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You could clearly see the annoyance in Jungkooks eyes because of the delivery guy who destroyed our little make out session. While we were enjoying our food I couldn't stop thinking about something that kept bothering me ever since the kiss.
We are idols. Are we allowed to date? I mean of course we are allowed to date. But what happens afterwards? A lot of fans would be disappointed and I know they'd lose so many fans. But not only them, me too! And I just started with my career. I kept munching my noodles while I tried my best not to make it obvious that all this doesn't seem right to me.

Jungkook POV
I know I shouldn't have done this. I know my responsibilities very well and I also know that it's dangerous for me as an idol to have a relationship. But I didn't care. I am also just a human. Who cares about those fake fans that will unfollow us because of this? I looked at her and I knew she was worried.
"What's wrong?", I asked.
"It's just... No, I can't say it.", she sighed.
Immediately I put everything out of hand and turned my body to face her properly.
"You can tell me. Don't you trust me?"
She thought about it for a while and then put down her food as well, to face me.
"I... I mean. We're idols right? And, I know it's foolish to say so but-"
I cut her off.
"I know what you want to say. But Y/N? Have you ever been wondering about what you want?"

Your POV
What I want?
I looked at him, directly in the eyes.
"Uhm... I don't know."
He shook his head and came closer. Right in that moment I pressed my lips together and held my breath. Our faces were now just a few inches apart.
"What is it that you want? What is your heart saying?", he says.
His thumb stroke my lower lip and he stares directly at my lips. I looked at his face. I've always been in love with him. But after my parents divorced and my career ended... I ran away. From all my problems.
He held my chin and lifted it up.
Through the time I traveled around the world, I repressed all my worries and with that, my memories as well. But I always knew something was missing.
His lips pressing against mine brought me back to reality. A bittersweet one. I didn't deny it, I wanted this. So I moved forward to sit on his lap once again. 
This time I won't run away from my problems and fears.
Suddenly my phone rang.
No, this can't be happening now. Why now!?
I checked the ID and it was Taehyung.
"What is it Tae?"
"Y/N, where are you? I'm waiting in front of your door but you won't open it."
I couldn't hold back my laughter.
"I'm with Jungkook.", I answered.
"Oh you are- wait... Oh my gawd! Did you finally confess???"
I looked at Jungkook who turned red.
"Oooohhh! I understand. Sorry for interrupting you~", he said and I could literally hear his smirk. I threw the phone on the table.
"Who cares."
After that I kissed Jungkook again. This time with more passion.
His hands were resting on my waist while I tried to unbotton his shirt.
The room was filled with heavy breaths and kissing sounds as we continued our make out session.
We broke the kiss to catch our breath.
"I want this.", I whispered.
Jungkook looked at me.
"I want to wake up in your arms, watching your angelic resting face. I want to cook you meals, I want to go on stage with you and dance. I want to be free with you. Yeah, maybe... maybe I also want kids with you and show them their 6 crazy uncles. But... but I want to be with you. I always wanted to be with you. I was just scared. And I've realized that I feel safe with you.", I confessed and with every word I spoke, his smile grew bigger.
He leaned his forehead against mine.
"Did you know that I was in love with you ever since I saw you?", he asked with a small chuckle. "I told Taehyung so many times but I was scared to tell you. The day you left was the day I wanted to confess to you. I won't ever let you go. Not again.", he whispered.
"Awww, you guys are so sweet yet so dirty.", I could hear Taehyungs voice coming from my phone. My eyes almost fell out of my head.
"Taehyung! You pervert!", I yelled but he just chuckled.
"I'm so happy that you both finally confessed. God I was so tired of your 'I love her but I'm so scared to tell her' and 'I would kiss his handsome face if I wasn't that scared'.", he imitated us. We both were blushing now.
"Well then, thank you for always being such a good friend and always listening to us. But we need our time now. Byeee~", I said and quickly hung up.
Without telling any details, that night got to be the most beautiful night I could ever ask for. It was intense and with that all my fears about losing my career again, were finally blown away. Who really cares about fame if you have your one and true love?
The next morning I woke up in his strong muscular arms. He was already awake, smiling at me.
"Good morning, love."
I yawned him a good morning and stroked his messed up hair.
"We should get up soon or we'll be late for work.", he said.
"Where's the bathroom? I'd like to take a shower.", I said.
"Right there."
He pointed at the door which was on the other side of the room. I wanted to get up but then I realized I was still naked.
Jungkook smirked.
"You don't need to hide. Last night I saw every inch of your body."
My jaw dropped and I slapped his arm.
"Just saying. Just saying."
I rolled my eyes and got up. Of course he was staring with that dirty smirk in his face.
"Do you want me to join later?", he laughed.
"Please don't. Unless we need to take a shower after the shower.", I said and quickly went to the bathroom.

Jungkook POV
While she was taking a shower, I packed a few things for our dance practice today. She came back with wet hair and a shirt of mine.
"I need to go home, to grab a few things because I have nothing to wear here.", she said.
"Why? My shirt suits you very well and I can borrow you my sweatpants for dance practice.", I responded.
"Kookie, I don't have a bra on and that would be very uncomfortable during dance practices."
A smirk grew on my face.
"I don't mind."
"Really Jungkook? You don't mind the others getting horny by some wiggling breasts? Well I do.", she replied and my smirk faded at rhe thought.
"Fine, I'll bring you home. But we need to hurry."
She nodded.
We drove to her apartment and she didn't take long to get dressed and come back so we could drive to BigHit entertainment.
Today should be the day of the first dance practice together with Y/N. I didn't tell her yet because I wanted it to be a surprise for her. But when I entered the changing room where the other guys were changing already, I knew something was different.

Authors note:
This fanfiction is still too young for a smut chapter but I will write one. Maybe... XD
Any wishes for this fanfiction?

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