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(time jump)
It's been a while since I started practicing for my first mini album. Bang-PD, my manager, allowed me to do a solo career. I promised him that he won't regret it and well... let's say I'm on a good way.
Jimin hurried into the dance practice room. I stopped dancing immediately and looked at him, breathing heavily.
"What is it?"
"I saw your video you published on YouTube.", he said with shining eyes.
I laughed.
"What do you think?"
"It's amazing!"
Of course it was complicated for the members and me that they had lost another helping hand. But through the time we got used to it and we somehow became good friends. Especially Jimin and me. My little crush on him disappeared ever since I started focusing on my career.
"Thanks. I heard you were working on solo songs as well?", I asked curiously.
"Bang-PD also told us that he thinks about a special... actually I'm not allowed to tell anyone but..."
He looked at me as if he decided to better not tell me.
"Jimin. Tell me."
He grinned.
"Only if you give me a kiss on the cheek!"
"Y/N won't kiss anyone."
Jungkook and Namjoon entered the room. I rolled my eyes. There was a time where I would have fainted if Jimin asked me for a kiss on his squishy cheek. But this time is over now. I see him as my sweet best friend. 
"Of course not.", I said.
"How are you doing?", Namjoon asked.
"Pretty good, thanks for asking. Uhm guys? Jimin was about to tell me something important.", I said, hinting that I wanted to be alone with him.
Jungkook shrugged.
"Tell us all, Jimin."
"Bang-PD said it's supposed to be a secret!", he murmured.
"Then I'm gonna ask him myself.", Namjoon said.
"No wait! He'll find out that I told you about it and then he's never gonna trust me again! Let me... I will... I will tell you."
We all looked at him.
"He said that he thinks about a special... a special collaboration with Y/N."
Our jaws dropped.
"For real?", I asked excited.
Jungkook smiled uncontrollably.
"Yeah, but don't tell him anything!", Jimin said with a worried expression.
"We won't."
"Hey! Who's hungry? Jin invites us all to his restaurant!", J-Hope yelled from the door. We turned around.
"I'm hungry!", I yelled back.
"Let's go then.", he replied.
"Wait a minute. I'll go change."
I ran to the changing room.

Jungkook POV
"You all can go already. I will be waiting for her.", I said.
Namjoon gave me an irritated look but turned around and went out with the others.
I stood in front of the changing rooms door and leaned against the wall.
After a few minutes passed I started worrying.
Why is she taking so long?
"Y/N are you okay? You're taking quite a while in there.", I asked.
"Oh my- Thank God you're here. Uhm... would you mind helping me with my outfit?", she asked hesitantly. I could feel the heat in my face.
"Okay.", I said before opening the door slowly to peek in.
She was trying to reach the zipper on the back of her shirt which was open... revealing her whole back.
"Could you give me a hand?", she asked, pointing at her back.
"Uh... o-of course."
I slowly came closer.
"There's no need to feel uncomfortable. We all have a body, don't we?", she said laughing after she saw my red face.
"Sure, sure."
I quickly did what I had to do. My hand accidentally stroked her skin.

