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Jungkook POV
I tried my best to take away her fears, which are causing her nightmares, with that night. But it somehow didn't work. She was tossing and turning all night long and mumbled 'no' multiple times. The time I woke up she already headed to the bathroom to take a shower again, this time I decided to join her. We didn't talk much since it was early in the morning and we were just half awake. A few pecks and holding hands while heading to the big hall where we'll have our concert, was everything we exchanged. The worried look she was making hurt me but I knew she would have fun this evening, so I didn't try to make it worse than it already is.

Your POV
Time was running but I tried my best to keep up my head. Of course I was still scared of the massive amount of people that will watch us today. 80 000 people to be exact.
"Your hands are shaking Y/N.", Jin said.
"There are only 3 hours left, I'm extremely excited Jin.", I answered.
"We all are."
Out of nowhere we heard loud squeaking noises coming from the giant speakers. It was Namjoon trying to sing Taehyung's and my solo song. All of us burst out in laughter. Of course Taehyung was joining Namjoon on stage when Cypher was played. This... this is the most beautiful thing about the group. Each of us feel the tension and everyone exactly knows what to do against it. Cheering up each other and just having fun during these hard times. That's what warms up my heart.
Now it was only 1 hour left. Everyone got their make up, outfit and hair done. You could hear all of us practicing the lines while getting ready. A few voices could be heard from outside.
40 minutes...
My outfit and hair was done.
30 minutes...
My makeup was done and my palms started sweating.
15 minutes...
Irregular heart beat.
7 minutes...
"Get ready to go on stage!"
3 minutes...
We got our microphones.
1 minute...
Endlessly loud screams.
Everything went slow. All of us went upstairs on stage. Namjoon pulled away the curtains and a bright light blurred my view. I held up my hand to let my eyes adjust to this brightness. A lot of people were waving but I couldn't hear them. All I could hear was my heart beat. Then everything went back to normal. But instead of panicking I somehow felt... free. As if something really heavy just left my soul. And with that I felt extremely light as well. Almost as light as a feather. The spotlight turned to us but all I could see was the ocean of people in front of me. Jungkook always told me about it and it was really as beautiful as he has told me. Like a whole galaxy full of stars. When the music started playing I realized I belonged here. On the stage. It felt warm. No... It felt like coming home. Closing my eyes I noticed something else. Something really important. And I had an idea. I know our manager sticks to his plans strictly but I just had to do this.
After Namjoon held his speech, I turned my mic on and started talking.
"May I have a word?"
Everyone looked at me in confusion but I just turned towards the crowd.
"Spotlights are there to make us see something, to brighten it up, right?", I asked straight forward.
"Yeeees.", our fans answered.
"To all of our fans. And my friends on stage of course. You all brighten up my life. Without you I wouldn't be able to shine the way I do right now. You surround me with such a warmth."
"Y/N, what are you planning?", J-Hope asked with excitement. I grinned before answering.
"Let's turn off these spotlights for our next song and give ourselves warmth. Let's be each other's spotlight for the next song."
First there was just silence. But then the crowd started clapping as loud as possible.
"This is so cute, I have to admit, it even made me want to hug you.", Yoongi said and everyone's jaw dropped. Even Bang-Pd didn't have anything against it, so we just did it.
It was the most beautiful experience I could have ever imagined. What exactly did I fear all these weeks?
Who cares? Let yourself drown into this Y/N. You deserve it.
And that's what I did until the very last song which was Tae's and my song. Oh, how they loved it.
At the end of the concert, all eight of us went on stage standing in a row, holding hands and bowing down several times to thank our fans. Then we listened to each other while we were giving a speech. Jungkook and me were the last ones.
"Dear fans... I'm sorry to admit but... we've been hiding a little secret. Well actually two of us...", Jungkook started.
"I know some of you may be sad after hearing this but I am just a human too. I have feelings, more importantly emotions. And of course I have human needs too. I cannot fight them especially with such an amazing woman on my side."
A few already knew what was coming now. I couldn't read their expressions but I knew they needed time to process it.
" Y/N and me are dating. For a few months actually. But don't blame me I mean look at her. Isn't she just gorgeous. "
"Wooooah, our baby grew up so fast.", J-Hope said laughing and everybody joined him.
"As you can see we raised our youngest to a little gentleman.", Jimin added smiling.
"Who are you calling small.", Jungkook replied teasingly.
"Well before they are starting a fight I want to thank you all for your support and I promise I won't steal your Jungkook from you. He still loves you as much as I do and we won't forget about it. Not to forget you are our spotlights, shining brighter than every star in the universe. We love you!", I ended the speech, which is followed by loud clapping.
Just when the crowd went quiet again, a girl screamed: "Please make our Jungkook happy! Stay happy! And take care of them!"
We smiled widely as the others agreed.
"Thank you. Also you take care of yourself and each other. Stay happy as well!"
Then we waved goodbye and left the stage.
I won't forget this ever in my life. All this love, all this warmth that is overwhelming me, makes me want to cry because of gratefulness.

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