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*years later*
"I don't want to eat dinner without Daddy."
"Nayu please. You have to eat something. Daddy's coming home late today.", I said.
Our little daughter is 4 years old now. After the doctor confirmed that I was pregnant everything went really fast. I had to quit my job at BigHit entertainment. But that didn't mean I couldn't produce music anymore. During my pregnancy I produced one more album. Jungkook always took good care of me and I still feel sorry because of my mood swings back then. But he stayed by my side. He even took as many breaks as he could. Nayu grew to be our little angel but she seems to have a problem with her Dad's absence. She never got used to eat. But she doesn't want her Dad to quit his job because she was proud to have an idol Dad even though that meant that he can't be home that often.
"Don't make me suffer like that sweetie.", I pouted. But then I had an idea.
"I know what, Nayu. Let's make a surprise call."
"Call Daddy?", she asked with the sweetest puppy eyes. Her eyes brightened as I nodded.

Jungkook POV
We just started our break when I heard my phone ring. I quickly answered the call.
"Daddy!", Nayu screamed into my ear making it almost bleed. A smile appeared on my face, immediately after I heard her adorable voice.
"Hello my sweetheart. What are you doing up so late?"
"Mum forces me to eat dinner without you."
My heart melted. Y/N hates it when I say it but both of us know that Nayu is a Dad child. Which means she's literally clinging onto me.
"Nayu, I hate do admit but you'll have to eat dinner without me today. I'll be coming home very late because I have a lot of work to do. Do you understand?", I tried to explain with a soft voice. As soon as I mentioned 'Nayu' Taehyung turned his head to my direction.
"Did you say Nayu?", he asked. I nodded. "She doesn't want to eat dinner without me."
"Who are you talking to, Dad?", Nayu asked curiously.
"To uncle Taehyung."
Without asking, Tae grabbed the phone.
"My lady."
I could hear Nayu scream in excitement followed by Y/N's laughter.
Taehyung chuckled.
"I heard you don't wanna eat dinner... Oh really? That is absolutely not good... I'm shook... Nayu would you eat dinner for me? Yes indeed I'm hungry... Awh, honey I'm glad to hear that... Bye, mwuah."
He gave the phone back to me with a cocky smile. Taehyung always says that he's her favorite uncle, even though it's not true but no one has the heart to tell him otherwise.
"Can I talk to uncle Yoongi?"
"Uhm. Of course."
I searched for Yoongi and as soon as I found him I gave him my phone without saying anything.
He seemed confused until he saw the caller ID.
"I bet it's my little Nayu... Really?"
He looked at me which made me confused.
"No way... Why are you telling me? Nayu your mom doesn't seem to like you telling me that..."
"What is she saying?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity anymore.
"I won't... promise... love you too..."
He gave me the phone.
"Nayu's eating now." It was Y/N.
"Love what did Nayu say?"
"Please tell Yoongi I'm sorry for that. I wanted you to be the first to know but... Nayu somehow found out and yea..."
Yoongi nodded after I told him.
"Y/N what is it that she told him, I'm dying of curiosity."
"I... I uhm... I am pregnant again."
The world seemed to stop for a while.
Then the realization hit me.
"I'm going to be a father again!", I yelled. Everyone turned towards me and as they realized what I just said they came running to me to congratulate us. Y/N couldn't stop laughing.
"I can't believe that our youngest already has 2 children while I'm still single. It hurts my pride.", Jin whined.
I just stuck out my tongue.
My life seems to be just perfect with Y/N by my side. What would I want more? She blessed me with 2 children. She's independent, strong and beautiful. Sometimes I wish I could give all those beautiful feelings back.
You're enough, love.
She always says. With so much love in her eyes.

We raised our children well and even got married after Y/N second pregnancy with our son. Nayu has just become 15 years old and she's still as sweet as she always has been. Her younger brother Jaemin is now 11 years old and seems to be a mini me while Nayu is more like her mum.
We sat on the table, eating breakfast as suddenly the doorbell rang. I stood up to open the door just to face a young boy around Nayu's age. A weird and bad feeling grew surrounded my stomach.
"Hello mister. By any chance, is Nayu there?"

Your POV
I quickly stood up to save this young boy from my husband's death glares. To be honest I know that guy. Nayu already told me about her boyfriend Hyejoon. But she was scared to tell Jungkook because he's too overprotective. I don't blame her but I also want her to trust her dad.
"Come in.", I said to the guy.
"It's early in the morning do you want to eat breakfast with us?", I asked him while leading him to the kitchen.
As soon as Nayu saw her boyfriend she blushed.
"My dear, would you please tell me who this guy is and why Nayu's blushing?", Jungkook hissed into my ear. Out of instinct I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.
"Stay calm okay. It's important for our daughter."
Even though I could feel him calm down, he still watched the younger sitting next to our beloved daughter, his eyes not leaving him once. When Jaemin gave the guy a fistbump he seemed to understand.
"Don't tell me..."
I nodded.
"Dad. This is Hyejoon.", Nayu introduced her boyfriend. "He's my..."
"Don't say it."
"He's my boyfriend."
Jungkook sighed.
Even though I know how my husband feels I have to admit that Hyejoon seems to be a good guy. And we have to let our daughter go someday.
"Honey, look. She grew up to a young beautiful woman. Don't blame this guy.", I said.
"I promise to take good care of Nayu.", Hyejoon added.
"What time does she has to be home?"
Jungkook's really gonna test him?
"7 PM."
"What do you do when someone tries to attack you?"
"Don't start a fight, stay close to Nayu and call you for help instead of playing the hero."
"Where are the two of you allowed to go?"
"Only Nayu's house and the city."
"Damn he's good."
"Thank you Sir."
Jungkook threw him a look. But then he smiled.
"Call me Mister Jeon instead. You have my trust young guy. But I warn you, one wrong move and it's over."
Nayu seemed pretty much satisfied with her Dad's answer and even Jaemin smiled at the young couple.

The End

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