C H A P T E R 1 0

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This chapter is probably gonna be the second longest chapter

C H A P T E R 10: The Knife on My Back

3rd POV - February 29th
Somewhere in the forest, a group was settled in a small tent, getting ready for the fight of their lives.

"Get off your fucking asses! We've been laying low for months, and enough is enough!" Konan yelled at her tattered up team, next to her was a woman who would scare the shit out of you, kinda like your girlfriend's/boyfriend's overbearing parents.

Sasori was the first to get up, his eyes shining with excitement. His red hair messed up from just bathing in the river. His clothes torn, yet his mind as sharp as ever.

"I don't like to wait and I don't like to keep others waiting. So let's make this quick and sweet, and also I want revenge, they tore my favourite puppet up!" He said balling his right hand into a fist.

The next one that stood was Tobi, he was laughing through his mask, his voice radiating a slight insanity in it. He raises his hand to the mask and carefully takes it off, revealing the shadow of the man that was Obito Uchiha.

"Well, it's been years since I've had this much fun! If we're going out, let's do it with a bang!" He says smirking at Konan.

"And you? Gonna disobey orders again, or you gonna suck it up?" She said pointing at the man sitting with his eyebrows scrunched.

"And risk getting killed by the she-devil herself?" The man said pointing at Tsunade.

"Watch what you say, Itachi." Tsunade said with a glare.

"Well, should I just call you old hag then?"

"You little~" She said pointing a finger at his direction.

Itachi looked half dead, well most of them did. The man's face looked disheveled, his body enduring all the fatigue from the months of fighting.

"Listen, she's here to help, whether you like it or not. He's not gonna be alone, but we've already killed more than half his men the first time around. Anyway, does everyone understand the plan?"

"Yeah, yeah. Kill all the Uchiha we see." Sasori said waving his hand back and forth.

"Except for Itachi."

"Yeah, yeah."

A fight to settle the fate of their lives and the world. The fight against the most wanted man in several countries. The fight for the lost hope.

They equipped their weapons, guns drawn, minds sharp, bodies tired. Tsunade looked out of their tent and clutched the bomb in her hand, a bomb that could potentially kill thousands, their last resort.

"Let's go."


I'm back home.. I need to get everything ready.. I have to go now.

Thump! Thump! Thump!


Beat! Beat! Beat!


Thump! Thump! Thump!

"I have to leave."

Beat! Beat! Beat!

"Kiba!" Don't try.

"Look around, look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now," I say, smiling meekly at her.

"Are you restless?"

"I need him to live."

"Isn't this enough?" Mom I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me.

The Love We Built Together - KibaNaruWhere stories live. Discover now