C H A P T E R 1 2

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If there's one song that I think represents this chapter or probably most of the book, it's "All I See" from Carole and Tuesday.

(I know I'm late, sorry... no update this Saturday, I'm gonna br working on another series, so... yeah)

C H A P T E R 1 2 : Heartless? Heartless.

'You wanna know why?



Where to start..

Maybe when we met?

That's probably the best time to start, huh?

Let's see.. was it 2? No.. 4 years ago?


Freshman year, the year of new beginnings.

At least that's what Itachi told me.

I'm young it's true, but even now I know, he wanted me out of his life.

It wasn't as if we didn't get along, no, it was more of the fact that I was a sort of a troublemaker.

I'd skip class, vandalise school property, you know, the normal stuff.

People either looked up to me, or hated me, some even called me heartless. I was fine other way.

But everything changed when he came around.

He was, I daresay, a breath of fresh air.

New. Untainted. Innocent.

Someway, somehow, I found myself drawn to him.

He was loud. He was dumb. He was cheerful. He was everything I wasn't.

He hated my guts. I didn't mind for a while, but one day it got to me.

It just somehow did.

He was with his friends, smiling brightly and laughing, but the moment he noticed me his face immediately changed.

He glared at me, and for the first time.. I actually felt hurt by it.

So I gave him a smirk, and winked. I expected him to at least give me the middle finger or cuss.

He did something unexpected, he blushed, and avoided my eyes. That's when things changed.


I thought he was cute. He really was.

I want him to be mine.. I want his smile, I want his everything.

But of course, I was young.

I was young, that's true, but even then I knew:

The only thing I wanna do was make him mine.

So I tried, asked him out when I found him using the toilet.

I failed, and got slapped on the face.

Tried again, this time with flowers and chocolate.

Failed again.. but he giggled and gave me a peck on the cheek this time.

Then the third.. I went all out on the third.

I got him somewhere he couldn't get away.

In the cafeteria, while he was chatting with his friends, I sucked it up and asked him out right in front of them.

You'd think that'd work, but he's not that easy.

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