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MATURE CONTENT WARNING! [16+ bc this author is too embarrassed to write compete smut]

I stood there, completely naked, skin wet from the warm water I was taking a shower with. It took Jungkook quite a while to realize what was going on.
"Honey could you please..."
"If I hadn't been worried all day, I'd do something else than just staring at you right now.", he said before licking his lips.
"Jungkook!", I hissed and slapped his arm.
He grinned and left the bathroom.
Because I didn't want to let him wait any longer, I hurried up and quickly wrapped myself in a towel before rushing to our bedroom. Jungkook was already waiting there texting his Hyungs.
"So why are you here?" And why did you pull away the shower curtains like a needy dog.
"You didn't reply to any messages I sent you. I thought you collapsed or something."
I rolled my eyes.
"Kookie, I can take care of myself, you know? Also I already told you that I was fine but you just didn't believe me."
"Yeah well I mean, you've vomited everything from the last two weeks. As if there was no tomorrow."
"Uhm, okay. Let's just... let's just forget about that. I'm fine as you can see."
He nodded twice before standing up.
"Do you have to leave again?"
For some reason I didn't want him to leave now. A huge feeling of stress and exhaustion overwhelmed me and hit me like a truck.
"Since I borrowed Jin's car, I should at least bring it back to him."
"Let me come with you I'm bored.
He thought about it for a moment but then he said yes and we went outside to Jin's car.

Jungkook POV
When the two of us arrived, all of my friends greeted Y/N as if they hadn't seen her for years. At first it didn't really bother me. Actually we just wanted to bring the car back and then walk back home. But they somehow started having long conversations and fooled around, while drinking a little bit alcohol. Usually we don't drink the day before having a concert but I guess today they made an exception. After a few drinks I caught Jimin flirting with Y/N... Several times... He even moved closer and closer towards Y/N, while they were talking. She didn't even realize it, she just continued talking. I tried to keep up a conversation with Namjoon so I won't make it that obvious that I was jealous. I mean they are just friends so there's no need to worry about it, right? But then Jimin placed a hand on her knee, just at the moment when I was peeking over, to check up on them. And that's when I lost my patience.
"Let's leave Y/N.", I said after standing up. Without waiting for her answer I grabbed her hand, waving goodbye to everyone and left, dragging her with me.
Y/N didn't say a word until we went outside. It's already gotten dark outside and the air has become a bit cold.
"What's wrong, Kookie?", she asked.
"So you really didn't realize it, huh?"
"Realize what?"
"Jimin was obviously flirting with you! He even placed his hand on your leg! How can you not realize that?"
"Jungkook we're just friends. I don't want anything from him."
"Yeah, but maybe he does want something from you. We also started off as 'just friends'. Except I'm the only one who's allowed to touch you."

Your POV
I didn't fight back anymore. He is right somewhere. Who wouldn't be jealous after seeing their partner being do close with someone else? I just didn't think of it like that during the conversation with Jimin. While we were walking back home, we kept silent. Until I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. He didn't look at me but I noticed a smile forming on his lips. A few minutes later we were already back at home.
Don't ask me what brought me to do it but I stepped in front of Jungkook and smashed my lips on his. It could be because of the alcohol or my hormones were confused because of the huge amount of stress lately but all that didn't matter at this moment. The only thing that mattered were his lips hungrily sucking on my bottom lip. Thousands of butterflies flew through my stomach after he playfully bit my lower lip. Without interrupting our passionate make out session, he lifted my up and opened the door, then shutting it with his foot. He stumbled forwards and threw the two of us on the couch. Each of his hands placed next to my head, pinning me on the couch. We didn't try to catch our breath for too long before making out again. I felt his lips wandering down to my neck and without planning it, a loud moan left mine. Jungkook just grinned and started sucking on my neck, leaving almost purple marks. I could feel the heat in my face. The room was filled with heavy breaths but after a couple of seconds I didn't hear anything but Jungkook's lips kissing my neck. My mind went blank. It's almost scary how his kiss affects me. Once again he lifted up his head just to look at me with a cocky smirk.
"We should sleep, you know?", he said teasingly.
What?! He can't expect me to sleep now.
"Who cares?", I replied and pulled him closer to my face again. But he wasn't close enough to kiss me. It made me impatient. I needed him right now and he knew it.
"I didn't know you were into teasing.", I mumbled still staring atvhis lips. He chuckles which was giving me goosebumps.
Well, two can play this game.
With that I turned us around so that I was on top of him, my legs around his tiny waist and my hands pinning down his broad shoulders. He was surprised by my actions and looked at me with wide eyes. I didn't give him the time to say anything before crashing my lips on his again while trying to undress him. Jungkook just went along with it and did the same. I could feel his erection grow bigger any second we continued making out.
"Y/N, Y/N wait...", he breathed out when I interrupted our kiss again to catch our breaths one more time.
"Are you sure, I mean tomorrow's the concert and we need to sle-"
"Kookie please. Let's just have a little fun. We need this."
He knew I was right. The past couple of weeks we didn't even have half an hour a day to spend time with each other.
So why not using the time now? Jungkook agreed by just giving me the best night I could have, the day before our concert.

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