this?"

"Mom. Please, I still like him."

"If you succeed and he doesn't like you back?"

"I don't care... if he doesn't, well... I won't mind.. the guy's been through hell and back."

"Kiba, please listen to me.."

I stared at her, her eyes were tearing up. "Mom, you know you can't convince me not to do this, right?"

"Are you sure that this is going to help anyone? You don't even know if Naruto's alive or not, and heaven knows where the Uchiha kid is. Please.. I don't want you to leave me."

"I'm not... think of it as if I'm just buying a carton of milk at the convenience store."

"But.. I don't want to lose my son."

"Who ever said you were going to lose me?"

We're screwed. It's official.

If the old man died fighting him, what chance do we have?

A team of elite soldiers, trained by the best of the best, disappears just like that. They're the only chance we have of actually winning.

"Gaara, do you have your uncle's number?"

"Sasori? I indeed do have his number. Why?" Good..

"You might be the principal, lady, but you're not forcing Gaara to fight anything, I'm not letting that happen again."

"Oh please, Hyuga, I am not about to endanger my students." This kid really is something.

"B-But Neji! I want to see all of them crying blood, grovelling under my feet." His face turns a bit red, making me back away for a bit.

"Yeah, I'm not allowing this," I motion at Gaara, "anywhere near the fight."

"Thank you, now would you be so kindest to leave us?"

"I was just about to, but first, Gaara, the number."

"I-I want to see blood, I want to taste it's spiciness again."

"Hun, that was hot sauce." These kids.

"Stop wasting my time already, Gaara. Just give me the damn number."

"Um, excuse me lady, you barge into my house, interrupting my private time, and worst of all insult my boyfriend, and you think you'll be welcomed? Well lady you've got another thing coming."

"Ooh, burn~" "Thanks for the support hun."

"I'm sorry, please. Please, I need that number."

"Wow. How pathetic. No wonder Naruto got sick of you."

"Please, Gaara.. I'm desperate.. this may be the only chance of saving Naruto."

I look at him pleadingly, his eyes get serious, "Are you sure that you are not doing this just because of your guilty conscience?"

"Yes. He's all I have left of her."

"Tch. Scram already." I really am pathetic.

"Please, Gaara? Naruto's waiting for me. For his friends."

"If you think that~"

"Neji, stop. Naruto's one of the closest friends I had, and for fuck's sake I still have his pet."

"The little fox with your trash panda?" Trash panda?

"Excuse me? What are you calling a trash panda?"

"N-Nothing, I meant to say your beautiful raccoon." I held back a little laugh..

Kids these days.. when I was their age the only things I did were train and study.

I guess it really is a new generation. Which is why I need to say them.

"So... is that a yes or no, Gaara?"

They stopped bickering, and Neji glared at me again, while Gaara.. looked intensely at the sky..


"What are~?"

"Thank you so much, Gaara!" I said clutching his hand in mine. I can feel Neji boring a hole through me.

"Here, I'll give it to you now.. and if you see Naruto, tell him that we're waiting for him to come home." He said, showing me his phone.

"Thank you."

~~~2 hours later~~~


"What the fuck is that infernal ringing in my head!" Sasori's having another breakdown...

Is what I'd say if I didn't hear it either.

"I think it's your phone, Sasori-san." Thank you Tobi for stating the obvious

"This thing?" He said waving his phone like some sort of toy.

"Yes, so why don't you answer it?"

"Okay? But what if it's them again, just trying to track us."

"What've we left to lose anyway?"

"Yes, yes, let's all start killing each other, why don't we.. oh wait we NEED our lives, this country NEEDS us, its people NEED us."

"Calm down Sasori, Konan's just really tired."

"Would you just suck it up and answer the damn phone?!"

"Fine, fine!" I glare at him expectantly as he presses his phone.


"Hell no~ who the fuck are-?"

Sorry for the short chapter.. but the thing is... 8 chapters to go, I think I've made you guys wait long enough.

So this is short for one reason: the drama is about to start, the fights, stuff like that.

So expect the unexpected.

The love they built together~will it last?

An amnesia induced Naruto

A reckless Kiba

A missing Sasuke

Sakura and Ino's relationship.

Neji's toxicity

Gaara's broken mind.

Madara's secret

Konan's sanity

Ita and Dei's child.

Tsunade's fight

Orochimaru's will

Who do you think will die?

Next update: November 23

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