chapter 2(edited)

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3 days after Shigaraki "adopted" Izuku...

So the group has been taking care of Izuku quite well if you don't include that time that Toga wanted to stab the poor child because he quote-unquote "looked yummy".

An hour later they went to go get a bunch of things for the newborn like All for One suggested.

They managed to become a big topic on the news.

Now when they went to the mall Kurogiri said he will be waiting for them in the back. It was stupid enough that the only way they were recognized was because of that incident, not to mention someone managed to take a picture of them while they were running with a cart full of baby supplies.

But that's not the point, okay?

Right now Shigaraki is trying to calm the child because he started crying once he saw All for One.

The symbol of evil decided to see the child in person because he only managed to see him through a screen, not to mention his cheeks looked soft and squishy.

He visited and that brings us to what is happening right now.

Izuku won't stop uncontrollably crying, Dabi won't stop laughing at his reaction and All for One won't stop crying because Tomura isn't letting him hold the child.

Shigaraki managed to get the child to stop crying but that isn't stopping the fact that Izuku is literally looking at him with the most disgusted face.

Now Kurogiri is there in a corner watching over them while reading a book and sipping tea. Yes, he has to watch over a man that is almost 200 years old.

Shigaraki is now trying to convince Izuku to let the "immortal" man hold him. The child complied and is now being pampered by All for One.

Izuku finally accepted All's love and started giggling when All started tickling him.

Toga quickly fished out her phone and took a picture. She has social media, she may be a villain but she likes to keep up with all the new trends. The only reason she is popular there is that she is known to be the only villain to use social media like a normal person and not be creepy. Even though she likes to tell stories about her murders sometimes.

She posted the picture.

It consisted of All for One tickling the small child while grinning a grin that didn't look scary, a little laughing baby, Tomura in the background looking like he was having a panic attack, Kurogiri reading a book, Himiko's face on the bottom corner and Dabi in a ball in a dark corner.

Toga uploaded the picture to Instagram with the caption: 'Master came to visit Izu~chan!'

It went viral.

And Tomura got mad.

You can pretend he sat her in a chair and had a calm and collected conversation with her.


The UA staff were having a meeting about the picture that was posted by Toga.

"The league has a child on their hands, what if the child grows to become a villain like his caretakers?" asked the principal, with a serious face, only seen when something is extremely serious. Which is rarely ever seen.

The air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"There could be a possibility that the child is being held captive." Stated Aizawa while looking at the others with the same look that the principal has.

"But the child seems to be happy, he is giggling Aizawa," said Yamada looking worried, a look was rarely seen since he appears to be always joyful.

Nemuri looked up from her hands which were tucked underneath the table is followed by her gaze and said ''He is right Aizawa, we can't jump to conclusions." with a look close to the one Hizashi was making.

Ectoplasm finally said something, he was spacing out "Nemuri is right Aizawa, the child could be the actual child from someone in the group."

"the guy with the blue hair does look worried about the child in All for One's arms" Power loader stated while taking a sip from the teacup offered to him.

"Right, but let's not let our guard down, you are dismissed" stated Nedzu.

The staff quickly filed out after hearing his signal to leave.


The league was looking at the little green bean sleeping on the couch. All the years All for One has been alive never once has he felt his heart squeeze like this. He thought he couldn't even feel the emotion of love.

The only thing that could describe how cute this kid looked like was a little puppy curled up in a ball sleeping peacefully.




Tomura thinks he can die happy now, he thanks whatever god up there for letting him see this little child. If this is a dream, please don't wake him up, that would be cruel.

Dabi is looking like he just saw a million bucks, and that look on his face is very creepy and doesn't belong there. Not that he minds, he literally feels blessed.

Shigaraki got out of his daze and shooed everyone around Izuku and started carrying him to his room.

You know Izuku does not have a room of his own, they can't give the child a room just yet, maybe when he grows old enough he can get a room of his own, just not yet.

Tomura placed the child down on his bed and started changing into his sleepwear, he turned around, grabbed the child, lay down on the bed with him curled up in his arms and fell asleep.


This was edited.

Word count:949

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