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WARNING: this chapter contains fluff scenes!

Your POV
I woke up realizing that I wasn't in my bed. Panic surrounded me and I quickly looked around. It sure looked luxurious. The bed I was sleeping on, was big enough for 2 people. But I was alone.
"Where am I?", I asked myself in confusion.
I checked the clock on my phone and it was 10AM in the morning.
Rubbing my forehead, I tried to bring back some memories from yesterday night. I remember Jin inviting all of us to eat at his restaurant. After that... After that?
I decided to stand up to look around.
I went to the stairs, making sure that I don't make any noises, just in case someone dangerous could be around. God knows what my drunk self did yesterday.
Suddenly I heard someone snoring, as I quietly went downstairs. I stopped, unsure if I really should go downstairs.
Common you cry baby. You would have been dead already if you were with a killer.
I gulped and went downstairs to a huge living room. I followed the snores which were coming from the couch in front of me.
"Don't make any noises now.", I whispered to myself as I learned over to check who it was.
And... trust me. I was so ashamed of the view of a half naked Jungkook, sleeping soundly, looking like an angel. Well at least his face was angelic but his muscular body told me something different...
My face turned red. Dark red. Even though it wasn't right, I kept staring. I mean... who wouldn't at this view...
My feet somehow managed to walk closer to him as I admired his sleeping face. It was so calm and his little snores were so adorable. BUT THEN! Destiny decided to give me a slap in the face and I kicked the edge of the table, loosing my balance.
Everything went slow motion. All J could hear was the little "blump" Jungkook and my body made when I fell on him. He inhaled as if he was about to drown.
Then he looked down at my face which must have been even more red than before (if that was even possible?). His reaction was everything but obvious. His face seemed confused at first but then he smirked at me.
Now I was the one who was confused here. His strong arms were around me, holding me. Each of my hands were next to his head and a few strands of my hair were tickling his cheeks.
"Good morning, Y/N."
His raspy morning voice gave me chills.
"G-good morning."
Noone decided to leave this position. We didn't even think about it. He just smirked at me while I tried my best to stop blushing.
"Y/N... I was just thinking... Didn't this happen before? In kindergarten on our first sleepover?", he chuckled. The memories came back, flashing in my mind. I laughed a little.
"Yes. But back then you weren't half naked."
After saying that my eyes went wide.
"Oh my god.", I said and quickly crawled back to the end of the couch, staring to another direction.
"Get on some clothes!", I yelled, while covering my eyes.

Jungkook POV
As soon as she went down, it was getting a little bit cold. I was disappointed because I wanted her to be close to me for a little longer.
"Get on some clothes!", she yelled. I smiled at her. It's cute how she was getting nervous even though she already saw me like this when we went to the beach. We even took a bath together when we were little.
I just stood up and went upstairs to my room, to get some clothes.
"Uhm, Kookie?", she yelled from downstairs.
I stopped at her calling me by my nickname. For some reason my heart started pounding and I could feel the heat in my cheeks.
"What is it?", I managed to yell back.
"I was wondering if I could stay here for today? I mean we have a day off and... well I don't really feel comfortable around my neighbors. I... I mean I don't want to be a burden-"
Before she could finish the sentence I ran downstairs with wide eyes.
"You really mean that?", I asked like an excited child.
"Actually I do. I don't feel like going home, being alone all day."
She looked at me waiting for an answer.
"Wow, Jungkook! Your eyes are sparkling.", she said laughing.
I chuckled as a response.
"Of course you can stay here.", I laughed.

Your POV
It took me so much courage to ask him that. I don't even know why I wanted to stay here so badly. But when I thought about leaving it made me sad. I didn't want to leave yet. And his reaction was priceless. He seemed like a child that just got a lot of sweets or something.
"Are you hungry? I can make breakfast.", he asked, going away. I decided to follow him.
"I am always hungry."
We entered the kitchen. He went to the fridge while I said down on the kitchen counter, dangling my feet while watching him.
"Cornflakes?", he asked.
"Yummy.", I responded.
We just said down in front of each other, eating breakfast while having a nice chat.
"Let's play video games.", he said out of the blue.
"But I'm not that good anymore, so don't expect anything from me.", I warned him.
Of course he chose overwatch and of course he has won all the time. But it was still fun. He gave me tips how to get better. We laughed a lot and even talked about the good old days. Sometimes he brought snacks and drinks. Time flew by and without even realizing it, it was 6PM in the afternoon. My stomach made strange noises as a sign for hunger.
"You know what. Let's order ramen.", he said and already dialed the number.
I searched for a movie that we could watch while waiting for our food.
"I know you still love Iron Man, so I chose the newest version of it.", I said after he ordered the food. He smiled at me.
"You still know me, huh."
We made ourselves comfortable under a blanket, making sure to leave some space since we weren't a couple or something. Even though I chose the movie, I couldn't pay attention to it. I just kept looking at Jungkook through the corner of my eyes.
Hopefully he doesn't realize I'm coming closer.
My body was craving his gaze.

Jungkook POV
I didn't even pay attention to the movie. My thoughts were focused on Taehyung's words. Love is the strongest emotion. I thought a lot about today. And I knew I was still in love with her. There's no other explanation for my feelings and the way I act around her.
Since the beginning of the movie, I caught her, staring at me and moving closer. I tried my best to hold back a smile. It was good that I wasn't the only one that wanted to be close to her.
Okay Jungkook. Now or never. Trust your instincts.
I thought I should follow my heart at least this time before it's to late again. I won't do this one more time. I breathed in and faced her. She looked at me with an confused expression. Before she could ask anything, I leaned over and crashed my lips on hers. It happened faster than it should. But I couldn't hold it back anymore.
Her hands grabbed my hair and she pressed her body against mine. I understood and placed her on my lap without breaking the kiss. My mind went black and all I could think of was her soft lips and her warm body. My right hand stroked her thigh and my left hand caressed her cheek. Since she didn't reject me I decided to sink into it. My hands squeezed her butt making her gasp and I used this opportunity to slid in my tongue.

Your POV
I didn't expect this to happen. My body acted by itself. I couldn't even do anything. Nor that I wanted to do anything against it. Something was telling me that I have been waiting for this to happen. He was a good kisser and his touch made me go crazy. I wanted more. But then he broke the kiss so we both could catch our breath. We looked into each other's eyes with an intense look. He smirked at me.
"I wanted to do this for so long.", he whispered.
Ding, dong.
We turned around to the door.
"Our food arrived."

Author's note:
I have the feeling that the next chapter is going to be a smut chapter.

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