C H A P T E R 1 1

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C H A P T E R 11 : "WAIT!"

~Kiba~ February 29th, 13:00

"This should be it right?" I wonder out loud, looking around.

As I take a step on the stairs of the porch, I notice two men lying on the floor, bloody and dead.

"Is that a good sign, or a bad sign?" I ask myself. I stare at the blood on them and get a sick feeling in my stomach, I want to vomit right now. I hold my stomach in one arm and  clutch the strap of my backpack tightly.

There were about 30 explosives in there, I have to be ready to throw one if something happened.

As I reached the main entrance, I feel a shiver run up my spine. Something didn't feel right about this place at all.

I was about to open the door when someone shouted at me.

"Kid! What are you doing here?!" I turned to see a woman with lavender hair and a torn cloak, she looked like she hadn't  been eating properly.

Wait, the symbol on her cloak.. is she one of them?

"Are you part of the Akatsuki?" I asked her, clutching the strap tighter.

"Yes, I am. I am the makeshift leader, since our last one.. uh.. passed away recently." She was telling the truth. I let my guard down a little and walk towards her. She wanted an answer from me, so I'll give her a simple one.

"Dei sent me."

She looked surprised, "Deidara? Are we talking about the same reckless blond idiot?"

"Unfortunately, yes." I say, sighing.

I guess she was too tired to even care, so instead she laughed it off and walked towards me.

"Well then, you're aware that there's a criminal mastermind in there that could kill you at any time?" She warns me, I don't really have anything else to lose now.

"I know."

"It's Konan by the way."

"Kiba," I say.

"Do you have a gun?" She asks.

"No.. he just gave me these bombs." I say turning around to show her my bag.

"Ah, well he wasn't the type to use guns, so why did I even expect one?" She looked like she was talking more to herself than me.

"Take this then," she handed me a handgun. "You know how to use one, right?"

"I do actually."

She gives me a meek smile, she took the lead and led me into the mansion, she held another gun in her hand, pointing it right ahead of us, I decide to do the same, things might get crazy.

The hallway we were walking in, led to one door. I smell blood in the air, fresh. "Someone injured is in there!" I exclaim and move quickly towards the door.

"Wait~ it might be a trap!" I wasn't listening to her.. it could be Naruto in there.

I force the door open with all my force and feel a shiver run up my spine as I saw everything.

"Kiba~ Tsunade? Itachi!" She said in horror, staring down at the bloody Tsunade.

"We have to treat them immediately! They might die from blood loss!" She took out a med kit from inside of her cloak and started to look into their wounds.

Tsunade's been shot on her shoulder, and Itachi on the legs. The sight made my stomach churn. I hated the sight of blood.

I have to do something.. I can't just stand here while she does everything. For all we know Madara might have already left with Naruto!

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