C H A P T E R 4

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Time to focus in this one, you guys waited for too long, I'm finishing this by the end of September, so... ENJOY!!

(Probably some double updates)

C H A P T E R 4: Bye Old Friend

"It's been too long hasn't it, Orochimaru?"

"It really has, hasn't it Jiraiya?"

It had been a day after he was set to kill Jiraiya. Of course he had a plan in motion, which he constructed at the last minute, the fatigue almost controlled his actions.

"So, why don't we grab a bite to eat, that is if you're not busy tonight?"

"No, my schedule's actually free."

"Great! I'll ask Tsunade if she wants to come, and if she does we'll have ourselves little reunion over drinks!"

"That does sound nice actually. I think it's been at least two years since we've got together with all three of us."

'Relax, as far as they're concerned, I'm just taking a vacation from work. As long as I don't mention anything, everything will set off without a hitch.'

"So, shall we get going then?"

"What about Tsunade?"

"Orochimaru, are feeling alright? I called her half an hour ago."

"Oh silly me, I just got detached from reality."

'Quite literally. It seems that the strange drug that that bastard forced me to drink.'

"Well then, let's get goin'! Tsunade might already be there, and if we get there soon enough we might get off with just a scolding!"

"Two years, and she hasn't changed a bit I see."

"Mm. Right about that. At least you haven't lived with her for more than 2 decades"

"So this'll be the part where I'm supposed to comment that 'I thought you two'd never last,' huh?"

"And your still as sarcastic as ever I see."

"Really now? Oh heavens help me!!" He said chuckling lightly.

The other remained quiet, which was unusual for his character. It had always been Jiraiya who'd start conversations whenever the three of them were together. In the years they've worked together, they always spoke what they thought about one another.

"Here we are, remember how I used to drag the two of you just to drink here, old times, eh?"

"Yeah, you'd even cry if you don't get to drink."

"I cry once and you rub it in for the rest of my life." He laughed.

Silence surrounded them, the tension brought out by the time the two having not met for so long. The two didn't know what to talk about as they entered the pub.

The silence was interrupted by a person who showed the two to their booth. There they were greeted by a stern glare that was seemingly fixated on Orochimaru.

The man almost crumbled under the glare of the woman, the woman being Tsunade, the great medical prowess known far and wide. It almost made him smile to think that she hadn't change at all.

"Jiraiya, care to explain why he's here?"

"Funny thing, I saw him strolling around doing nothing, so I invited him for a drink." He said nervously.

"It's been too long, Tsunade."

Her glare didn't waver, "Has it really?"

"It's been years in fact." He dared not to answer the lady.

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