Your POV
It was kind of amusing that he felt that uncomfortable just because he could see my bare back. I bit my lip as his warm hand stroked my back.
"Done.", he said and stepped back.
"Perfect! Come let's go then. I'm really hungry.", I said.
"Yeah, me too." He followed me.
The members waited for us in the car in front of the building.
"Finally. I don't want to know what took you so long.", Jin said.
I sat down on the passenger seat and slapped his thigh.
"I had a problem with the zipper on my back."
"Sure.", Yoongi replied.
Car drives with BTS are always funny. Mostly Taehyung plays some really old songs and we all sing along to it, while Yoongi tries to sleep. But today something was different. Taehyung and Jimin were the only ones fooling around while everyone kept quiet. Not until we arrived at Jin's restaurant.
"Hah, I'm so proud of this.", Jin said, admiring his restaurant. I giggled.
A table with 8 seats waited for us, as if Jin's colleague have been prepared for us to come.
"I told the workers only to let in people they know, so there won't be any fans waiting for us when we arrive.", Jin told us and we all nodded.
"I'm craving some reaaaally tasty ramen noodles.", Jungkook said.
"Or a big fat pizza.", Namjoon said.
Our stomachs began growling as a sign of agreement.
We all ordered our food and beer. After the food was served, we all just grabbed anything we wanted to eat. There wasn't any "mine" or "yours". Sharing is caring. That's the most beautiful thing about our friendship.
That evening we enjoyed our food, telling funny stories. Just like a family.
"... the next morning I woke up, with Yoongi using me as a pillow. I didn't even know when he decided to sleep in my bed.", Jimin said, laughing. Yoongi just nodded, not saying anything.
We didn't plan on getting drunk but it somehow happened. J-Hope even passed out and Yoongi brought him home with a taxi. So there were only 6 of us left.
"Okay guys.", Namjoon stood up.
"Today I want to thank Jin for this amazing food. Let's enjoy our family-like friendship forever. *hiccup* And also Y/N.", I looked uo with a tired smile.
"Yeeessss?", I giggled.
"Ilovechuu.", he grinned and pointed at me. I gave him a thumb up.
We all stood up and bowed down.
"Thank you all.", we said.
"Now let's go home.", Jimin said, laughing.
"Okay bye."
I waved goodbye and went towards the entrance.
I turned around to see who was yelling my name.
"Oh, Jungkook. Woah, you're fast.", I said and widened my eyes.
"Let me bring you home. You're way too drunk to go home by yourself."
"Aren't you drunk too?"
"No, I only drank apple juice."
"Awwh, you baby.", I said giggling. I wanted to turn around to keep walking but I lost my balance.
I closed my eyes, expecting a hard impact but nothing came. Feeling strong arms around me, I opened my eyes just to face Jungkook.
"Hello beauty.", I said, grinning.
He sighed.
"Let's get you home."
"Can you even drive?", I asked teasingly as he led me to a black car.
"I got a license, silly. So... Tell me your address and I'll drive you home."
"My address?", I laughed.
"I won't tell you."
"But why?!"
"You could bs a stalker."
"... What?! I could be a- Oh god Y/N, how much did you drink?"
"Two!" I showed him 5 fingers.
"Fine.", he said and sat down on the driver's seat.
After sitting down on the passengers seat, I looked over, watching Jungkook as he drove the car.
"Man, have I ever told you how handsome you are?", I asked with a husky voice. He looked at me and then back to the road.
"You shouldn't drink alcohol anymore. It's not good for you."
"And drink apple juice instead? No thanks."
He laughed.

Jungkook POV
It was funny seeing her like this. And I couldn't stop smiling when I thought about her. Ever since she started working with us, something has happened to me.
The time she went to school with Taehyung and me, I already had a crush on her. Taehyung found out quickly and started teasing me.
One day I wanted to confess to her but she was gone.
Is it possible that I never got over her?
I mean I've had girlfriends after her but... I never experienced the same feeling I had with her. I looked at her, just to see her sleeping. A smile appeared on my face as I listened to her soft snores.
Maybe I'm just happy to have her back since we really were the best friends.
Time went over faster than it should and we arrived in front of my house.
She didn't want to tell me her adress so I'll let her sleep at my place.
"Y/N wake up. We arrived.", I whispered and softly shook her arm.
"Let me sleep.", she mumbled and slapped my hand.
I pressed my lils together.
"Fine, then you can sleep here.", I said but dhe already fell asleep again.
I sighed and got out of the car.
Hoping that she won't fall down, I opened the car door on her side and got her out of the car, carrying her bridal style.
"You pig, why are you so heavy?"
It probably took me 10 minutes to open my door and carry her upstairs to the bedroom.
I kicked the bedroom door open and carefully lied her on the bed.
"Mmmh." She turned around.
I just shook my head and watched her for a while. She seems so peaceful.
Then I turned to my wardrobe, searching for my pajamas, throwing off my jacket and my shirt afterwards.
I didn't find any pajamas so I just took off my pants and left the room. One last time I looked at her, before closing the door behind to go downstairs.
Suddenly my phone rang. It was Taehyung.
"What is it?", I asked, rubbing my forehead as I started to feel tired amd exhausted.
"Is Y/N with you?", he asked.
"Yes she is. She stole my bed and I have to sleep on the couch."
I heard him laughing.
"Thank you for taking care of her.", he said chuckling and was about to hang up but I had one question left.
"I-i... Is it possible to... to never get over someone?", I asked hesitantly.
It went silent for a while.
"Kookie, love is one of the strongest emotions you can have. It could be possible. Now go to sleep. Good night. Love you, bro.", he said and hung up.
I smiled at the screen which is black now.
"Love you too, bro.", I whispered and threw myself on the couch.

Author's note:
I have no idea where this fanfiction is going but it's a spontaneous one tho, so I guess it's normal that it's a mess? What do you think of my fanfiction so far? Any wishes? For example Taehyung having a crush on Y/N too? Tell me.

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