C H A P T E R 1 3

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So it's the last chapter... I feel weird right now. This is going up on March 28th (hopefully), one day before I posted the first chapter of my BillDip series. My first book to write.

This, however, will be the first one I finish writing.

I can't believe we've come so far. After 1 and a half year, we're finally here.

I've got tears in my eyes as I'm writing this.

I hope you enjoyed the ride with me.

You guys were the best readers an author could ask for.

Well then, that's enough of the mushy stuff, things are about to go down.

The final chapter:

C H A P T E R 1 3 : Finally~


I breathed heavily as I watched Sasuke's lifeless body and Naruto scream at him.

I shot him.

I killed him.

"Naruto," I mutter under my breath.

He doesn't move from his spot, instead he cried and held Sasuke's hand.

What's happening with him?

Did he lose his memories again? God, Naruto, you love amnesia, don't you?

He looked like a mess right there, I'm probably a mess right now too.

My hands shake, I was about to drop the gun when someone suddenly shoved me aside.



I fell on my ass, and turned to see Konan, she was right there, gun raised, her eyes glaring angrily at something.

"You bastard. You think you can get away from us? After everything you've done, I'm gonna make sure you don't make it out of here alive, even if I don't either."

She was screaming at Madara, the most dangerous man alive. I need to do something to help her, if this guy really is the most dangerous person, she won't be able to win easily.

But what can I do? There must be something..



Why does this have to be so difficult?

Wait~ my bag! The bombs!

I quickly take the bag off and fumble on the zipper, I have to do this quickly!

Which one is it!


Is it this one?


This one?


Why do they all look so similar!

~3rd POV~

Konan held her gun tightly as she stared at the man in front of her.

This man was the cause of several deaths in his lifetime.

This man terrorised Japan for so many years.

This man killed her husband.

"Oh, you're back. Still haven't given up, I see," he was taunting her.

He wore a black tux, and matching black pants, making him look menacing.

It was as if his partner's death meant nothing to him. As if he never cared. Or maybe he just wanted to get rid of the kid.

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