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Your POV
After changing I went to Bang-PD's office because he asked me to have a talk with him. Nervousness surrounded me as I opened the door to his office.
"Ah, Y/N. There you are. Please, come in and have a seat.", he said, friendly as always.
I nodded and sat down on the chair in front of him.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
"Indeed, Y/N. Well, I have a surprise for you and I'm sure you will like it."
"So? What is it?"
"I'm planning a collaboration with BTS and you." He looked at me waiting for my reaction. I tried my best to seem surprised.
"Whaat? Really? I feel honored."
His smile disappeared.
"Jimin told you, am I right?"
I bit my lower lip and looked down.
"I can't believe it.", he chuckled.
"But I really am excited and I will work hard, I promise."
"I know you will."
We smiled at each other.
"So. The guys are waiting for you to come to the dance practice room. Today will be your first practice together."

Jungkook POV
Y/N didn't come right away so I guess she had a meeting with our manager. Since we didn't have any songs prepared yet, there wasn't anything we could dance to. So we were just fooling around while the cameramen followed us.
Namjoon and J-Hope even talked to the camera (and with that to our fans) and Jin filmed himself eating once again. I joined Yoongi who was sitting in front of Jin, stealing his food.
"Yah! This is mine! Get yourself some food!", Jin yelled, slapping Yoongis hand.
"Aish!",Yoongi hissed.
I laughed at their interactions.
"Awh. You guys would make a perfect couple." They both glared at me.
Just in time, Y/N came in. Immediately one of the cameramen rushed over to her. She was surprised at first but instantly talked to her fans through the camera.
"Today will be my first day working and practicing with BTS. We already know each other very well but we've never worked together. Let's see how it turns out.", she explained with a cheerful smile.
Before I could go over to her, Namjoon has already reached her and led her to the recording room.
"Ouh. Is our baby Kookie jealous?", Jin teased me after he saw me staring at Namjoon's hand which is dragging Y/N.
"Why would I be jealous?"
"Because she's your girlfriend."
"How do you-"
"We tickled Tae until he spit it out.", Yoongi said. "It was obvious that there was something going on between the two of you. Ah, you grew up so fast."
I could feel my ears turning red but I laughed it off.
"So guys!", J-Hope yelled. "Let's get warmed up! Today will be a hard day."

Your POV
"What about this?", I asked as I played the melody I just created. He swung his head along to the melody and nodded a few times.
"Woah! This is amazing Y/N. Wait let me add something."
He sat down with his headset on and added a few things on the big screen.
After he finished he gave me the headset and played the melody again. I closed my eyes.
"My god, this is amazing. And ut took us only 3 hours!", I said.
"Yeah, but that's just one song at it isn't even completed yet. We still have to write the lyrics, make a choreography an-", I interrupted him by putting my finger on his lips.
"Let me just enjoy this little success."
He replied with a smile. We went back to the dancing room which was now filled with heavy breathing and sweating people.
"Guess what.", I said out loud.
Everyone turned their heads to us.
"We finished the melody.", Namjoon added.
"Perfect! J-Hope and Jimin also had some great ideas for a choreography.", Taehyung replied.
It was strange because usually you don't work separated. You actually start with a song and then you finish the rest. But our collaboration has to be something special. Something new. And how do you create something new without experimenting?
After those 3 hours of constant work, we decided to take at least a 7 minute break. The guys had a look at their phones, took selfies or started talking to the camera again.
I wanted to go over to Jungkook but I wasn't sure if I could hold myself back from touching or pecking him. Showing off our relationship could be a risk, as long as the cameras are around. So I went over to Taehyung and Jimin, who were taking selfies.
When Jimin was about to take the selfie, I quickly rushed to them and photo bombed the two of them.
"Hey, I was about to take a selfie."
Jimin looked at the photo and laughed.
"I won't delete this! Y/N, your face looks hilarious!", Jimin suddenly yelled.
"Heyy, delete it!"
He ran away as I tried to reach the phone, so I could delete this embarrassing photo. We kept fooling around through the whole break until Namjoon clapped into his hands.
"Okay guys, let's now focus on work again!"
He waited until we all calmed down and went over to him.
"So I will show you guys the melody. After that Yoongi, V and Jin are coming with me to write the lyrics for this song. Meanwhile the rest performances a choreography to the melody. It doesn't have to be perfect yet, just that we have a few ideas. Whdn the first song is finished, we will combine everything and create a proper choreo which os based on the ideas. Any questions?"
We shook our heads.
"Great, then. Fighting!"
Even though we had a lot of time, we acted as if we were in a hurry. It definitely took us longer to find ideas and tell the cameramen what se were doing.
"So I came up with this idea.", I held a piece of paper in front of the camera, so my fans could see what I drew for the choreo. "But J-Hope doesn't fully agree to it, so we still discuss about what's probably missing.", I added and focused on the group again.
While everyone tried to come up with new ideas, I took a few glances at Jungkook and caught him glaring at me with an angry face expression.
What's wrong? Is he mad? But what did I do to make him be mad?
The whole time I tried to figure out what could have been wrong. But after a few minutes of thinking too hard about, I decided to just secretly ask him.
"Jungkook.", I hissed to his direction but he didn't hear me. I tried to get his attention by making some noises like whistling or yawning but no reaction.
Is he really just ignoring me?!!
"I have an idea!", he said to J-Hope.
"A partner dance! Look... we're gonna take this part and there we'll add a partner dance in the middle while the others-"
"And they build a circle while -"
"And then-"
He stopped talking and looked at J-Hope who was interrupting him, repeatedly.
"That idea is amazing."
(time jump)
We finished our work quickly. Namjoon thanked us for our hard work and we thanked him. Some were even talking to the cameras while walking to the changing rooms. So was Jungkook. I needed to talk to him but I couldn't since he was right in front of the camera. I sighed as I followed him with my eyes. Then I turned around and walked over to my changing room.
"Oh, they added a mirror here? Okay, nice.", I said as I saw the little mirror on the wall. While fixing my hair and makeup I hummed the new melody I created with Namjoon earlier. Afterwards I took off my shirt and sat down on the bench,tilting my head back and closing my eyes.
"What did I do wrong?"
I opened my eyes and suddenly, out of nowhere, someone slammed the door open.
"Oh my - sorry I didn't want it to be that harsh."
His familiar voice calmed me a bit after the little shock.
It was Jungkook. He look at me and his eyes widened.
"You uhm... I... er... I should... nice bra?" His cheeks turned light pink and he covered his eyes with his hand.
"Really, Kookie?"
"You know what?? Actually I wanted to talk to you, Y/N."
"Oh wow, welcome to the club, Mister I'll-ignore-you-for-no-specific-reason."
"No specific... Y/N listen. You were the one clinging to Jimin during the whole freaking break and didn't even look at me for once!"
I was about to fire back until I realized what he has said. My lips curled up in a smirk.
"Look who's jealous.", I chuckled.
"Y/N, I'm not -"
"DON'T even try." I hold up a finger and he stared at it.
"You know what I love you means? It means I trust you, I want to be with you and that for as long as possible."
He looked at me again, ignoring the fact that I was half naked.
"Y/N, I'm -"
"No, don't say you're sorry. Just trust your goddamn girlfriend and give me a kiss already."
He smiled.
"Yea but first, get dressed. Unless I will do more than just kiss you."

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