chapter 3(edited)

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So a few months have passed since the child was taken in by the league.

He... grew to say the least.

Exactly 9 months have passed and he turned out to be more adorable than he was when they took him in.

His hair grew and the green at the tips is a lot more noticeable than before. His eyes are a bit bigger and they are brighter, the gold in them is more noticeable now. His freckles are darker and more of them appeared on his skin.

He was beautiful, to say the least.

Right now they are trying to get Izuku to walk since he already learned how to crawl.

"Come to daddy Izu!"

"No! Come to auntie Toga Izu~chan!"

"Come here, come here you adorable piece of shit."

"Dabi, please do not call Izuku a piece of shit."

Guess how that is going.

Izuku slowly started to get up. He first put his little arms on the floor, then put his legs so that they are balancing.

Toga got her phone out and Kurogiri got the camera.

"Yes, yes, now walk over to me Izuku!"

"Walk over to me Izu!"

"No, you piece of shit, not to Tomura, to me!"

Izuku got up, looked around then started walking over to Shigaraki. He was crying with happiness.

"Yes! Oh my god, yes Izu you make daddy proud!"

"That sounded so bad Tomura."

"Shut up Dabi, look how cute he looks walking over to his daddy!"

Izuku finally made it all the way to Tomura and waddled to his lap. Shigaraki quickly put his head down, put kisses all over his face and held him tight.

"Shigaraki you're decaying his clothes."

"Oh my gosh, I 'msosorryIzukuitwasamistakeididn'tmeant-"

Izuku looked up and smiled at him shutting him up.

"I-is okay d-daddy."

Everyone snapped their attention to the small child after hearing him talk.

"Oh my gosh, Izuku say To-"

"No don't say Toga says Dabi, Daaabiii."

"Izuku say Kuro~Kuro if you say it I will give you a treat."

Izuku started giggling and started reaching for Tomura's hand.

"No, don't grab it, you'll die."

"Shigaraki please don't phrase it like that, Izuku if you grab it you'll get a very big boo-boo"

After hearing that he stopped reaching for his hand. Toga ran over to Izuku and picked him up twirling him in the air. He giggled loudly sticking his tongue out and making airplane noises.

Dabi got up from the floor and walked over to Toga twirling Izuku. He picked up Izuku from her grasp, put him down a floor and started tickling him on the sides.

All for one came on the television placed in the middle of the room. He was about to say something when he realized that they all looked happy. Even Dabi which is rare. He coughed and immediately they all looked at him, awaiting their master's words.

"You all look happy, what happened?"

"Izu~Chan learned how to walk! he also said his first words!"

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